Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I got to do an outdoor cardio workout today with my best workout partner, and four legged goldendoodle-- Belle. She is the best dog ever, seriously! If you have ever thought about getting a medium to large size dog, I highly recommend this breed. She is amazing.
We walked out on the hills today and as I walked to the 30 minute mark, ready to turn around I spotted the only thing that makes me happier than hills on a cardio workout-- stairs. And a lot of them. 55 to be exact. Belle and I decided to do 5 sets, being careful not to elevate my heart rate. I know that dog thought I must be crazy that I would walk down then turn around and go back up the same exact set of stairs 5 times, but she is loyal as they come and she would follow my off a cliff I am certain.
As we drove to and from our destination I couldn't help but notice that there were two separate funerals going on at the cemetery. I noticed that at one gravesite there were many many people-- maybe 50 and at another there were only 12 or so. Not that it really matters how many people were there but it got me thinking about my own life and the thought of "how many people would miss me when I am gone?"
I think it is a great way to be reflective, to think about that time in life when we will pass on to be reunited with our loving Heavenly Father. I don't want to get into all the heaven talk here and now-- but I am interested in having you think about this question--
Will you be missed?
As we go throughout our lives-- juggling really, all the things that we have going on. Family, work, church, play time, workout time, and all the other things we fit into our daily lives-- are we truly remembering to enjoy the journey?
That has been my motto from the get go-- let me help you find joy in your health and fitness journey.
I believe that we can live a fit lifestyle while enjoying life's moments to the fullest. I also believe at the end of the day, though I do really want to look good in my casket (haha, seriously though!)-- what is most important will be the relationships I have built and the lives that I have touched.
I hope that in our daily lives we can keep in perspective the things that truly are important in life and that we are constantly trying to improve ourselves to become the best us, we can be... and a long the way we are willing and able to offer a hand to help, and a shoulder to lean on to those who cross our paths.
If you are working towards your best self, remember that the people you surround yourself with can make or break you. We all need people to help lift us up and keep pushing us a long right?! Don't forget to be that person for the other's around you. Like Christmas it is often times better to give than to receive. Don't get so busy juggling, trying to do it all, trying to be the fittest, trying to be the strongest, or fastest that you forget to stop and enjoy a sunset, enjoy a giggle or a snuggle with your children, smell some flowers, read a good book or make out like crazy with your spouse.
Life is to be lived, it a journey of a million steps-- don't get so caught up in getting to the end result-- the best physique, the best career, the best house, the best "stuff" that you aren't able to enjoy every step that gets you to the end.
Find joy in your journey

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