Today was my 3rd rest day. I feel so odd only working out 4 days in a week, but to be honest I am a lot more energized and my workouts DO feel much more productive. I had pushups to do yesterday and was able to do them without wrist pain, which was exciting. And I did them adding 15 lbs to my back for 5 sets of 6. That felt really good. It feels good to be strong! I love love love it. I don't notice feeling thicker, or thinner but I do feel stronger and that makes me feel like I look better for some reason--so that is fun, I enjoy feeling like I could kick the crap out of a zombie if I needed to :).
I don't check my weight again until Sunday. I am neither excited or unexcited to check it. I feel like at 145 lbs I just weigh more than I ever thought I would, yet I feel small enough while feeling big enough...muscle wise? I don't know if that makes sense. Anyway. That's my story.
I took my babies to the water park tonight after we napped from being up so early this morning for my work. It was super fun! Saw a goodie, oldie friend and it is so nice to sit and chat with people as if no time has passed, I feel truly blessed.
I kept looking around at Roaring Springs, like I always do. Of course I would notice peoples physiques and of course from time to time I feel self conscious of my own. But today there, and at work I just kept looking around wondering what my stomach will look like in 6 months. 3 months it aint going to be pretty. Itll be a swollen bloody yucky mess. But in 6 months I imagine it is going to look amazing. I just can't wait to see my stomach in a t shirt. Like when I actually BUY a t-shirt that fits my body so it wont be loose on my stomach. CAN not wait. So excited!!!
I can't believe how patient I am being. I paid my 200$ to reserve my surgery date in November. I booked my hotel room. I can't stop thinking about it and being excited. I just want it to be, like tomorrow--not in 3 months. But anything worth having is worth waiting for. School will be started and my kiddos will be adjusted, husband will be done hunting for the year, and all our birthdays will be over-- and it will just be a great time to relax and take time off from my workouts for the holidays--so I can be busy with JUST work, my family and enjoying every minute of this time while my kiddos are still small.
I also read an article today about kids feeling rushed all the time and how as adults we need to slow the heck down and let them discover, learn, and enjoy without telling them "to hurry up, or...." (so that's not how they wrote it, they wrote it very inspirationally and made me want to be a better mom and I have been since I read it!) So, I am trying to SLOW my shiz down and allow my kids to too, which in turn--makes us all happier.
And, I am trying to decide exactly what I will tell my kids when I go for my surgery. They know I am going for a girls weekend soon. They have heard me say tummy tuck a million times, and they both think it is freaking hilarious to rub my belly super fast and see it jiggle!!!!!! (THAT SO ANNOYS ME THEY ARE LUCKY I DON'T BELIVE IN BEATING CHILDREN FOR REAL!) so that'll be fun when they can't do it anymore. I just don't know if I will say--I am cutting off this skin and I am so excited. Or if I say, mommy has an owie. Or if I just go on girls weekend and explain why they can't jump on me for a couple of months. Any suggestions?
We’re (Likely!) Going Out of Business Sale
2 months ago
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