Stole this from a Men's Health magazine, because I thought it was interesting
In a University of Kansas study, a group of flabby guys were asked to choose an image that best represented their bodies. The finding: Obese men almost always beleive they are thinner than their doctors think they are. Peope deny the severity of a weight problem in order to buffer their self-esteem, says the lead study author, Kim Pulvers, Ph.D. So ask your physician to honestly assess the state of your weight problem-- and trust that he's right. After all, the truth can hurt, but it may provdie the kick in the pants you need.
I thought this was interesting, because, if I had to place money on a bet... and they did this study with a group of women... the women would say they are heavier than they actually are!!
Do you agree, or disagree?
I think everytime I look at a tv commercial, a show, or see a magazine, I see skinny. I see really really thin people, who may or may not be healthy I don't know. But I automatically sort of compare my body to theirs.
What is thin? What is fat? We all have to answer those questions for ourselves.
But I think it is important to try and see ourselves the way people who love us do. We are too hard on ourselves (by we, I mean women in general), and we never quite see our bodies or our looks the way other people do. We are too hard on ourselves and we need to remember TO TALK NICELY TO OURSELVES AND TO GIVE OURSELVES CREDIT WHEN WE DESERVE IT!!
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2 months ago
you go girl. You are right, we all(me) need to talk nicer to ourselves. I think when we are positive , we feel better and happier and then we'll have more energy to eat right and exercise! Thanks for the post Teri, much needed! You're so awesome.
Did you take this advice and apply it to yourself becuase I do remember a very skinny teri thinking she was fat and not cute and I do believe you were very very wrong. You look awesome will you ever believe that?
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