Monday, July 2, 2012


Is a blessing!  And a trial at the same time often times.
Today i have been taking care of my little man who has been under the weather since Saturday and this morning  i found out he has strep throat.
This afternoon he started breaking out with little bumps everywhere that ate itching like crazy and my big girl is now, running a fever so....
I cancelled clients ( sorry!) And i only got a short walk in myself ....and while i feel the extreme urge to go get my sweat on and throw heavy crap around - im needed here more than anywhere else in the whole wide world right now.
As i reflect on that truth, i feel really really blessed to get to have these two little kiddos for eternity. Its going to be a long week ahead for all of us, but we will get through and we will scratch eachothers backs as many times as needed to endure it!
Annnnnd tomorow ill be awake before anyone else so i can get an hour long aggression session in!

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