Monday, August 19, 2013

3 months

just letting yall know, I am exactly 3 months from surgery!!!


Starting to tighten up my nutrition a little bit to prepare my body for my break. I'd like to cut 7 lbs before surgery. I guess some people might be interested in how I plan to accomplish this so I thought I'd share.

As you remember I bought the Nia Shanks muscle sculpting program. I am into week 3 and having a lot of fun. My workouts are hard and heavy and sweaty and fun. I look forward to them! So I am going to continue on with that. I have noticed some unusual upper back pain but I think that I have the reason figured out-- pull ups as my warm up each workout with out warming up for them first! Ha! That's sorta funny. My husband worked out some knots for me so I am back in business and warming up first. I really still want to get those 16 overhand pullups in before surgery but they just don't seem to be getting easier. Time will tell. Hard work is effective and I wont stop trying!

My diet has been cleaned up. Eliminating those blt's that become so easy to take without though. (Bites licks and tastes!). I started a meal plan and I will go as long as I can while still dropping weight without adding cardio in--except my fun hikes or bike rides with the kids.

Hubby is on a plan too, and surprisingly enough has actually been FOLLOWING what I wrote. WOW that is so exciting. So we are keeping eachother accountable and are anxious to see our cuts come into effect.

That's basically it. That's my game plan.

Friday, August 9, 2013


Today was my 3rd rest day. I feel so odd only working out 4 days in a week, but to be honest I am a lot more energized and my workouts DO feel much more productive. I had pushups to do yesterday and was able to do them without wrist pain, which was exciting. And I did them adding 15 lbs to my back for 5 sets of 6. That felt really good. It feels good to be strong! I love love love it. I don't notice feeling thicker, or thinner but I do feel stronger and that makes me feel like I look better for some reason--so that is fun, I enjoy feeling like I could kick the crap out of a zombie if I needed to :).
I don't check my weight again until Sunday. I am neither excited or unexcited to check it. I feel like at 145 lbs I just weigh more than I ever thought I would, yet I feel small enough while feeling big enough...muscle wise? I don't know if that makes sense. Anyway. That's my story.

I took my babies to the water park tonight after we napped from being up so early this morning for my work. It was super fun! Saw a goodie, oldie friend and it is so nice to sit and chat with people as if no time has passed, I feel truly blessed.

I kept looking around at Roaring Springs, like I always do. Of course I would notice peoples physiques and of course from time to time I feel self conscious of my own. But today there, and at work I just kept looking around wondering what my stomach will look like in 6 months. 3 months it aint going to be pretty. Itll be a swollen bloody yucky mess. But in 6 months I imagine it is going to look amazing. I just can't wait to see my stomach in a t shirt. Like when I actually BUY a t-shirt that fits my body so it wont be loose on my stomach. CAN not wait. So excited!!!

I can't believe how patient I am being. I paid my 200$ to reserve my surgery date in November. I booked my hotel room. I can't stop thinking about it and being excited. I just want it to be, like tomorrow--not in 3 months. But anything worth having is worth waiting for. School will be started and my kiddos will be adjusted, husband will be done hunting for the year, and all our birthdays will be over-- and it will just be a great time to relax and take time off from my workouts for the holidays--so I can be busy with JUST work, my family and enjoying every minute of this time while my kiddos are still small.

I also read an article today about kids feeling rushed all the time and how as adults we need to slow the heck down and let them discover, learn, and enjoy without telling them  "to hurry up, or...." (so that's not how they wrote it, they wrote it very inspirationally and made me want to be a better mom and I have been since I read it!) So, I am trying to SLOW my shiz down and allow my kids to too, which in turn--makes us all happier.

