Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ah Jeez!

So, I was a bad leader this weekend. Not a good example.

I ate too much! I ate a lot of really good stuff. No need to go into detail, I don't want anyone who is craving some bad food to be tempted by my lack of control.

I enjoyed it though, I worked out every day this week, and I am not going to take a rest until next Sunday. Hopefully I will be able to maintain my loss, and be back on track by Friday.

It dawned on me today, when I was thinking about my post that I was going to share some strategies for my last two weeks. Then I realized I am tied for second place to win this competition, and sorry... but I am keeping my big guns hidden!

I have big plans for the ( I think it's 60 bucks) money if I win. Pedicure for one thing. My feet need some TLC from all this workin out. And maybe, a new work out outfit to I can keep in shape in style!

What are you going to use your money for if you win!?

Remember our final weigh in will be FRIDAY FEBRUARY 26th! I will declare the winner that day! SO REMEMBER TO SEND ME YOUR WEIGHTS ASAP THAT DAY! I will not take weigh ins after Friday at 11:59 pm.!! Whoever has lost the highest percentage of weight on Friday at 11:59 pm will be the overall winner and will receive the POUND PINCHING POT!!
*Please be honest, please dont do any crazy starvation/cleanse/ anything else that isn't in line with the healthy habits I have talked about on this blog!

Good Luck this week! There are several of us who are close in weight loss percentages, it is still anyone's pot!

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