Friday, July 13, 2012


So i was driving at a busy intersection today and watched as a missionary (an overweight one) was pedaling as fast as he could to make it through a light behind his partner.  As i sat there i watched a lady yell out something derogatory to him and i was instantly so so upset. Like really, a tear came to my eye.
Why are people so cruel? Why would you ever waste your breath to say something, or anything for that matter that isnt kind.  I wanted to stop that lady and tell her to be kind and atleast the kid was out exercising.
Be nice! Be kind! Be happy for people and love them! We are all in this big crazy journey together ans we never know what someone else's story is. Be a cheer leader or stay in the locker room dangit!!!
As thumper would say if you cant say something nice dont say anything at all!


Sable Weisman said...

I totally, totally agree. I was "the fat kid" growing up and because people made fun of me for being such a slow runner, bicyclist, etc., my desire to be active dwindled. Why bother if people are just going to be hurtful & cruel?

Teri said...

Yes!!! Seriously i always remind people everyone has to start somewhere and i think some forget that!!

Amy Jo Tucker said...

You say it girl! That's sad!!