Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happy People

Someone from my weight loss competition posted this the other day and I laughed hysterically!!

To quote Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde "Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy and happy people don't shoot their husbands."


So true! She was talking about her babies being sick and she hadn't been able to get to the gym until that day and she was feeling much happier since she had gotten in a sweat session.

LOVE IT. I feel like that every friggin day. For some people eating healthy and clean are super easy, but getting their butts to the gym is like getting my 2 year old to stay in his bed all night... it just aint gonna happen. But for me, I crave the gym-- and I crave cookies. :o) The biggest lesson I have learned and can teach you, and please please please just learn from me is this... YOU CAN NOT OUT TRAIN A BAD DIET!! If you could, I promise you I would have done it-- because honey, I aint gonna lie... mama is pretty freaking CARAZY in the gym.

It just doesn't equal out. You have to eat super clean, and train super hard, and rest a plenty to get lean.

So, if you don't love exercise yet- keep on a goin, as soon as it becomes a habit-- something you do everyday just like you shower, brush teeth or eat, you will realize how much you need it when bumps in the road come along and you are taken out of your routine.

Happy people exercise. Exercise makes people happy. Happy people exercise. Exercise makes people happy. (just keep chanting til you get your butt to the gym tomorow morning).

What are you doing this week to get closer to your goal?

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