I was put on a time limit this morning for my gym jam session since my little guy is just getting over being sick and couldn't go to daycare. The boys (Hubby and bro in law) gave me 90 minutes from the time I left home til the time I needed to be back home (20 minutes drive time probably total)
I'm one of those type A people who trains the same body part each day each week, I have a plan typically every time I get into the gym and I like the flow of that. I have been known to track my weights and reps as well.
Today, I needed to get obliques, chest and shoulders in and of course I wanted to do a bit of cardio to help minimize any damage that may come from treats today and tomorrow (READ: A BIT OF CARDIO=15 minutes...not 30 not 45 not 60.) Stay off the cardio equipment.
Here is my workout I want to share, I haven't circuit trained in a long time so this was a nice change of pace and I wont lie--it kicked my butt!
50 cross mtn climbers very slowly to hit my obliques
30 sec plank left
30 sec plank right
Repeated 3 times
pushups, 3 sets to failure (12, 10,10 on toes)
Chest fly (15#/15 reps) superset clean and press (50#/10 reps) Rest and repeated 3 times
chest cable fly (35/15) triple set seated shoulder press (20/10) standing shoulder press (15/10) rest/repeat 3 times
straight arm side raise double contraction (12/12) triple set flat bench press (45/12) 10 tuck jumps rest/repeat 3x
bent arm side raise (15/15) tripple set inch worm pushups (on toes for 6 then 5 then 6) 15 mtn climbers each leg rest/repeat 3x
15 minutes on treadmill incline 15%. walk at 2.0 90 seconds, jog at 5.0 for 60 seconds.
Fast and furious...and TOUGH!!!
Comment below with your workout today or if you are going to give this one a try!
We’re (Likely!) Going Out of Business Sale
1 month ago
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