I was a bit hesitant to post this blog, because I don't want anyone getting the wrong impression of my marriage.
To start off, I am going to tell you that my husband and I have been married almost 7 years... and together almost 10. So, we have sorta "grown up" together if you will (I am only 26 and he is 30). We have been madly in love since we first started dating, I knew the very first time I saw him that he would eventually be my husband... and on a scale of 1-10 I think he is a smokin hot 11. He tells me over and over that he thinks I am beautiful, sexy, and he is in love with my muscle tone. So, please keep that in mind as I give you our breakfast discussion from this morning.
him-- "Babe, you look so good, I can't believe how you have transformed your body in only two months. I hope you can stay like this forever. You are so hot."
me-- appreciating his attention and that he notices that I have worked my butt of over the last two months "thanks, I love how I look too. It will be hard to maintain this though, I have to eat so strict-- sometimes I just want a darn cookie."
him-- "yah, but I know you can do it."
So, it could be that-- that struck my nerve because over the course of time he has at times, made me feel like I needed to lose weight. Has he ever said that? No. Have I felt uncomfortable in my own skin and so therefore "heard" him say I needed to lose weight? Yes. It also could be because I am hungry for something besides protein as well. lol Now, if you read two posts down you can see my husbands pics from 6 months ago. I mean honestly, he has always been in really great muscular condition. He can do pull ups like a bad mother trucker, (and I happen to think that is HOOOTTT!) and my favorite part of his whole body is his massive chest. That being said-- he is 6'5 inches tall and he could put 20 lbs of muscle on and be a huge mother trucker and still I'd think he was HOTTTT, but no one would ever use the words "skinny" to describe him again.
So back to the nerve he struck. Because he eats whatever he wants, but is extremely cautious about food because he himself has a fear of getting fat-- I needed to buy groceries today. I am asking what he wants, he wants me to surprise him (I'm happy to do that, but of course he is going to say... "honey, there's nothing to eat" if I don't get exactly what he wants).
So I say "Remember that mass gaining meal plan Jon wrote for you?"
him-- "yes, I am up to 5 eggs for breakfast Teri."
me "Really, well the plan says 12 eggs for breakfast baby."
him-- "I can't eat that much."
me-- "Yes you can, just do it, trust the process. Follow that meal plan and then I don't have to worry about what snacks or dinners to make you because it is on the meal plan."
We bantered back and forth for a bit and I said it. First time ever. I actually voiced an opinion on his body (Stupid of me? Probably. He is more sensitive than a girl when it comes to his figure).
"You like me at 130 lbs and 13% body fat, I think I'd like you with another 10 lbs of muscle on."
him-- "You think I'm skinny don't you!?"
me-- "No, I just think a little more muscle or fat for that matter would look good on you."
Long story short, we made a plan. He is going to put on 10 lbs-- I think that will put him around 240 lbs, and I am going to maintain 130. Which means more work for me prepping all his food for the week, but I think it will be worth it for both of us. I don't have to play guessing games feeding him, because it is all ready in the "plan" and he will look really really HOOOTTT with another 10 lbs on him.
Tell me, how does it work in your relationship? Is one of you super fit, and the other not so much? Did you convert your partner to the healthy lifestyle? My man totally converted me, I am not gonna lie. Oh, and Ill keep you posted on whether or not I regret that morning banter in the weeks to come. haha
We’re (Likely!) Going Out of Business Sale
1 month ago
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