Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Welp. I know you never tired of hearing the underwear/ potty training stories of the fit chick mom so....
Today bubba has strep throat and possibly hand foot and mouth so were hanging low at home.
He got a burst of energy and decided to "dance" aka twirl in the kitchen.  Of course me being me said stop you are going to fall.

What does he do?!

Turns around and pulls those cars 2 undies just below his bum and MOONS me!!! Laughing hysterically the whole time

Are you freaking kidding me?! How the h e double hockey sticks does he even think such a thing?!?!?!

Love that crazy boy and all the spice he adds to my life! P.s there is no mooning going on at my house unless a certain uncle who will remain nameless is visiting! :)


Sable Weisman said...

LOL!!! It's like they just instinctively KNOW. hahahaha

Teri said...

FOR REAL!! I couldn't believe it. Boys will be boys huh?!