Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Strong Currents

Tonight the kiddos, goldendoodle and I went for a walk on our local (short) walking path that has a river flowing through the middle of each side of the path. The kids were playing tag and running and having so much fun outside being active. I felt horrible because the poor dog had been cooped up in the house during our 6 day vacation and my husband worked, literally, the whole time we were gone so we figured we absolutely HAD to get her out for some exercise today.
We took Belle for 3 laps around the river on the 2nd lap my 4 year old yelled for us to come back and check out the ducklings. They were down towards the end of the river part we could see, getting close to the fast current. All 4 of us stood there and watched the 7 or so ducklings (They were definitely kid ducks, but not little baby ones). I noticed that they were swimming awfully close to that current and then all of a sudden, swoosh-- the current grabbed one by one and pulled them underneath the bridge...the ducks were flapping and resisting as much as they could- but the current was too strong.
I couldn't help but relate this to our own health and fitness goals.
First of all, where or where was the mommy duck? Why wasn't she keeping her little ones safe from the swift current? Just the babies were there and even though it was obvious they knew how to swim-- they had let themselves get to close to the fast water. What about you, do you have a trainer? I know you know how to exercise and eat right, but are you actually doing it? Do you have someone leading you who actually is doing the things they are telling you to do? Do you have someone you feel confident knows not only the book knowledge but the practical lifestyle knowledge of living a fit life too? Some of us do better when we have someone to be accountable to-- whether it is a workout partner or a trainer. I have been amazed at how many people in the last week have emailed me in regards to online training. People do well with a plan layed out for them (something that is doable for a lifestyle, remember we hate the word DIET here.. DIETS die), and with someone to check in on them. Can I help you there? Can I help keep you away from the swift water?
Second I related the swift current to that of our diets. We all know that we need to eat clean. We need protein, we need complex carbohydrates, vegetables, a little fat, and a little fruit right?
 Do we need sugar? Do we need alcohol? Do we need greasy fast food?
No, we do not. Those things do nothing for our physical bodies, they do nothing to increase our performance, they do nothing for our waist line besides expand them. It is ok to indulge in them every now and again, as long as we truly do it only every now and again. Let's be honest here though (that's how I roll) how many of you can say you only eat dessert (candy, cake, cookies, ice cream, processed treats that you buy for your kids count here as well) one time a week? Or drink your favorite drink once a month? Or stop by the drive through twice a month? Typically speaking, sugar, fatty fried foods and alcohol are a FAST moving current that once you get close to it, they suck you in and they throw you through the river fiercely and fast, and all of a sudden you look at yourself in the mirror and you realize, you look exactly like that cheeseburger/chocolate cake/iced coffee/martini. If you can not eat and drink those things one time a week as a treat meal-- you need to avoid them until you have more control. Who can help you determine if you need to limit more or indulge more? Who sends you a random text message during the week asking you how your food plan is going? Well, if you are reading this and you are my client-- you can say that YOU do have this. Because I DO check in with my clients regularly and I want to know how it's going.
Don't let that slippery slope of indulgences pull you under the water. What feels worth it in the moment isn't always worth it later on. Don't let moments of weakness pull you under, have a plan and arm yourself to be successful in your healthy fit lifestyle.
Whether you think you can or you think you can't-- you are right. I KNOW you can do this, I KNOW you can be successful and you can determine who you are going to be for the rest of your life by the decisions and choices you make today. The thing is, YOU have to start believing in your success too! Let me help you find joy in your journey to get there.

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