Thursday, February 28, 2013

End of a Chapter

Almost an entire 9 weeks has gone by in a blink of an eye and the last of my weight loss competitions have come and gone. I have so enjoyed running these challenges and I may do another one if and when work slows down at Big Jon Fitness, or if I get better at managing time. haha. Today is the last weigh in for a while anyway.

I want to thank everyone who gave their all doing this competition. I appreciate being a step in your journey and I can't tell you how much it means to me that you have trusted me in such an important process in your lives. I have been where you are and I can't tell you how rewarding it is to watch other people come to the plate and do the things I have done. I can't tell you how excited I get to see your numbers dropping, to hear a dress that didn't fit a year ago--does today, or that you can walk almost 2 miles now, farther than you have in a very long time. Every little thing adds up and every little choice you make--putting your health as a priority adds up on your tool belt and before you know it, you look back and you think "I am almost there, I have almost made it."

Health and fitness is a lifestyle, anyone who says different has really good genetics or is lying to you. It is going to take choices everyday for the next million years, but the reward is great. Being able to run or walk when you want to, chase kids up and around a playground, lift yourself out of a pool with ease, live longer, watch a child leave on a mission, or walk them down the isle to be married--that is why MAKING it a priority is worth it. We all evolve as we stay in our journey and as long as we are willing to change and stay consistent with our goals...the rewards and success will come.

So, Laura--you win 390 dollars, and Eranda-- you 130. I wish you both could have won because the difference in percentages was only .22%. I know you both worked really hard (and so did the rest of you, and I know because I watched, I answered questions, I SAW you looking like a sexy beast) and I am so proud of you and happy for you. I hope that you ALL can see the beauty, the changes, the improvements, and I hope you can all feel the triumph that comes only from finishing what you started and only from being a total bad a$$.

You all came, you all saw, and you all conquered--something. You all progressed. Fitchickmom could not be more proud--really. Thank you for being you and for being such an example of dedication to me. You are what makes my job the best in the world. I wish you the best as you go along your paths.

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