Saturday, August 11, 2018

Amy's Keto experience

18 months ago I tried a new hormone doctor that I thought would certainly help me get my weight under control. I ate moderately clean, worked out religiously without skipping a day in the gym. She put me on a few hormones and suggested a Keto diet. I didn’t know too much about it and didn’t want to, having no bread was something I didn’t think was sustainable so I dismissed Keto altogether. 18 months later I was up another 5# and still working hard. I was over it. I saw a lady on FB declaring she knew the secret, as everyone does, to quick weight loss and no workout. Really? I thought that was dumb. After researching her I was ridiculously skeptical of the no working out part but could totally wrap my head around her food, the how’s and why of it all. So I jumped in, I mean I jumped and didn’t look back. I bought her program and didn’t deviate from the plan 1 time, for one second, or one ounce.

Scared... I was scared to try something new. I was scared to hurt my metabolism. I was scared to lose muscle mass.

Weight. Start weight was 178 on April 1, on May 5th I hit my goal of 155, a few days later got down to 151. I don’t like the way I look under 153 so I have to try to stay above that. I feel I could easily go down. I like a more fit look, than just thin, there’s a fine line and for me it’s literally a few pounds. So bottom line, I lost 25# and I’ve maintained that for 3 months. 

Exercise. I had surgery on April 4 so I couldn’t workout for 6 weeks. I almost put off surgery so I could continue to workout (because I LOVE WORKING OUT) but Teri, my husband, and everyone else in my life told me how crazy that sounded. After the 6 weeks I slowly started back with body weight exercises (squats, push ups, pull ups) and after 8 weeks loved that style so much I continued pushing myself harder. I recently started adding heavier weights and I feel great! My muscles missed weights!

Easiest.. food choices. I can eat simple and eat it everyday. So if something works, I can do it over and over.

Hardest... learning a new style, counting macros, learning a new app, measuring EVERY EVERY EVERY gram of food and logging it. Not eating when I want. Not eating when I want. Eating window, I do a 20-4 intermittent fast the majority of the week so I do go to bed hungry most nights. No Spark was the hardest.

Hungry... my calories were HUGELY reduced when I started. I starved the first 4 days, I’m not going to lie. I might have cried. But after the 4th day my brain settled and realized I wasn’t going to stuff my belly and I felt great after that. Like I said, I usually only eat 1 time a day, if there is something going on with family I’ll eat 2 times a day. I prefer once. I’ve learned to deal with hunger, it’s not that bad;)

Favorite food. My favorite meal is
Chicken breast, bacon, artichoke hearts, capers, and zucchini noodles. I have to measure each ingredient (even the oil) and then cook it. It’s delicious!!

I don’t miss eating the way I used to. I’m in maintenance so I do vary from time to time. I always get a headache and belly ache. I actually can’t think of a time when I went off plan that I didn’t feel sick in one way or another. I don’t think I could force myself to eat the bun on a burger. Sure, I love chocolate ice cream and peanut butter, and I do have it on occasion. I didn’t have a gram of sugar, or anything that turns to sugar once digested, for 43 days, my first sugary food gave me a migraine. It was a crazy revolution for me.

Keto did I restrict calories... ummm. hail to the yes!!! I keep my calories under 1100 most days. Carbs are no more than 20, I try to keep that under 12, proteins never get about 30, and fats stay between 60-65 on an average day.

Biggest differences.. for me it’s the bloating. I had no idea all the grains and sugar were making me feel so ill all the time, once I cleansed from them I felt better, lean, with more energy, all the time. I would wake up and my wedding ring would slide, my eyes weren’t swollen.

Keto long term health... I’m not a doctor:)I do know that it’s working for me. There’s so many truths out there, you have to find what works for you. I’m off all my hormones and my blood work is normal.

Hair loss. About half of the people I know eating high fat no sugar has lost hair. Mine started 3 months into it, I don’t know if it’s a regular shedding process or if it’s because I eat high fat and no sugar. I haven’t noticed a huge change in my hair composition, so for me I’m fine with losing a little hair to feel better. It will come back!

