Sunday, January 31, 2010

26 days

I just pulled my January calander off the fridge today and counted up my workouts.

26 workouts since January 1st!

Not to shabby, since there were only 31 days. That's five days of rest, one of them happens to be today because my body was screaming "GIVE ME A BREAK TODAY LADY!!!"

And, I haven't had a diet soda in about three months. But, I still really miss it and I am thinking really hard about jumping back on the diet dr pepper band wagon. What do you think? How bad can it really be? I think, that because I don't get my sugar fix from it, I eat more other sugar. Husband says I am just trying to justify a bad habit, and he might be right. But I really really really love diet dr pepper and I miss it a whole whole whole lot!

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