Sunday, February 24, 2013

Imma Princess

This morning as I was putting the finishing touches on my daughters and my hair in the bathroom-- my son came up behind me with a rope he had been playing with all morning and FINALLY had it lassoed around me-- after about a million attempts.

"GOT YOU PINCESS!!!" He yelled.

Oh my, my heart. It stopped for a second-- I AM A PRINCESS. The girl who always wanted to be a princess, is. I really, really am a princess to my three year old stud muffin. And I really am a queen--the most beautiful queen to my 5 year old in the entire universe. 

I read something from Scott Abel this past week about an overweight individual he is counselling in regards to her body image issues. She remembers from a young age watching her mom stand on the bathroom scale and get angry, or sad, or happy. She remembered her mom telling her she couldn't go play with her, until she had her make up on because she looked too ugly--her bags under her eyes were too dark. She remembered her mom always taking the pictures but ALWAYS ALWAYS avoiding being in a picture with her, because she looked fat in pictures. She remembers learning that "this" food was bad and made a girl fat.

She doesn't remember her mom saying much. She mostly remembered what she observed with those big, innocent eyes.

I ask you--what are you showing your children? This is not an issue that only affects moms and daughters. I encourage you to see the importance of this issue where your sons are concerned as well. Because teaching your son that you are not ok the way you are, that something is wrong with you because you do not look like a model in a magazine teaches him to value only women who look a certain way. Do you want him coming to you at 24, graduated from college with a woman who only looks good but has no other outstanding characteristics?

I didn't think so.

Of course we all value good looks, and feeling good about ourselves. Many of us are motivated to always better our physical bodies and always trying to enrich our minds and our spirits as well. I think that is a really great thing. I think it is noble, I think it is right, and I think it sets an extraordinary example for the younger generation.

But those things do not need to be exclusive. You can do all three. You can strive to be your best version of yourself and at the same time value who you are today. I can always work towards lowering my body fat and gaining muscle, while still thinking that I am a sexy beast. And your darn right I tell my kids that. I like my body. I think I am pretty. I think I am smart, kind, honest, motivated, prayerful, loyal. I think I am freaking awesome. And I think my kids are freaking awesome. And more than the fact that I want them to know that I think they are awesome, I want them TO KNOW THAT THEY ARE AWESOME. I WANT THEM TO THINK THEY ARE AWESOME, and I want them to be really really proud of that.

There are enough people in the world to tear us down. There will be bully's, teachers, friends, people we think we can count on that are going to break us down and tear our babies down. You know what is not happening at my house? 


I'll do the building.

So moms, when you wake up tomorrow and make the choice to step on that scale-- make the choice to have no emotion attached to it. If it in anyway, shape or form affects your mood or the tone for your day. GET RID OF THAT THING. And do it now, before you get hurt further, and before your children end up hurt, overweight, with low self esteem and in counselling that you are going to have to pay for.

We are our kids hero's  we are their confidants, we are their princesses, queens, cheer leaders, coaches, and best first teacher. Be the kind of example they deserve to have. Be the person you want and hope for them to be.

And for heaven's sake--get in the dang picture. Smile and remember that to your child--you are the whole entire world. If you need help finding you, finding the you that might be buried under some "stuff," find help, email me, text me, facebook me. I'm listening--and if I can't help you, I'll point you in the direction of someone who can.

Don't forget just who you are and just how important you are to those little eyes that are so innocent, and observant.

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1 comment:

Carrie said...

Oh my gosh I do not know how I missed this post but you wrote this so beautifully!!! I loved the message thank you so much!!!