I also take supplements. Again, that’s a doctor thing. And each one will tell you something different. I’ve learned to listen to my body. The amount of information out there is overwhelming and you need to do what works best for you.

I drink a gallon of water by noon every single day. I make it a priority to drink over a gallon a day.

I got severely light headed for a few days after starting this, sugar detox, lack of calories, it wasn’t fun. I take electrolytes 2-3 times a day.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Mental health

*please know how vulnerable this post is to my heart. I had it written a couple hours before i posted it because i was worrying. I dont want people to judge me or think less of me, as a woman, mother, business owner. But when i answer the question--why am i pulled to blogging again? My answer is simple. It's theraputic for me. I heal as i articulate and write. I feel brave sharing my real ugly truths, in the midst of my big beautiful life, and i pray that i am able to empower someone else to be brave enough to own and maybe even one day, share their own story too.*

 I can't even tell you how often I think about blogging. It's so heavy on my heart right now and I just want to get my new blog up and going so much but it seems every free minute I have to breathe right now is spent working on our house projects, signing up for health insurance, or running kids back and forth to activities and doing homework.

It's a busy, blessed life. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't overwhelmed. If I could just hire a person to do all the things I don't want to do. #goals

So I mentioned that I had to do this new food protocol for the month, and I called it a cleanse but it's really not a cleanse.

A cleanse means you barely eat food and you poop all the time.

This, well, I eat all the time, i just can't have things like dairy, wheat, sugar, diet dr pepper, eggs or tomatoes. And I'm definitely NOT pooping all the time, and yes, that's agitating me. Sorry TMI! Welcome back, friends!

To be honest it isn't a lot different than my normal diet minus this no diet dr pepper bull hockey.

Anywho. That's not actually what I wanted to blog about.

I told a client friend tonight a bit about my food situation and she said "yah, but you teach forever, Teri. Can you do this forever?"

And I said with out pausing "absolutely. I can do this 90% forever." And I explained what I'll explain to you.

This is the first time in 8 years I've exercised for less than 6 hours every single week. It's the first time in 8 years that I haven't been obsessing over food, to some degree. The first time I just eat something healthy, enjoy it, have more if I want to or wait til later if I don't. It's the first time in a very long time I haven't been weighing/measuring/tracking in SOME way. Remember, I do this for a living so I track, when I say I'm NOT tracking, because I know all the numbers and it just happens I think because of my obsessiveness.

That sounds odd. But in the midst of every plan I've ever followed or not followed, it was with obsession of either being perfectly on the plan and following all the rules, or obsessing about how NOT ON the plan I was and how I needed to get my shiz together and get on the plan.

My anxiety and obsessiveness, which is a problem for me in my life, has improved a great deal. (Ill explain why I think this all is, in another post)

But the point of this is still not that.

My point is mental health.

I've never had an eating disorder. I've never been stick skinny or obese. I've never starved myself or thrown up after a meal (but I've thought about both). But, I've been addicted to eating "right," whatever that means, I've been addicted to trying to become smaller, I've been addicted to exercise.

Do you know how many times I have sought help specifically for my food and eating issues? 4 times. 5 different people. 2 of them, specialize in "body image issues," and aren't accepting new patients.  And 3 of them, said things like, "but you're not fat," "you just want to he healthy right, not like super skinny?" And "omgosh have you seen those people who do shows, it's so gross." (Yes I did a show, so yes that hit my nerve. And led me to believe that someone who refers to ANY body as gross, probably isn't going to help me much, especially after knowing the reason I was there, and previously had mentioned I'd done a show).

The point of the matter is none of them could help me because I don't look sick enough to them. Granted I function well, off of medications, but that doesn't change that I have this obsessive issue I've fought since being a young child and as I've sought help, I've been shut down.  No one has even tried to help me get to the bottom, even as I'm paying them for exactly that.

So then I must ask AM I CRAZY? Am I totally fine? I say I don't deserve to get over it because "I'm not that bad," and "others are so much worse than me."

But friends when you dont feel right you don't feel right. Here is where I'll tell you I admire and praise social media, without Instagram, mainly, I'd have no idea there are so many others out there just like me. I'd have no idea that I'm not alone. I would have had no clue how to start making progress at beating my demons.

