Saturday, February 2, 2013

Ramblings of the Fit Chick Mom

I am just going to be honest here, and random too. So, if that seems like more than you want to handle from this girl today--probably just skip down to the results post and then check back with me later because I do have a few great posts coming your way.
The first thing that is on my mind is this. This week has been crazy friggin busy. I have worked 4 nights, I have forgotten a birthday party and ballet for my daughter. She has been sick with a horrendous ear infection My son woke up sick this morning with a cough. My husband has been working like crazy and we have been juggling and juggling and I am at the point where I am like "holy crap how do mom's do this?"
I am so glad my hubby is on board with me being a stay at home mom because it is important to me to raise and teach our children, just as it is important to me to be spiritual and find time to have moments of peace and calmness that seem few and far between right now. I am super busy with clients right now and it is so great because I am making a little money and enjoying what I go to work to do. It is just important I find a balance and cut back where I can to make sure I am doing the things I love and want to do, the best that I possibly can. I am making progress
Second thing on my mind-- it is TOM at my house. Like next week, but for some reason I am bloated and even though I know I am bloated I got on the scale and it said 144 instead of the 140-142 that it always says and I am happy with. This stupid number on the scale is 2 days after Jon tested my body fat at 16%, so that is a really awesome number and one I am truly proud of and content with. Even with that being said 144 freaks me out and annoys me and makes me second guess everything I am eating and doing for exercise. I am a freaking trainer for heaven's sake. I know I am doing what is right but I am litterally stressing over 2 lbs. 2 LBS?! That's so stupid. Just thought you should know you aren't alone and I do it too.
Third thing I am thinking is that I had a client want to quit on me this week after only a couple of weeks on my plan. Ok, I get it. We all want to be skinny like, tomorrow. But "anyone who tries to sell you a quick fix is a freaking liar or has no back bone"--in the words of Pauline Nordin of Fighter Diet. So true. Holy crap!! You can not want to quit after two weeks. You have to give yourself 3 months of consistency to start really getting those results you want. If it were over night, the whole freaking world would be cut up and jacked or super skinny or whatever freaking size they want to be. It doesn't work that way--it never did and it never will. So cut you and me some slack and just be consistent and patient. You didn't get to the weight you are at now overnight--so don't expect to get to your ideal weight overnight. Just imagine if you keep going for the next 12 months, imagine how different your body will look in one year. Mine just keeps getting better and better with time baby. Your's will too.
Fourth thing. I can't think of it and the babies woke up from nap time so now I am officially off the clock til Monday morning at 7 am, with the exception of two meal plans that I will write at bed time tonight. Happy Weekend friends!

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