Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Please don't take offense to that but all I can think right now is A FRIGGEN MEN!!

Please feel free to laugh your way through my potty training week of my almost 3 year old (did I mention this would not be possible if it weren't from my little hiatus from training at the gym right now?! Seriously, potty training is taking every ounce of energy I have!)

Potty training day 7 full time is today. We have gone a couple days with no accidents then Sunday there were two accidents, not to mention Saturday I had to clean up poopy cars panties, I mean undies at the gym daycare  (cardio bunny ova here!)

I feel like someone should give me a round of applause for NOT stopping at Maverick and buying 12 snickers bars and eating them, because I assure you-- that is what I wanted to do.

We made it through to now, Tuesday. No accidents all day yesterday or today-- and today he is even telling me "POOPING!!!!" when he has to go pee or poop. Whatever, at least he is telling me.

A few funny things about this are
#1 He obviously says screams"POOPING" when he has to pee or poop.
#2 He pees in the toilet after putting his hands all over the seat and moving his body from the front to the back to the front back to the back 500 times, he even can lean forward and put his hands behind his back like an airplane... "see mom".... ahhhh boys!
#3 He gets on the toilet to "pooping" and farts "HAHHH darted mom" Me: roll my eyes, "yes Bubba you farted." Then he gets down because he obviously doesn't have to "pooping" he just needs to pass gas. We get his panties undies back on "ooop POOPING!" has to get back on. We go through this process a few times, sometimes five not going to lie. I just try not to laugh because it really is funny. It's like the kid gets ADHD on the toilet seat for some reason
#4 After he does pee or have a bowel movement, he gets off and flushes the toilet and sticks his head as close to the seat as he can get it and yells, not says--YELLS "BYE BYE POOPIES!!!" As I cringe about all the effing germs that are on his hands and about the bodily waste that is flinging up into his face from the toilet flushing. I am a bit OCD about germs, he is going to put me into the grave early.
#5 This is getting less funny as I type this, and listen to him cry in his room because he is supposed to be in bed...He has figured out that if he doesn't want to do something and he yells "POOPING!" he gets what he wants, and I forget what I told him he had to do before the bathroom came into the picture. Example: dinner, he didn't want to finish the turkey burger I told him he had to before he could get down... well well, what do you know, all of a sudden "POOPING MOM!"  so off we run to the bathroom. Right now, bed time.. he yells "POOPING!" from behind his child proof locked door and he hears me run to his door to let him on the toilet. This was cute the first three times but now he just reminds me of the little boy who cried wolf and I am about to be the friggin wolf that eats the naughty little boy for dinner!

So, this is potty training a boy at my house in a nut shell. The time off from the gym (week 3 of 6 now) is serving us well, we will get this little buggar potty trained and only have to interrupt the daycare ladies peace for 45 minutes instead of 90 each day.

I just want you to know, it is really hard to be 100% dedicated to a fit and healthy lifestyle whether you have kids or not-- but kids in between everything else sometimes is just freaking exhausting!! BUT, it IS worth it. (both haha kids and having  fit life!)


Anonymous said...

I am right with you Teri!!! My almost 3 yo is great during the day seriously potty training was so easy except for at night!!!! She cries wolf too! And you can't NOT go I. There!!! She still wars a diaper at night cuz we tried a couple times and she ends up face down on a gallon of pee! And the public toilets are the WORST!!! Face in the toilet waving at the HUGE POOP MOMMY!!!! I hear ya and I'm laughing and cringing at the same time!!!

Kerr Family said...

Potty training is miserable...but this post made me laugh! I hope he gets it figured out soon : )

Suzanne @ Fitmindedmom said...

Sometimes I think about having a 3rd baby and then I remember potty training my boy and I stop right in my tracks, lol! My daughter was 1000x's easier to potty train. My son still makes me laugh when he is going poopy. He is 4 and not shy yet so he leaves the door open when he does #2 and OMG, that boy grunts like a bear...haha!!! And he still refuses to wipe his own hiney. Oh, the joys of motherhood.

Good luck and I hope he gets it down soon!!