Cleanse has gone well for all of those who are dying to know! It is over tomorrow and I feel like it has been a really good reset for my mind and body. I am ready to go back to my ol meal plan, missing rice cakes with peanut butter like crazy and some old fashioned oats with egg whites!
I haven't lost a ton of weight, I did poo, like a lot the first few days but now all is just "regular." I am maintaining about 133 lbs and with each passing day I become more and more ok with that.
I had some major swelling in my tummy from the excess junk I was eating, and that was really making me whig out. But-- when I see now what I look lie at 133 I am totally ok and even dare I say, Happy?!
Teri, what does junk do to your body? It makes it look junky!
Teri, how do you feel when your body looks junky? I feel sad!
Teri, how do you feel when you realize that you are 26 almost 27, have a body fat of less than 18% (I don't know what it is but it is definitely less than that), wear a size 5 pants, and your medium nike shorts are too big? How do you feel when you remember you have two babies that are more important than what you look like 24/7? How do you feel when you allow yourself to indulge in moderation and stick to a healthy plan the rest of the time?
I feel happy about all those things.
Teri, how do you feel when you do your leg workout and see crazy a$$ leg definition all through your quads? How do you feel when you lift 25# dumb bells for shoulder presses? How do you feel when you max out a stair climber? How do you feel when you go for a run and don't want to die? How do you feel when your kids want you to chase them, and you can kick their butts in any ol race? (haha, shut up I know they are only 2 and 4!)?
I feel good about those things.
Teri, how do you feel when your husband wants to make love to you every
Uh, still deciding on that one.
hahahah just kidding! Kinda!
that's another blog post.
Teri, how do you feel when you go to the water park and wear a tankini swim suit, that covers your tummy that you do not love, but accentuates your legs and shoulders and tatas that you do love?
I feel good and happy and proud.
Ok, I am done. But it's a valid point right? All those things are so so important, yet I have let the reflection of my stretchy tummy, or the number on the scale rule my day. Whether I am going to be happy or sad. Super silly when I write all these other things out that do make my heart smile, and do make me proud of the hard work I have accomplished to build the physique that I have TODAY! I will always be a work in progress in regards to my physical, mental, and spiritual progress... but it's a journey right? We aren't expected to be perfect, we are expect to try our best, learn from our victories and our trials, and PROGRESS into the people we are destined to become.
Tell me, what things make you happy on the inside? What are you proud of TODAY?
We’re (Likely!) Going Out of Business Sale
2 months ago
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