Thursday, September 8, 2011


Ok, I know you are reading this. I have a counter on the side, see?!

I just need a little help from my bloggy friends. I don't care who you are, I don't care where you live, I don't care if I used to know you, know you now, or never heard of you. Sister needs some up front advice.

Remember that rant I posted like a month ago about people not being supportive and talking negatively behind my back? Well, the same person continues to do this. I see them every day, not because I want to, but because of my schedule. And every day they say in the most annoying chipperest voice you have ever heard.... "hi Teri, how are ya?!?!?!" or "Ahhhh, you look pretty today!"

I have gone out of my way to replace the negative thoughts I have in my head when I think of this person. I mean, I have prayed diligently to have the strength to be loving and kind and to turn my cheek. BUT today, they were talking trash in front of me... ya I have my ear buds in, but I can still hear and see you!!!!

So my question is, am I doing the honorable, Christ like thing by being polite each time this fakey fake person says hi? Or am I being a pushover and I need to just lay it out there like "I know you don't like me, I have heard from three people you are talking negatively behind my back, so please stop pretending to be my friend."

What would you do? I know there are negative people in the world, I know there are going to be people who don't like me, or that I don't like. I am ok with that. But I just don't understand this little nice to my face, horrible behind my back thing. I just don't get it, and if it didn't hurt my feelings, I know I wouldn't care. But it does and as I have gone from being extremely mad, to sad, to mad again... I really want to just call em out and get it over with so I can stop worrying about it.

Ok, now please hit that little button below that says comment, and tell me... what would you do?!

Oh by the way, today is cardio only. 1 hr on the stair climber and I just have to tell you... I pretty much rocked that stair mill's world.


Milich 411 said...

I would say something. Just like you said, lay it all out there.

Carrie said...

You know my thought on this but I will say it again ignore her who cares she is obviously jealous struggling with her own issues cause you know you have never done anything so keep being the better person!!! I know it sucks :)

Brooke9b said...

I personally would confront her and say basically what you said and then leave it up to her to either stop or be more discreet. If she carries on being a bag then whatever, her problem, but if you're not usually the upfront/confrontational type like myself then I'd say just stay true to yourself and keep ignoring her immaturity.. hope that makes sense :)

Anonymous said...

Proverbs 25:21-22 says
21 If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.
22 In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head,and the LORD will reward you.

I say heap coals on her head.

Kerr Family said...

That makes me sad because you are such a sweetheart, I hate confrontation and would probably just ignore her (if possible).