Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Work It Work It

Good job this week-- everyone but one weighed in and had a loss I believe! It is hard to lose weight and it is hard to maintain weight loss so pat yourself on the back!

That being said, I am gonna go a lil "Jillian Michaels, sensored" on you for a second.

If you are commited to getting rid of this extra weight. If you are tired of looking in the mirror and being sad about what you see. If you are tired of your clothes fitting tight, or not fitting at all. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired.


You have to make lasting changes. Like the post April posted, it takes 6 weeks to drop 5 lbs, and it takes one day to gain it all back plus some. You HAVE to make small changes you can maintain.

The get in shape girl taught me about rules she made for herself. One of hers was, "I do not buy candy in the grocery isle at the store" so you know what? She NEVER does. She may buy a candy at the store (probably not cuz she is really lean, but she might) but it aint from the candy isle. One I made for myself is after dinner "I do not eat anything except cottage cheese or a protein shake." So I suggest you make some rules for YOURSELF that are liveable and manageable for your lifestyle.

It is hard to lose weight, but if you really want to lose weight. You just have to do it. You have to say no to "treats" more than you say yes. You have to go to the gym even when it's snowing, even when you are tired, even when you'd rather sit and watch Grey's Anatomy. You have to make a healthy dinner, and I say you have to make and encourage your family to eat what you are eating. Healthy food is not just for a dieter. Healthy food is a way to nourish your body and the sooner you teach your entire family how important it is to eat clean and healthy, the better the whole family will be.

So, I challenge you this week to be 100% commited. Give me 7 whole days of good, clean, nutritious food, and give me 5 workouts that are strong. If you need a cheat meal, because you have been really strict, or 7 days scares you-- take it tonight, make it one meal (make it a meal and a dessert even) and make it a good one. And then buckle the hell down tomorow morning and eat like you are eating to live, not living to eat. I say "GO BIG or GO HOME BABY!! Don't half commit, COMMIT DANGIT!! Each meal ask yourself, is this taking me closer to my healthier body, to my ideal weight? Or is it taking me further away. The holidays are over, stop making excuses.

Paula Deen anyone? I gotta post coming on that, because you know what? I have an opinion, and I think it is a good opinion. You can not feed your body crap and expect to be healthy and disease free, and I don't give a damn how much you weigh. You could be 120 lbs or 290 lbs, crappy unhealthy food WILL catch up to you, dangit.

1 comment:

The Get In Shape Girl said...

Sounds like someone has a case of "i'm tired of hearing your excuses."

I used to always wonder why Jillian was so mean and I said I could never be like her.

Then I trained a group of women during a 3 month weight loss competition at my gym.... One of them said to me the other day, "yeah, because you were definitely mean to us sometimes in our group sessions." I was!! I yelled. A LOT.

But sometimes you just so tired of hearing excuses.. you cant help it! Especially when you have been there yourself, and can look back and know you went through all that, did what it takes, and do it every single day still.

And for the record, I don't buy candy at all. Occasionally I'll have dark chocolate, but if I'm gonna have a cheat I'm not buying candy - I'm getting a whole cake!!!