Sunday, February 21, 2010

Want a Flat Belly?

Who doesn't?

A flat belly has been something I have yearned for, like, ever since I started looking in the mirror. I have worked out, I have ran, I have done abs here and there, (I hate ab workouts!!!) and I have dieted. Never had a flat stomach.


I was reading in a Parenting magazine tonight about stomach issues in women. It said that women naturally have a rougher time with flat stomachs due to the hormonal changes from pregnancy, and loss of elasticity in the abdomen, along with sleep deprivation.

They listed several "flat belly foods" to eat that will help your middle section. They also said that these 4 things cause inflation in the waist!

"Stress. Cortisol increases blood sugar, which incresase insulin which increases the deposit of belly fat

Sleep Deprivation. Being overly tired leads to higher cortisol levels and throws your appetite-regulating hormones out of whack. And that- you know what's coming next- can result in binge eating.

Low vitamin D. A vitamin D deficienct can contribute to blood-sugar-regulation problems, insulin resistance, and, yep, tummy rolls.

Constipation. If you don't keep things moving, you know where it will all sit. Get regular with high-fiber foods (broccoli, peas, pears, ground flaxseeds) and LOTS of water. P probiotic supplement- which has good bacteria to aid in digestive healthy- will help too.

WATER is such a big key too. I have read in several places that our weights can vary by 3-5 lbs of pure water weight all the time. Foods high in salt make this worse. Lots of water flushes that out of your system and foods high in potassium help as well.

Not a big fan of belly button rings, but this pic was fast and easy to upload so I ran with it. ;o)

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