Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Half a Week is Over

Here I am on Wednesday already, and just barely had my first opportuntiy to attend step and strength training class today. My little man has been sick with an ear infection, and day care was not an option until today. After my work out I walked in to the child care area to see my 9 month old in the middle of a circle of three 4 or 5 year olds. They were taking turns kissing him. While this is tender they love him... they are too big to be playing with him and I definitly do not want their slobber all over my baby. So, I will have to mention that tomorow as I drop the kidlets off. :o) haha, but seriously I don't want other people's kids' slobber on my baby!!!

Step class. Hmmm... I was nervous to go, but knew I had to start sometime. So, I got started and was amazed that some of my prior knowledge came back. However my prior knowledge was limited to a months worth of classes, so that only got me through the first couple of songs before I was off beat and totally off step. All in time. It was fun though, a great work out. I was sweating up a storm, as much as I do when I run 10 miles or so. I would be interested to know the difference in caloric burn between the two. I definitly had my heart rate up as high, maybe even bursts of higher during class then I do on a run.

We finished step and went into some walking lunges, squats, abs, tricpes, shoulders, and a few biceps. It was WORK. I felt like I was definitly getting as good of a work out in as I do on my own (strength training wise) and maybe even better because it was higher repetitions. Maybe this will help my muscles lengthen, and in turn shrink my arms/legs/ABS!!!

What the crap? I can not get rid of my stomach. I am sick of it! I saw my dr today and asked her what the heck. She said give it time, keep doing what I am doing, and give it more time. It isn't like I am trying to say I want a 6 pack. I don't. I mean I like 6 packs and all, but all I really want is this flab to burn off my belly. Flatter. That's all I am asking.

I think it is interesting that I haven't worked out (until today) since Saturday and my total weight loss on the no sugar is 1.5 pounds. This is encouraging. I have had a soda every day. Jeez, I know I have no self control. Well, that isn't true-- I do have self control. I am just choosing to still drink the damn pop... for now anway. Anyway, I haven't seen my weight at 138.anything since I was runnning 20-25 miles a week. I haven't ran since my race July 10th. So, this translates to me that I can bust my ace off running or kill myself in the gym and eat whatever I want and stay at 139ish, or I can cut out the sugar and ease up on the gym possibly.?!!? Step/cycle/strength is not really what I call easing up on the fitness, but it is definitly changing up my routine. Maybe my body was just at a pleateau and needed some change up. Anywho, I am interested to see what the next week or so brings with out the sugar and adding the workouts back in.

I see some runners out and about and I feel a craving to go run and sweat with my ipod on. I feel good that I miss it, but I worry that with cutting out the running and doing the classes my endurance for running will slither back to squat. I can't do both. I physically can't do both with out killing myself (see lost insurance post haha not a good idea to kill yourself when you have no insurance). I don't know, I just kinda miss the running though and having the schedule to follow and the workouts planned. My workouts are planned now too, just in a different way. I think I am just having a little sadness in my heart at the thought of letting go of the running that occupied my time for 5 months, and helped push me through to a new level as an athlete. I don't want to give it up.

Balance. I need to find the balance, in more than one area in my life. :o)

1 comment:

McClains said...

Teri, I just clicked on this from your blog and LOVE IT! Way to go with changing up the routine of running to all the fitness classes. And you would be great as a fitness instructor, awesome. Not to discourage you or anything, but I still have belly fat as well. Actually, I don't know if it is fat, just flab. I guess 40 stretchmarks across that region would be half the problem, not letting my skin pull tight again. Bummer. But I feel your pain, what would it be like to wear tight shirts again without a roll?? I guess the babes are worth that roll, good luck!