Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I caved. I bought my beloved sonic Diet Dr Pepper today after a heavy struggle with the demon and angel that permanently live on my shoulders. It wasn't that I had a head ache. It wasn't that I was grumpy. It wasn't that I needed it. I just wanted it. And it makes me happy. Soda, I know to some people it just sounds ridiculous. I know I am capable of not drinking it. I stopped for almost a year breast feeding my son. It irritated his stomach and I cold turkey quit. But I missed it all the time and I wanted it. And I have decided to stop announcing and even stop thinking about quitting drinking it. I like it. It makes me happy. And I am healthy in so many other ways. I am not going to pressure myself to let go of it. I am going to hold strong to my eating healthy and clean, and if I am perfect for the day allowing a Skinny Cow or other 100 calorie or so treat. Soda and me are friends. I just need to stop fighting it. I burned 800 cals tonight between my shoulder workout and bootcamp. It.Was.Bumpin. I had to take a recovery for a few minutes it was so hardcore. Second time ever that has happened. It was cRaAzY!! But a fun class with some new people and a lot of my oldies too. I love my bootcampers!

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