Tuesday, November 15, 2011

We're gonna Party like it's your....


Yeah, I may have been rockin that song to and from the gym tonight. Because, my birthday officially started at 3 pm today when I told my 4 and 2 year old if they sang "happy birthday" to me, we could eat a piece of the birthday cake I made myself for tomorows work food day.

They rocked happy birthday like nobody's business. And my 4 year old princess even added in "happy birthday dear gorgeous" on the first go around and "happy birthday dear beautiful mama hama" on the second round. She scored half of her brother's piece extra for that one.

My husband kept telling the kids to stop singing to me because my birthday is tomorow. But, really, in all honesty, I was being pretty contained by waiting til today to bust out the ol "it's my birthday" jazz.

Bootcamp tonight. Love my peeps. 16 tonight and that is a full house for my class room. We lifted heavy and we did some cardio bursts in between.... it was pretty much rockin.

Tomorow morning is 7 am trash my legs day in honor of my 26th birthday. Can't.waite.

Can I just tell you that I feel younger now then I did at 19 or 20? I mean, this workin out and eatin clean stuff makes a girl feel good.... inside and out.

I got bad news today that a friend of my husbands family's husband died. (did that make sense?) A girls husband died this week. She is my age, has a 4 year old, 2 year old, and an 8 month old. Her husband died in a car accident on the way to his new job. She is left alone with out the love of her life and with three babies. I can not begin to fathom how horrific this must be. My heart is so sad for this little family. Although, I know that families are forever and that they can be together again in heaven... this earthly life is a long road to waite to meet again until then.

I can't even think about how my heart would break if something were to happen to my husband, or my children. This life is short, but without the people we love and live for.... it would seem long I think.

So, I ask you. Are you ready to make a new years resolution today? Are you ready to take the best care of yourself so that depending only on yourself-- you can be the happiest and healthiest person who is around for your family for the longest possible time? Freak accidents happen, but diseases usually don't just happen-- they are the results, a lot of times, of the way we have treated our bodies.

Take care of the only body you are ever going to get. Eat right, exercise daily, nourish your mind and your spirit. Need help? Don't know where to start, I'd be happy to point you in a direction.

Happy birthday to all of us, because today is another day we are blessed to receive and live. Hug your families close and don't take a minute for granted. Worlds can be turned upside down in the blink of an eye.

Don't forget it.

1 comment:

The Get In Shape Girl said...

I'll be honest - ive been slacking on reading my blogs, but you are an awesome writer girlfriend!

sorry to hear about your friend's husband.. thats terrible. but you are so right on keeping yourself free of horrible diseases and living life to its fullest!