Today at church one of the girls announced that since January she has lost 20 pounds! I overheard someone ask her how and she told them weight watchers. Which reminded me that one of my friends just asked for a little information on the famous weight watchers. I have said before, I did the weight watcher program after my first baby and had super good luck with it. I am a true believer in their program. I lost 15 pounds and kept it off all the way up until my second trimester with my second baby.
Weight watchers works. All the commercials you see that say people who do weight watchers lose more... I think they are true. The program is set up in two different plans. I know they have new and improved stuff but I am recapping what I learned in 2008 when I followed it. I believe there is a core plan, and a flex plan. I followed the flex plan which basically allows you to eat anything you want, as long as you keep track of your daily points and stay with in that number. You are also given 35 free points to either use through out your week for extra cravings, to use all at once like if you go out to eat and you want something really good, or you can save them and reap bigger weight loss rewards for the week.
You weigh in every week at a meeting. Meetings are 30 minutes I think and everyone who works for weight watchers has been through the program and successful with it. The leaders are required to weigh in monthly if they are in maintenance. They are living proof of the success of the program. Meetings were helpful for me because I was held accountable at them. I went every week and weighed in, in the same clothes at the same time. Some people are nervous that everyone will know how much they weigh like on biggest loser, but that is not the case. Everyone stands in line and waits their turn, the only person who sees your weight really is you and whoever is checking you in. Although, at Weight Watchers they really encourage you to look at your weight exactly like I have encouraged you... as just a number. The number does not define how fit, healthy, important, smart or beautiful you are.
Meeting topics are on many different things from strategies for the upcoming super bowl was one of mine, eating out tips, exercise, grocery shopping ideas, and loving yourself. Simple things, but when many people come together you always leave with a bigger database of knowledge. (Which is why I am always begging for people to share comments on here!!) I always got new ideas whether it was a new breakfast idea or a new exercise goal, or just reinforcement that everyone is doing the same thing I was: working hard to get fit. It isn't easy and it is a struggle to make good choices every day.
So, that is basically my testimony of Weight Watchers haha. I really like it, I should totally be getting paid to push their program huh?! Well, for those of you like me, who are living in real life and don't have the extra money to put to weight watchers... keep coming to pound pinching. We can help each other, and teach each other what we are doing to make lifestyle changes to be the best, most fit people we can. I think weight watchers in aprox 10 dollars a week, and you pay that until you lose all the weight up to your goal. Typically you start with 10 % being your goal weight. When I first started I was almost 160 pounds, I paid 10 bucks a week until I got to 144, and then for six weeks of maintenance after. Once you reach your goal and stay their for maintenance, you are a lifetime member and can go for free for life, as long as you weigh in every month. In fact, I could go back to any weight watcher meeting now, because I am at my goal weight and would not have to pay. Don't worry I wont leave my pound pincher's hanging though. :o) Isn't that so cute how I think you really care?! (it sounds kinda expensive, but if I had the money, or if you have the money, I DO think it is worth it... what is more important than taking care of your body? Not too many things!)
SO FOR YOUR DAILY POINTS: This is how you figure how many points you get each day, plus the 35 you get for each week. Hope this isn't against any rules to post this, I am crediting that this is WEIGHT WATCHERS program, not mine!
1. Are you F- 2pts
Are you M- 8 pts
A nursing mom- 12 pts
(that's crazy I only give myself 4 extra points for nursing, according to my ob-gyn that is all that is necessary)
2. How old are you
17-26- 4 pts
27-37- 3 pts
38-47- 2 pts
48-58- 1pt
58 plus- 0
(when I get old I am totally not doing this program.. i bet they are hungry!)
3. What do you weigh? Enter the first 2 digits of your weight. Example, I weigh 144 so I use the first 2 digits - 14 pts
4. How tall are you?
under 5'1- o pts
5'1-5'10- 1 pt
5'10 plus- 2 pts
5. On most days of the week how do you spend your day?
sitting down (receptionist, bus driver, office worker)- 0 pts
occasional sitting but mostly standing? (sales person, housewife, cook teacher) 2 pts
walking most of the time (Waiter, mailman) 4 pts
doing physical work most of the time (nurse, gardener, construction worker) 6 pts
Add your points and that is your daily allowance. I get 27 points. Most days I follow this plan.
More to come with food ideas and their points, and I will find out how you can purchase their books that have most foods listed with their point values.
We’re (Likely!) Going Out of Business Sale
3 weeks ago
1 comment:
I must say that I do really care. You have no idea how much you and everyone else involved is helping me reach my goals. I still have 50 pounds to loose as of today and I want it gone forever. I can't do this alone and I am so grateful for this pound pinching program. Let me know if you want me to post something!
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