Sunday, January 29, 2012

Things have got to change

I have mentioned a few times about my amazing stud of a husband, and my two adorable little monkeys... my daughter is 4 and my bubba boy is 2.

My husband has always been really health conscious and at times has been over baring and obnoxious about his health desires for himself and for me. I have grown to ignore his obnoxiousness and have even changed over the past almost 10 years into a smaller version of him. Kind of.

Anyway, I used to eat McDonalds and Taco Bell and ice cream... like maybe a lot. He didn't really approve or appreciate this. I don't think he appreciated the cost of it, and I know he didn't appreciate me feeding my body crap food. He sorta practices and has always believed "you look a lot like what you eat."

The kids, have been fairly good eaters from the get go. As I have evolved into a pretty much health nut like my husband, I have still allowed the kids to teeter in both lands. The healthy lane (Eat this veggie and you can have that brownie when you are done), and the fast food lane.

I read a blog (can't find it now) and thought the woman was nuts. She was wigging out over the babysitter feeding her kid some McDonalds (He was three and never had fast food). Really? Is it that big of a deal? I was going to post how I thought she was a bit of a crazy lady last week, but then I thought better of it. She is incredibly fit, and obviously an incredibly nutritious eater... why would I judge her for that? I am sure she doesn't give a crap that I sometimes drive through the take out window and pick up something for the kids, while I waite til I get home for something nutritious.

I admit, I have thought about her blog several times since reading it.

I read another blog, the one where I got the sex topic, and she had said that her family is fairly frugal and spend a rather modest amount on groceries each month. She said her kids eat what they eat, and she doesn't buy sugary drinks or treats at the store. Kids have resisted but after going to bed hungry a couple of times, they have learned to eat what is made for dinner.

Can I just tell you that I have been making two different dinners for, like a year, most nights? My kids love fruits and vegetables, but their idea of protein is a turkey dog or chicken nuggets from Costco. I felt guilty making them eat a boneless skinless chicken breast and vegetables for dinner just because the man and I were. They have come quite accustomed to this, and will turn down breakfast or dinner, knowing that I will rescue them with a snack later. Even though the snack is usually a healthy option (greek yogurt, apple with peanut butter, rice cakes etc.), they know it will be there so they refuse my________ (Tacos, chicken breast, spaggetti etc).

Tonight we had a beautiful dinner prepared for us at their grandparents. Yummy roast, an amazing salad, and nutritious rice. They would have no part of it. Fine, I allowed it, but wouldn't let them have dessert when all the other kids were eating brownies.

Two minutes after we got in the car my 4 year old says, "call dad and ask him to make our dinner."

"Are ya freakin kidding me?" Seriously, 20 minutes ago that beautiful dinner right on a plate in front of her.

I put my foot down. No, I would not be making another dinner, neither would dad. And no, there would be no snacks before bed. And in the morning, they can choose to eat oatmeal, yogurt or eggs and if they want to skip that meal as well, so be it. But I am done feeding two seperate meals twice a day.

The law has been laid and we are all going to eat healthy. McDonalds chicken nuggets aren't healthy for me, and I am not even growing anymore. So why on earth would I fill my kids up on them and have them become addicted to a place that is contributing to the childhood obesity rate? I will not anymore.

What do you do? What do your kids eat? Do you trick them? Cuz I do feel pretty tricky when I give them a milk shake (protein powder, milk, spinach and berries). What is your stance?


Donloree said...

Love this! I don't have kids so there are no rules at my house, but having the kids learn to eat healthy and what everyone else is eating will serve them well their whole lives.

Anonymous said...

You shouldnt feel 'guilty' for making your kids eat a grilled chicken breast, nor should you feel badly for making them go to bed 'hungry' - lets be realistic, our children dont really know HUNGER - and feeding them a good nutritious chicken breast is hardly depriving them of anything!!! I think feeding them junk food is depriving them (-:
I'm proud of you for taking control of your household and fixing one healthy meal, they will get used to it - not only that you are giving them a gift of healthy eating that will last a LIFE TIME. Best gift a parent can give a child IMO.
Good work girl!

Teri said...

thanks for the support friends!! I think finding the balance of teaching them to eat healthy and exercise for a healthy body while enjoying a treat from time to time is hard to find. I do feel more focused on this now than I have been able to be, before. As I have evolved into more of a fitminded person my capabilities to lead my children in the right direction have sharpened.
It's important to teach them when they are young, oppose to waiting for the day my 4 year old comes home and tells me she is "fat". I know it will come, because it did for me and I think I was 6 or 7 years old. sad :o(
I want the focus on healthy lifestyle, not on correcting a distorted body image at a young age.