And, I am trying to decide exactly what I will tell my kids when I go for my surgery. They know I am going for a girls weekend soon. They have heard me say tummy tuck a million times, and they both think it is freaking hilarious to rub my belly super fast and see it jiggle!!!!!! (THAT SO ANNOYS ME THEY ARE LUCKY I DON'T BELIVE IN BEATING CHILDREN FOR REAL!) so that'll be fun when they can't do it anymore. I just don't know if I will say--I am cutting off this skin and I am so excited. Or if I say, mommy has an owie. Or if I just go on girls weekend and explain why they can't jump on me for a couple of months. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


I have been having an issue lately. I keep second guessing my plan. Once I decided to do my photoshoot, I made a plan--I stuck to the plan and I had purpose in my training.

Then that was over. And everyone is starting to train for shows in our gym, and I just feel a little lost. Going through the motions, lifting pretty heavy, running fast, hill walking whatever. No plan, just aimlessly wandering. So, I have researched some new fitness avenues, I am my most happy when I have a plan to follow and quite frankly, I am so busy at work that the thought of thinking for myself and my clients is just more than I can do right now. I need someone to boss me around, someone besides Jon because he always bosses me around and I sometimes want to punch him in the throat (heheh just kidding!!! Don't tell him that girls!!! lol)

I looked into crossfit, even got Big Jon's blessing. It's expensive and I have mixed feelings about it. I looked into kickboxing. OEMGOSH I want to go so so bad. It's expensive. I looked into training for a a 10k...and then I got tired just thinking about it.

I found Nia Shanks online a long time ago and have been following her stuff. I really like her philosophy of training like an athlete, simple nutrition guidelines and body acceptance. Her vibe is good! So I emailed her and got a personal response back right away with a recommendation of an ebook she thought I would like.

She asked my goals and to be honest I can't exactly say what my goals are other than I want to stay at my level of leanness. I am always interested in a bit leaner, if it is something I can achieve while living in moderation and not being overly obsessive, which equals crazy town for me. Call it vanity, keeping up with the Jones's or whatever, I am extremely proud that I have gone from 30% to 12ish% for my show and now maintain year around between 15-17%. That is my number. That is my comfy zone and I am so proud of it. Some goals, might take me to a higher percentage for an amount of time--for instance adding significant muscle to my frame, I'd need to eat above maintenance calorically, which inevitably would cause some fat gain as well as muscle gain. No bueno. I'd rather keep these guns forever than trade em for newer ones at the expense of adding even a couple pounds of fat.

I really want to get to those 16 pull ups for the year, and quite honestly, as I type this I just realized I am still only at 8 consecutive--and beings that I will be taking November and December off of the gym, I only have 3 months to accomplish this goal. (oh freak, I hope it wont take me too long to get back to those pull ups after surgery.)

So this ebook I purchased is a 15 week muscle sculpting program. The first month I am doing two lower body work outs and two upper body workouts. This is giving me THREE days off each week. OMGosh I haven't taken this time off from the gym since I started in 2010. But, the plan works. the process can work for me if I stick with it, just like anything else. So I have committed for the 15 weeks and I am going full force. On two of the three off days I will do some active type recovery though, like today a brisk hour long hike at the lake and on Thursday a friend and I will do a bit (20 minutes tops!) of running together. Next week, I may just take the dog for a walk around the block. Nothing is set in stone and my goal is to not do anything to strenuous as I want my nutrition going to my "Sculpting" and not being used to fuel some crazy cardio sessions.

My first workout was fun! I did barbell shoulder presses, (75 pounds) sets of 6 pull ups (although I only did two sets unassisted), dumb bell chest press (30# each), bicep curls (20#) tricep extension (15# they are so hard for me!), lateral raises (25# I am the boss there mama!!!) I think that was it. I cooled down for 5 minutes on the treadmill and was out of the gym in exactly 55 minutes.

I am anxious about this because although working out has always been my happy spot, I am excited to have a plan, that I don't have to think about. I just go in, sweat it out doing what I am told and then I get to have a little more time to think about client programming, my hubby, children, school for them that is starting soon, and less stress while juggling all the things that we as moms juggle.

