Sunday, August 29, 2010

A little break

I am having a rough couple of days. I feel a little overwhelmed with life, a little under appreciated, and a lot exhausted.
I gave in today, I have cheated a couple of times before but today was big. I ate pizza, and more than one piece.
I wanted it so bad, and all I could think of was the guilt. I knew I shouldn't have it, I feel like I am not being a good example to my clients and to those who know I am a health coach. I feel like I am not living up to the standard that I should be, in order to call myself a coach.
I don't know if people will think I am a hypocrite, or just human. I am hoping they think I am human and understand that I am always trying to be the best that I can be, but sometimes I just need a break. Today was that day.
I feel better. It tasted really good! And I think I can hop right back on track safely and follow my plan like I should.
I have told my clients from the beginning that I don't expect perfection out of them, that there will be times they fall off the path for a little bit, but the important thing is to get back on the wagon and go foward from where you left off.
Have you cheated? Have you given in to temptation, or have you been 100% the whole time?


Marcel & MaryBeth said...

you are only human! I think you'll be a better coach because of your imperfections. It shows your clients that you can fall off the wagon and get right back on it if you want it bad enough!

When did you hit your big wall on wanting to stop running? I think I'm about there, well at least that is what my poor knees are telling me!

Amy Jo Tucker said...

hello? Human! I don't think anybody is 100% all the time. That is life, ups and downs. The good thing about you is that you don't stay down and give up. You get right back on track and i know you're at the gym right now! woohoo! Way to go! Glad you had a break, I think its harder to eat good when we're overworked, tired, etc. And you had a hard, long week! ITs all good. Thanks for being a good example dude! :)

racheldurrant22 said...

Don't worry everyone cheats whether they're willing to admit it or not. I have more respect for those who are willing to say, yeah I cheated, but it's okay and I'm ready to get going again. You are continuing in your amazing leadership by not expecting perfection from yourself and your fellow humans. You are just fine!

Teri said...

nothing like a little love from my friends to pick me up!
thanks girls, you really are too nice to me... but I appreciate it. You brightened my day right up!!