Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Progress Pictures

January 2nd 2012. Hopping back up off the beaten trail and getting back on track. Ready to commit to excellence and my best effort was in over drive.

Today is February 7th 2012, and although I could pick these pictures all apart. I choose not to. I choose to report that I have been faithful with my meal plans, diligent in my workouts and I am on track to be the best me I can be.

Do you see what I see... below? That is what makes my heart feel really really happy. All that muscle poking through. It was a year or so ago I saw a picture of a girl in Oxygen magazine and thought that I wanted a back like hers.

I can honestly say, I like mine better and it is only getting better and better. To me, my strong muscle is sexy.

1 comment:

Donloree said...

Look at you go!!! I love it lady!!! Keep working hard and NO PICKING apart. All I see is greatness. you're awesome.