My nutrition will remain the same, because like Nia--I keep things simple. I like 5 or 6 meals a day--so I will continue with that keeping it clean and fresh as much as I can, while still making room for those small indulgences that make life fun and enjoyable with friends and family.... ex...Mexican lunch with my family today where I had chips and salsa and then a steak taco salad. Not on my plan by any means, but I enjoyed it and then went on with my life :)

Anyway, I am always interested in what other people in fitness are doing so I thought I'd share what I am up to. I expect some pretty serious strength gains over the next 15 weeks as I prepare my body to undergo a very extensive, YET SO SO exciting surgery!

TELL ME!! Do you like to have a plan, or do you like to just go into the gym and pick something to do for the day?

Monday, August 5, 2013

Tummy Tuck Prep-A-Ration

OEMGOSH. I am freaking out excited right now!!!!!!!!!!!! Those of you who have been following me for a while know what a bat shiznit crazy woman I am over that lower stomach of mine and the skin that sagggggs for days from carrying my beautiful little monkeys.

I am being really brave again, (like how I always remind you of that?!) and sharing my personal struggle here with you, knowing that there are other people out there just like me who struggle in this way as well.

We have talked before about how hard I work. How healthy I try to be, both nutritionally, fitness wise, mentally and spiritually. I have ran a half marathon, done a figure show, mastered 8 pull ups in a row, bust out push ups like no body's business and I have a really nice figure. The thing is, no matter how hard I work--how lean I get, I still have that stomach pooch at my lower stomach that causes me some serious anxiety. While I know some people look at these pictures and think I am cray cray--this is a real struggle that has been hard for me to accept in life.

I have been consulting with several different offices in Utah and in Idaho for a surgeon to do this surgery for me. After some research, some consulting over the phone and online, some recommendations, and going with my gut feeling--I have decided to book my appointment for surgery. The space is secure. It is mine! I am so excited to have this procedure.

When I first sent my pictures in, they were like..."uh, you are going to have to send different pictures," (because they couldn't tell the skin issue from what I sent), so I retook these as directed and they understood better :).

I have talked at length in my blog series on body image issues and insecurities and I practice and preach accepting your body for what it is. I look at these pictures of me, and surprisingly all I see is that I just want that skin off. I think my body looks good. It is fit, I am grateful for it--but I want that skin gone so that I can stop pulling/tugging/imagining it gone every single time I walk by a mirror.

A lot of thought and prayer has gone into this decision. This is something that I really want and I am truly grateful that my husband is supportive of me wanting to look and feel my best and is ok with me spending this money and having this surgery.

As I did research online I could find HARDLY any stories (like blog stories) of people like me. Who are fit--16% ish body fat and want their skin gone. I don't want liposuction, I don't want to weigh less. I want nothing different than what I have right here in this moment than that saggy skin gone. A lot of people go into surgery assuming they will look and feel completely different afterwards. I am prepared to look just like me-- with a tight stomach that doesn't sit on top of every single pair of shorts or pants I own.

I do not advocate people to have surgery. I advocate people to be their most fit, healthiest self. I want people to love themselves for who they are and what they are capable of doing and to not take advantage of their blessings. I am honoring that. I want you all to know that I think for some, like myself, surgery is necessary to make themselves look and feel better. I work my butt off everyday and strive to be healthy and fit, but the fact that I can't physically take care of this skin by doing my reasonable amount of crunches, by eating clean, by doing a normal amount of cardio-- PISSES ME OFF! Oh it makes me so mad I could scream from the roof tops that this is bull shiz.

And I am having surgery to cut it off and I CAN NOT WAIT.

I will continue to keep you updated, as surgery is not for 3 months. I plan to eat clean and in moderation like I always do. I have cut my training back to 4 days a week oppose to 5, in fact I started a new strength training guide that I will blog about soon too. I just plan on getting strong as shiznit until Novemeber to help my body be ready for the surgery and the recovery that comes with it. I will be out of the gym at least 6 weeks post surgery-could be longer and for the first time in my life, I am not scared or nervous. Just excited. Just happy. Just can't wait to wear my surgery cap and gown and get this thang goin!!!
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