Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Week One Gone

Hi Challangers!
Good work this week. Almost everyone lost that is so great. Keep your chin up if you didn't. I sometimes refer to "Scale Gods" and I will give you a little lesson on these mysterious gods that I have learned.
The scale gods are sometimes on your side. Picture it-- all week you eat healthy part time, but you indulge in everything that comes your way too. You skip a few workouts, but you make a couple too. You eat ok the day before the weigh in and you ask the scale gods to be generous. Sometimes they produce (-2!) yay! Sometimes, they do not. (Same weight, weight goes up)

Picture this. You workout all week, in fact last night you went to the best instructors class on the planet and you freaking busted your butt and you burned some MAJOR calories. You ate healthy all week, and you said no to most all treats. You get on the scale... and what does the scale gods say? They say (same weight, or plus 1)

Picture this. You work out all week, you eat whatever the heck you want and you know that the scale gods are going to be brutal in the morning. So brutal you really think about using this as your ONE missed weigh in. It's gonna be ugly and you don't want to face it. Then you step on. Scale gods say (same weight, or minus 3) What the crap?!

These scenarios are all personal scenarios that I myself have experienced. Sometimes the scale just doesn't reflect the facts. This is why I encourage taking measurements (a post to come), pictures (a post to come), paying attention to the way your clothing fits, and the scale each as guidelines. They all make a piece to the puzzle in weight loss, health and fitness.

The scale can be messed up based on water retention (did you drink enough h20? Did you eat sugar, drink a soda late,drink alcohol, did you workout hard, is it the time of the month, did you get 4 hours of sleep?) All those things contribute to retention. All those things make the scale look higher than it really is.
This is also why I recommend weighing one time a week. One time a week-- at the exact same time in the exact same clothes (or lack of clothes for me). It gives us an "average" picture of what your weight is looking like.
I will tell you know that I weigh 140 lbs, and I look far better than I did a year ago at 127 lbs. I have a lot more muscle tone and my skin is much tighter.

I just don't want you to be obsessed with the scale, or scared of it, or sad at it. Always remember it is just one piece to the much bigger healthy puzzle. And, if the scale gods were on your side and gave you a loss  that your habits don't really add up to-- do what I say and run the hell in the healthy direction and DON'T look back! You can not keep up the unhealthy habits and think they will grant you your wish again next week. I promise you it was a gift to be thankful for and untilize. If the scale gods were naughty and didn't add up to what your actions accounted for, look foward to next week because it will probably be a big weight loss of a week for you-- assuming you keep on track.

Remember, nothing tastes as good as being strong and healthy feels. Keep at it challengers!

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