Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Totally wanted to skip the gym and hide inside all day due to the ferocity of my acne and cold sore
Seriously so so frustrated right now! I've been on acne meds for almost a month and eating clean and healthy ad well as exercise 5 days a week.
What the hell else could my body possibly want?!?! Its revolting and im sick of it!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mamas back!!

I just kicked that stair climbers a$$.
My first sign that almost 4 weeks break from the gym was just what this girl needed. Every damn thing up in the club makes me smile.
Dumb bell rows with a 30# dumb
Stair climbing not intervals 20 mins level
Hammer curls cable
Sweat dripping, wet arm pits, make up
Eggs and oats plain
Its a great day to be fit!

Friday, July 13, 2012


So i was driving at a busy intersection today and watched as a missionary (an overweight one) was pedaling as fast as he could to make it through a light behind his partner.  As i sat there i watched a lady yell out something derogatory to him and i was instantly so so upset. Like really, a tear came to my eye.
Why are people so cruel? Why would you ever waste your breath to say something, or anything for that matter that isnt kind.  I wanted to stop that lady and tell her to be kind and atleast the kid was out exercising.
Be nice! Be kind! Be happy for people and love them! We are all in this big crazy journey together ans we never know what someone else's story is. Be a cheer leader or stay in the locker room dangit!!!
As thumper would say if you cant say something nice dont say anything at all!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cleaner Windows

"They aren't perfect, but they are definitely better babe!"

Out of my mouth today at the end of my window cleaning streak I said that spicy little quote that I wrote in my journal and am thinking about placing on my mirror as well. After I said it, I realized just how insightful and profound those words really are, especially in regards to our fitness and health goals.

The whole round about way this thought came to relate to my personal physique goals is this: (please enter my brain here...) "Hm, I am not really that good at washing windows at all. Just like all the other things I am mediocre at. Why are there streaks everywhere? Meh, (Enter my outloud quote to husband here...'They aren't perfect but they are definitely better.' back to my head 'why is it so easy for me to accept that I am mediocre at many many things but yet I expect perfection out of myself with my food plan, with my workouts, with the way I look? That's so stupid. It takes years and years to put on major muscle (therefore having less fat... I didn't think that part I just wanted to explain why I am so obsessive over the muscle) why do I feel like I need to look like it today?! Everyday is one more step in the right direction if I will just keep moving.' DO DO DO DO DO DO!!!!- 'these darn windows totally relate to me! As long as I can look in the mirror at the end of the day and realize that I am not perfect today (or ever will be obvisously!) but I am better than I WAS, I feel content and happy and excited about that.'

Out of my head now ok!? (I know, I totally think like that, just like I wrote it-- tell me you do that too?!?! someone, anyone?!)

I am not perfect, but I am better than I was.

Obviously I have told you all before that I am a wife and a mom first, then a trainer second in life. I love my job and I love working with people and helping them reach their goals. But, I am not perfect in my training life. I am learning everyday how to be my best trainer and trainee while balancing that with being the best mom and wife I can be too. 

I mean ladies, it aint easy bein us! (Can I get a hell ya here?!)

We got a lotta hats to wear. There are so many things that pull our attention, good things that are deserving of our attention. I have sorta come to grips over the past few weeks that it isn't all about what I look like-- it is all about what I feel like, what I act like, and how I love like.

In all aspects of life-- aim for perfection, knowing that you will fall short because we all will. Just do your best to be better than the day before. Enjoy the ride of life because we really never know when it will all be over. Enjoy your training because you never know if you might get injured or need surgery and be down and out for 6 weeks or 6 months or you may even be told you will never train again. What else do you have in life that will fulfill you if that is gone? Enjoy your family dinners or your birthday parties-- what if someone you loved were taken from you? Enjoy life, it is meant to be lived with exuberance and zest! 

Find your priorities, and don't feel like you have to fit into a certain mold. Be you, because no one does it as well as you do. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Welp. I know you never tired of hearing the underwear/ potty training stories of the fit chick mom so....
Today bubba has strep throat and possibly hand foot and mouth so were hanging low at home.
He got a burst of energy and decided to "dance" aka twirl in the kitchen.  Of course me being me said stop you are going to fall.

What does he do?!

Turns around and pulls those cars 2 undies just below his bum and MOONS me!!! Laughing hysterically the whole time

Are you freaking kidding me?! How the h e double hockey sticks does he even think such a thing?!?!?!

Love that crazy boy and all the spice he adds to my life! P.s there is no mooning going on at my house unless a certain uncle who will remain nameless is visiting! :)

Monday, July 2, 2012


Is a blessing!  And a trial at the same time often times.
Today i have been taking care of my little man who has been under the weather since Saturday and this morning  i found out he has strep throat.
This afternoon he started breaking out with little bumps everywhere that ate itching like crazy and my big girl is now, running a fever so....
I cancelled clients ( sorry!) And i only got a short walk in myself ....and while i feel the extreme urge to go get my sweat on and throw heavy crap around - im needed here more than anywhere else in the whole wide world right now.
As i reflect on that truth, i feel really really blessed to get to have these two little kiddos for eternity. Its going to be a long week ahead for all of us, but we will get through and we will scratch eachothers backs as many times as needed to endure it!
Annnnnd tomorow ill be awake before anyone else so i can get an hour long aggression session in!