Saturday, February 9, 2013

January Goal Check In

As you remember in January I told everyone about some goals that I have set for myself in the year of 2013. I wanted to explain a little bit and hopefully give you some ideas of your own that you could work on too.
Goal #1 I wanted to implement a new healthy habit into our home starting in January. There was a long time in our adult lives that I have eaten something separate from my family for dinner. My dinner was of course, the perfect example of health, and my kids and hubby--well they got whatever was quick and easy and didn't take additional brain power or time for me to make. This seemed so ok at the time, hypocritical yes--but for where I was physically and mentally it was ok and I had to make work what could work. Now, as I am much stronger and wiser in more ways than one-- I have made it a goal to eat WITH my family. Does that mean they eat every single thing I eat and they every single thing I eat? No, but I am making a consistent effort to make home cooked healthy meals that we all enjoy. I typically wont eat a carb at night, but I still do make them for my family because they need them! Tonight we will have steak, mashed potatoes, salad, and mushrooms. I will actually eat a carb tonight because I cut one from an earlier meal so I could have my fave--yam while they have their fave--mashed. It is important to me to set a good example of health to my kids and I realize that I haven't always done a great job of demonstrating what I have preached. That is done and an old chapter in our family book. Moms eat what they feed kids and kids eat what the parents eat--they may not always love it (Bug went to bed hungry once this week because she wouldn't even try a bite of quinoa fried rice or green beans)--they don't love old fashioned oats with protein powder or eggs with cheese, but every other day they have to pick one of those two things and on the other day they can have their beloved honey bunches of oats.
That goal has made me feel very successful in the field of health, but more so in the field of parenting.
Goal #2 I
I tried something new this month as well. I went swimming three times...once just to goof around after slipping on the ice and hurting my back --with my man, the other time was a bit more serious actually trying to swim a little and the third time I didn't really know what to expect as I showed up with my workout partner Tracy and learned that her real name is "friggin olympic swimmer Tracy" I sent her off on her own to do like 60 some laps of real, swimming--like real strokes. Dude she looked like that Phelps guy, but waaaaay smaller and hotter. And I puttered around doing 32 laps or whatever 1 mile is supposed to be. It was hard. I swam maybe half in my doggy paddling style of swim that I do, and I walked or jogged the other laps or did other things old women would do. It was a good workout and I will do it again in the months to come on my day of cardio only just for something to do different. Not because I am good at it, because I am NOT. And I probably look like an idiot, but it's exercise and I do feel like it is a challenge whatever odd thing I am doing at the moment so it was a win--trying something new.
February is YOGA at my friends studio--The Greening Place. Can't wait to try that out and see if that can be a good compliment to my routine now.
Physical goals- I didn't list this but I do want to maintain my weight below 145 all year, so far so good. I had my body fat tested at 16% and I am very pleased and proud of that number, but I just don't want to be bigger than 145...Id rather sacrifice some muscle and be a little smaller honestly. So for January--I do love my body more and more and become more and more proud of it as I continue to make physical accomplishments working my butt off. It is good to feel strong.
I benched 90lbs for 2 reps today--goal is 120 for 2 reps
I deadlifted 95lbs for 5 sets of 6--goal is 135 for 5 reps
I leg pressed 3 plates on each side for 3 sets of 7--goal is 4 plates for 5 reps
I accomplished a FULL 6 pullups from dead hang, and almost made the 7th so I am estatic about that and 100% certain that I will get 16 by the end of the year.
Sprinted twice this month at 10.5 mph for 1 minute each

Mostly, I enjoyed my workouts. I get lost in them. I have enjoyed my food and I have taught those around me that food is not our enemy. I feel January was a really good month for this fit chick of a mom :)

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