Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Day in the Life of a Fit Chick Mom

One of my clients asked me a few questions about my personal training yesterday, and as I answered she looked at me and said "How do you get anything done?"

Lol. I am either nuts, really efficient, or crap just doesn't get done right?

Today is Thursday, my day off from training clients. My kids aren't in school so we got to have a lazy day and it has been nice. I will do some extra cleaning and food prep today so that the rest of my days, when I am working run more smoothly.

So let's talk about a typical Friday. That's my half day at work. So I get up at 545ish in the morning, I drink a protein shake, get dressed, throw all my pre-prepped food in my work bag, grab the gym bag and then head to Big Jon Fitness. I start training at about 630-- and I lift heavy and hard for an hour to an hour and ten minutes, sometimes I do cardio after sometimes not, but right now I am so then I get on the stairs for 30 minutes.
I eat my prepared meal 2 then. A protein shake and 3 rice cakes. I change clothes and then start my first client at 8 am. I continue to eat 5 more meals during the day, every 2.5 to 3 hours. I have a client every hour on the hour until 1 usually so I head home about 2. Hopefully my husband is home with the kids so I don't have to pick them up from a sitter and then they are waking up from nap time.
I shower, then we play a game or do a little crafty project or read some books. We do some work, picking up the house, clean the kitchen that is ALWAYS a mess it seems like. I help prep my husbands food for his shift at work. I send him to work, the kids and I usually will rent a redbox or have a couple little buddies over or something. If buddies come over, MAMA can do work. Cuz they are busy and I can do meal plans, exercise programs, or laundry, mopping floors, cleaning toilets or whatever.
Kids bed time starts at 730, we read scriptures, read a fun book, brush teeth, ya know all that good stuff then say prayers and they go to bed. Hopefully at this point my youngest actually goes to bed by 815, but sometimes we play the up and down cry, whine, yell, threaten a spanking 5 times before he actually falls asleep.
Phew. Then it's quiet. I would watch tv, but we don't have cable so I only watch one show a week, Revenge--that's Sunday. I will study by scriptures for 20 minutes or so, then start getting ready for the next day. Any food prep that might need done, bags that might need packed for the kids, friends I want to catch up with I make calls, text clients, do meal plans whatever until I try so hard to be in bed at 10.I throw my morning workout clothes in the bathroom so I can put them on quickly in the morning in the dark while my family is still asleep. I usually check facebook one more time, reply to any unanswered questions and then hit the hay

Back in the day, that time right after kids went to bed, was my time I just wanted to eat! I wanted to eat sugar or something naughty because it was how I would unwind for the day, now, I just don't have time to unwind like that, and it doesn't align with my goals so I don't. Do I want to, of course I do sometimes. But I choose not to. Food after dinner time is never about pleasure anymore. It's fuel plain and simple. Earlier meals can be more pleasing, but not that close to bed time. I don't know what's going on in the news, I rarely read fun books, I don't see blogs as often as I used to, I don't have a lot of friends, I don't see a lot of movies. Bills get paid once or twice a month, all at once. I take a couple hours on one of my days off and clean--bathrooms, floors, dusting etc so it's done. I don't play around with that stuff because otherwise it wont get done, and I really love a clean home. I feel chaotic and off balance when our house is not kept up and I notice my family does as well, so I do my best to get that done yet realize I only have so much time and if it comes to cleaning or spending time with my monkeys--the monkeys win. :)

Workouts do take up 90 minutes of almost every day, and I will have a time when that 90 minutes is going to have to be done earlier and earlier because my kids are getting to the age where they are going to be in more activities and have commitments I'll be in charge of getting them to. And I look forward to that, I don't worry anymore that I wont get my personal workouts done--not like I used to, worry about falling back out of shape-- I just know I will have to balance and juggle, just like I do now but in a different way.

When you learn to make your healthy habits a part of your lifestyle, it just doesn't seem so hard anymore. I workout and eat nutritious food just like I shower or brush my teeth (although I hate flossing and don't do that near enough). It's just a part of my family and my life now.

Of course each day is a little different and every day does not run smoothly. Some days I feel like I ran a marathon, when I really did no cardio at all. Other days I wake up and think, I really don't want to hit the gym today, just like some days I wake up and think I just want to eat pancakes and sausage. Some days I wake up and think I want to go hide in a hotel and drink diet coke alone (name that movie!!). Some days I think about what it would be like to not workout and how much more free time I'd have on my personal hands--I'd get bored, I am sure of it. At the end of the day, I love my lifestyle. I love that my family is involved and thinks being healthy is cool. Just this morning my 5 year old was flexing her muscles and telling me how "She got her muscles from mommy!" and I smile with pride. I love that. I love that she thinks I am cool and I love that she sees me helping other people learn that being fit is cool.

If you feel overwhelmed reading this, remember this is my job. And I love my job, but not everyone needs to dedicate this much time and energy to it. If you miss a meal, miss a workout, miss out on an opportunity to do the healthy thing--brush it off. There are a million opportunites through out your day to make a healthy choice and any and all healthy choices that you make, help shape you into the fit healthy person you want to become. So just keep going. You got this.

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Kerr Family said...

You are one busy momma!!! Your kids are getting so big and I love their shirts :)

Carrie said...

DUDE it was date night and it was a diet sprite ha ha ha unless there was another movie where a tired mom wants to go and drink a soda alone in a hotel room lol anyway I love seeing those little monkeys!!!!