Friday, January 28, 2011


Feelin good.

Early workout today thanks to my 3 year old being up at the crack of dawn. 430 am to be exact. I couldn't go back to sleep so thought I might as well hit the gym.

I busted a friggin move people!!! I walked on an incline for 20 minutes, the time flew by as I was reading up on a little Red Book action. Then I did a circuit of back lifts, ran a mile ffffaaaast, a circuit of shoulders, ran a mile ffffaaaast, then a circuit of biceps, legs and abs. I was feeling like I should be brave like Amy Jo and had brought my swim suit so I headed into the pool and tried to swim. Well I wasn't that successful because my upper body just isn't quite ready. So I did some jogging, walking, side stepping, and butt kickers in the water. I finished with a little hot tub and sauna session and felt really good about the work that I had put in on my final workout for the week. Saturday I will be working all day, and Sunday is always my rest day with the exception of maybe a light walk.

My goal for tomorow? Make it through the freakin day without buying a dang candy or eating another treat that will wreck my progress. I already have it planned that I will be having to-die-for carrot cake Sunday for my madres birthday. So, if I am diligent I can make it to Sunday eating well, and not ruin my hard work from the week with the cake.

That's a goal. And for the record, I have done well on my previous goals. I have drank more water, I have weighed everyday, and I have drank less soda. Not quite as little as I planned but it is progress and I will take it.

Happy Weekend. Work it people! Oh ya, I felt a little famous this morning. Two different people came up to me and asked me to teach a boot camp class in the morning. They have taken my cycle classes and apparently liked me, so they were hoping I would sign on for a Mon, Wed, and Friday class. Well, life is up in the air right now so I can't, (not that the Athletic Club asked me to, but the people did so it made my heart happy) but I felt honored and appreciated that they asked. I passed on the word to the big boss cordinator at the gym though.

Work it!

1 comment:

Amy Jo Tucker said...

wow! Can't believe you did all that in one workout!! You rock girl!!! Way to go!!