I got to run outside yesterday for the first time in a while.... it was so beautiful!! My running was less than my best performance. Only 2.3 miles, in 20 minutes. I was happy with the time, but not so happy that I felt like dying after 2 miles. I had just run 6.5 on the treadmill last Friday.... after which I was happily thinking I was well on my way to my half marathon. The whole outside vs inside gave me a little wake up call. While I know for weight loss the treadmill is just fine, it just isn't cutting it to get me prepared for 13 miles in less than 3 months. So my new goal, just in time with the nice weather is to run outside 3 days a week... and my next running goal for tomorow, is no less than 3 miles.
My hubbers gave me a new idea for my gym workout, which I put to use today and I am pretty positive it was a great sucess. I warmed up on the elip for 5 minutes, then busted out some free weights, ran a mile in 9 minutes, lifted some more weights, got back on tread for 9 min mile, and then finished up with some more free weights. I have no clue how many calories I burned, but with the tiredness my body is feeling now, I think I must have cranked something up. I feel excited, like I just tricked my body and hopefully will keep on going with my weight loss.
It's a great week for weight loss!
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1 month ago
I totaly feel your pain with the outside inside issue. I was reminded of how easy the readmill is when I tried running outside the other day and was taken back by how much pain it caused my ankle. those treadmills have so much give in them it is a totaly different style of running
I haven't ran on a treadmill in a really long time, but while doing the Couch to 5K I did all of the running outside (rain or shine) because a gym membership isn't in our budget, I actually liked running outside more than compared to how I remembered running on a treadmill. I get too bored on a treadmill, but outside is so pretty and I admire houses and think about the day when I'll get to buy one!
Continue the training and you'll be just fine. You'll do great in July!
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