Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Hello all my readers,
We are two weeks away from finalizing this round of our competition. Everyone has done really well and it has been amazing and a bit overwhelming to have so many people involved! I have really liked our facebook group, I think the more people that we have able to correspond and support one another the better off we are-- and the more likely we are to reach our goals.
I have had a lot of people ask me if I am going to start another round of the competition. I have gone back and forth and the best answer I can come up with right now is this.
YES and NO.
Yes, I am willing to facilitate another competition! Yes I love assisting everyone with reaching their goals, I love being accountable to you, and I think that we help eachother succeed.
That being said, it is not going to be ran the same way.
This go around, the entry fee is a big fat 25 dollars for March 1 til April 1, 2012. 10 dollars of each 25 dollars I receive would be going into a pot for the winner with the highest percentage of weight, lost. The remaining 15 dollars of your 25 entry fee will be paying me, the one behind the blog.
(I really want people who are really really ready to shed some weight and make some good progress. I am not really looking for the "Week day warrior" here. I want people who are fed up, ready to get rid of some weight and are going to remain commited to their program for the month).
I was hesitant to try this at first, but then I realized at some point-- I have got to either start making money at this, or I have got to let it go. It honestly takes away more time each week than I am willing or able to give away it this point.
At some point, in the future, I would really like to start working as a personal trainer. I know I have the personality for it, I know I have the basic knowledge for it, and most importantly I have the desire to help others reach their goals.
So this is kinda like, baby step one.
With your 25 dollar entry fee you will be getting unlimited text messaging/facebook correspondence with me, you will continue to get health and inspirational blog posts like usual, you will get one workout per week that can be done in a gym or at home emailed to you, and I will work closely with you on your nutrition plan. Of course, you understand that I can't guarantee you results, and that I am only able to furnish you will the knowledge that I currently have.
I thought it would be a good idea, if you are planning to do this competition to email me a food journal for three days, (two week days, and one weekend day) so that I can study what your pattern is, and look for ways I can help you tweak your diet to see better results. I also will want to have a record of what you have been doing for exercise and what you are willing to do, as well as what your goals will be.
This competition will open up March 1st. If I have people interested, we will do this thing. And if people look at 25 dollars and think that's too much money and you aren't willing to try it for a month, no harm done. You will keep your money, and I will get a little of my time freed up!
So text me, email me, facebook me, or comment here and let me know if you are interested. I will not enter you into the competition until I have received your 25 dollars in the mail.

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