Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I have been feeling a little iffy this week as to whether my body is trying to get sick.

I have told my subconscious no atleast a dozen times it isn't getting sick. Still I thought I would play it safe and relax. Workout at class, and minimum on my off days. Well the regular spin teacher called at 10 last night and asked me to teach at 530 am today.

Darnit to heck.

Of course I said yes because I appreciate the opportunity to teach and learn more. So I got up, after not sleeping because I was all keyed up about teaching. The class was jam packed (all 14 bikes were full). The energy was pumpin, bodies were sweating, people were breathing heavy, and it was a lot of fun. I want to hate those dumb early morning people, but I can't. I just love em. They are too cool for school. And they make getting my ace up that early totally worth it.

So, I prepped for two weeks for my boot camp class tonight. Stations. Three exercises at each station, one minute a piece. I really thought it was gonna be hoppin. I had new, good music. I was ready to make some people sweat.

9 people showed up. YaWn! (I love those 9 don't get me wrong, but I really love all 15 or 18 when they show up).

After about 5 minutes I was realizing that I wasn't feelin' my class. So I pushed through and tried to be as peppy as I could, but it just wasn't working. So we finished those stations and had about 15 minutes to spare so I rallied and ran the rest of the class like a group strength training. We burned out biceps, lunges, squats, triceps, and calf raises.

I felt a little lame. I was just sad it wasn't hot hot hot, no one was very sweaty, no one was workin it. I hated it.

So, I came home and felt like the emotional eater I am and had to save myself from eating a huge amount of ice cream and chocolate. I just feel lame and lame and a little more lame. Bleh. I haven't dipped into an ounce of ice cream but I'll be honest, I still have an hour and a half before bed and I am not sure how the rest of the night will fair.

Can't waite for Thursday. Bring it on bootcampers. And bring your A game because we are gonna work it work it work it from 6 to 7.


Carrie said...

Dont feel lame it was just ONE class and all of your other classes have rocked and I am sure this one did to and you are just being hard on yourself! So chin up buttercup you are awesome and you will work it on thursday!

Amy Jo Tucker said...

Ya! Go carrie!! :) your bad day is still better than most peoples good day! And u have only been teaching for 4 weeks! Dont be so hard on yourself. U r brave to try new things out. Way to go!! :) still dont know how u do 2 classes a day! Crazy fit girl :)