Sunday, August 8, 2010


I didn't have a soda until 430 this afternoon and by time I got to that can I had a RaGiNg head ache.
I can't believe how quickly I got addicted to it again, I only started drinking it again after my race July 10. How fast my body returned to craving it... it is insane!!
I will pump some advil in my body first thing tomorow morning and remind myself probably atleast fifteen times that I no longer am able to drink the soda. I thought it, I said it, I wrote it-- that's it... It is gone.
I am anxious to see what my weight does with out it. There was a time when I would have said I didn't think it affected my scale number... but as I have experimented and remembered back to after my daughter was born almost 3 years ago (When I was a dedicated diet coke drinker), I have realized that I think it plays more of a role in the weight loss than I thought. Whether it is actually pounds, or whether it is just water retention I am not sure... but I do believe I will be more able to drop 5 pounds with out the soda.
My friends sister is working with a trainer from Utah State... and in her words the soda is like "poisen" to our bodies.
I believe it. And I am quitting it, for good this time, atleast I think it's for good this time. For sure I am quitting it for the next 2 weeks.

1 comment:

Kerr Family said...

I have been having the same diet soda/ artificial sweetener debate myself. Unlike you I haven't actually tried to stop drinking my diet cokes...I am very interested to see what your results are. Maybe it will make me kick my diet coke habit : )