Dear Body,
Im sorry I talked so mean to you yesterday. I shouldn't have, but you kinda gave me a complex. Here I have been working out so hard, and eating less unhealthy food, thinking you are going to drop some weight... and you throw me a curve ball and gain almost a pound. I feel a little better today, not quite so fiesty with you so I thought I would let you know.
I can feel you getting stronger. I am thankful to you for that. I wanted to say thanks for all you do for me really. I mean you carry me around everywhere and anywhere I feel like going. Though knees, sometimes you protest a little... and I can't say I blame you... I know its not a tiny amount of weight to carry. You let me push you to the max, like I did today. I know you wanted to stop at 2 miles, but you kept going for me til 3. I was really proud of us. I mean, it was half you body, but the other half was definitly brain. My brain wanted to stop right along side you, but you both put up with me and went a little further. Thanks for that. You have given me two beautiful kids, body. I know that was no easy task to go through 18 months of pregnant heck, and then a few hours of labor to get those kids here. It was rough, but you pulled through for me and we made some really great munchkins.
You may not be the skinniest body, but you are a healthy, strong body. You put up with me, when I fill you up with crappy food, and then when I take you to the gym to repent. You really have done so much for me.
I promise to be a little nicer. Treat you a little better now. I promise to talk a little nicer, and be a little more thankful for all that you do.
Your Owner
Ps. maybe you could just hook me up with a big weight loss for the next few weeks, I mean, we are trying to win some cash here!!
We’re (Likely!) Going Out of Business Sale
1 month ago
Funny yet true!
Teri! I just love you! I love your letter, I think I will write one to my own body. :) And way to go on 25 workouts! That is amazing! You rock. I just heard something about diet soda, can't remember, I'm going to ask Todd. But what about having it just every Sat. or something like that? I have a question, I have some great workout music, you'd probably laugh though, mostly 80's :) eye of the tiger, flashdance. Stop laughing at me! Anyway, maybe you could ask everyone to tell their favorite work out songs! I need a new one or two, I'm getting bored. I think I've learned music is the key for me, so if anyone has any great song-share! Ones that make you want to dance! :) Thanks again for all this Teri! It helps alot! You're awesome. happy day!
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