Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl Sunday

It's 4:45 pm in Idaho which means, from what I hear, the Super Bowl started about 15 minutes ago.

Last year, I had been with my dad and step mom and kiddos while my husband worked. We went for a Sunday drive and then went to Idaho Pizza. I didn't eat because I was in competition prep, (and had been for a week-- I thought I'd be getting a cheat meal Super bowl Sunday but, I was wrong and had to make it through a couple of weeks of contest diet before my first cheat came) and so I set through the entire meal without even a lick of pizza. It sorta felt like an out of body experience because I, Teri, had never watched someone eat pizza with out partaking. I love pizza. I remember feeling pretty bad a$$ because I made it the entire day without eating any of the devilish football game food--but secretly really being excited for next year when I could eat like the rest of America does at a stupid football game.

Fast forward to this year. I have learned so much, I am basically a different person living in this body. After contest prep I went a little crazy with food and ate and ate and ate my way to gaining weight, water retention and body fat. It took me several months to really "get real" again and feel like I could breathe and eat normally. As I have come to this new, very happy, very balanced, very healthy place in my life it is interesting that guess what? I am not even watching football today and the worst thing that has crossed my lips was greek yogurt with banana and a few dark chocolate chips in it.

I don't even care about football, I didn't last year either--all I cared about was the fact that I COULDN'T eat pizza, breadsticks, chicken wings, brownies, or chex mix. All I wanted was to be normal in that moment and do what normal people do when they get together--eat high fat, deep fried, sugary food and enjoy it dangit!

I think when we go into these diets where it is all or nothing--or we swear off a certain food group (Fruit is the devil! I can never have carbs!) we set ourselves up for rebound. When, it is hard to tell-- but for most people the time will come (fyi--this doesn't apply to contest prep dieters--you are where you are because you have an end goal in mind and in order to show up and rock that freaking stage like you know you should, you have to do what you have to do for a certain time. I am specifically talking to weight loss/maintenance clients) and unfortunately when it comes--you may not be prepared to handle the stress that comes right beside that rebound.

Since I have become a better Teri, I have not sworn off any foods. I don't even do cheat meals anymore. I honestly just like to eat healthy food, because I have learned to cook and prepare it in a way that I enjoy. I don't feel deprived all week long so I don't go nuts all day Sunday like I used to. I think as long as you are staying steady with food through the week, it is perfectly acceptable to enjoy a treat on the weekend or when your special occasion arises but it doesn't need to be an excuse to bloat yourself up like a jelly fish either. Is your goal specifically to lose weight and get healthier? Why would you risk that with filling your bod full of literally CRAP food? Don't do it. Step away. Seriously.

Do you really want to be normal like everyone else and eat like a typical American eats on Super Bowl Sunday? I don't. I learned a long time ago, when I was trying so hard to just be normal and fit in--that it is highly over rated. I imagine people think I am peculiar in more than one or two ways. I am ok with that. I work extremely hard, I am extremely dedicated to my lifestyle and because of that I feel successful in my life--with my family and with my job. I get to share my experiences and my thoughts with all of you, in hopes that in someway you can relate and feel like you aren't alone--that someone else thinks the same things, or thought the same things or failed at the same exact thing.

Food is not your enemy. It can be a powerful form of medicine and offer healing or it can be a slow silent killer (I totally stole that from the internet somewhere, but you know me...I can't remember where so I am not quoting it..) Food is for fuel, for fun and for health. Every time you eat it doesn't need to be a party in your mouth, especially if you are in the phase of wanting to get extra weight off your body. Get it off, do what it takes, expect it to take time and expect it to suck sometimes--but expect the results to be the bomb dot com and expect to feel like an extremely sexy beast.

Today, if you are starting month 2 of your resolution to be the fittest, healthiest you--and you're feeling left out today because you are eating veggie sticks and chicken breasts, while others are eating wings, cupcakes, and drinking beer--remember that what you are doing is worth the sacrifice. It is worth giving up a few things now for great results in a few months. Food is overrated and I can almost guarantee you anyone who is eating all that crap you are secretly jealous of right now, is probably going to have a belly ache and a guilt hangover tomorrow. Don't be that person.

(If you do indulge today, enjoy it!! Then get your butt to bed on time, wake up in the morning chug some water and get right back up on that healthy horse. Wipe any and all guilt off of your shoulder and move on. It's only food. There are real problems out there that deserve our time and attention--it is ridiculous to feel guilt over something like food--easier said then done sometimes, but do your best. You got this!)

In case you forgot--let me remind you, You're worth it--and you got it handled. Just keep going and only look back to admire how far you have come. One day at a time friends. You go this.


Melanie said...

No big parties or get together for us. I actually was grocery shopping during the first half of the game and prepped food up until now! This girl is staying on track! :)

Rachel Looney said...

Awesome. Just what I needed to hear today. Thanks for sharing... !! you are working every day to be healthy because you want to! Because it makes you feel good! Not to be a number or a size. Love it!

Teri said...

Melanie ill bet thay was the perfect time to shop!!! Youre on your way to killin that stage girl!! Awesome. Rachel--i love you thanks for reading and'getting me' ur Awesome!