And it's where I question how is the world dealing with mental health? What about people who have issues that are dangerous to others, or themselves? What about people who are so depressed they can't go buy groceries with their newborn so they stay home for a year? What about people who cut themselves?

If they don't LOOK sick enough, are they being ignored?

And that's where I'm scared. I think there is a boatload of tragedy going on in our world and I think some of it could potentially be avoided if we were quicker to relate. If we were quicker with a smile. Quicker with a helping hand rather than an eye roll and judgement.

Do we ever really know what others have going on?

I am a healthy contributing member of society but I have anxiety and obsessive tendencies. And if I wasn't in the position I am, in the work I am in, surrounded by the people I am, so acquainted with the God whi made me--how different could my life be? Would I be slaying my dragons? Would I be learning to cope and overcome my issues?

I'm so excited and proud of where I am, today. And where I'm headed, that looks real good. I'm grateful grateful grateful that my issues are less, right now, and my mental strength, is tough, right now.

If you are struggling, Comment here. Reach out. I think you are valuable and you are worth the time it takes to become your best.

 A couple resources, if you're struggling with food or body issues that may be similar or different than mine, that I'm loving are:

A book: You are a Bad Ass by Jen Sincero
A workbook: Beautiful You by Rosie Molinary

This me. Bare naked face. Feeling pretty dang good these days, but ironically, LOOKING the same as I always do♡

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Hey friends! Remember me? I am Teri, the girl who created this blog in 2009. I am getting realllllll close to 32 my friends and it's just crazy to me how much life has changed in the past 8 years.

I want to get back to blogging and I want to sort of branch out from my fitness and health world but I am having a hard time deciding how to do that best. I don't want to lose my branding from my gym (Oh heyyy, did I tell you I opened my own personal training studio in 2014)? But I also sometimes just want to be Teri, the girl who tells it like it is and the girl who has interests and passions besides just fitness and weight loss.

So many things have changed over the years so I will recap:
My husband changed careers.
We built a personal training studio business which I operate.
Clearly the kids are getting old (10 and 8!)
We got two goldendoodles.
I quit the Mormon Church.
I found a new church.
My husband and daughter are still active in the Mormon church.
I have gained a substantial amount of weight. (That's me, currently, pictured above)
I went off of Prozac. To find I miss Prozac. To find it makes me sweat uncontrollably.
I started counciling.
We started counciling.
I am learning to budget.
We are just starting some renovations to our home we built in 2005.
I am crazy in love with my husband and we sometimes envision punching each other in the throat but neither of us would have it any other way.
I have body image issues, and always have, but am learning more about them and trying to treat them.

So basically life is much the same but much different. I have been doing doctoring for the last two years trying to get a handle on my health and my weight, which of course has been a huge source of shame and sadness for me. I think I am finally at my final destination with all that, and have a doctor I think has things figured out so I am about to embark on a cleanse (if you knew me before, or you know me now you KNOW I despise cleanses) that is supposed to clear my gut as it is basically rotting with yeast and fungus as we speak. Which is disgusting and embarrassing. Because, gross.

I am constantly working on myself and trying to be better, stronger, more content and more mindful...while balancing my need for quiet nothing time too.

Basically my life is like many other 30 something's. I am constantly reinventing myself and trying to refine exactly who Teri is, and who she will be... and I love to share all that with the world because giving myself power to be exactly who I am today, I feel helps others feel stronger and more able to be exactly who they are too. And I think God really likes that about me, and you--when we are exactly who we were meant to be. Unapologetically.

I want to start that new blog, to encompass all that. BUT how do I do that exactly and what shall I call it? And also, how can I profit a bit from it, because as we all know I did it for YEARS with no monetary gain. Well now I want to be real, raw, open and honest but I also want to see a little frutation from it also, in order to practice getting better at budgeting the said money, I don't budget well. The one thing I will promise you now, here, dear Reader is no matter how much money was ever offered to me my integrity matters most-- I would never, and have never led anyone purposefully down an untrue path. My opinions, suggestions, affiliates, links etx will only reflect my truth. I can assure you of that.

So far I have it narrowed down to
Real Talk with Teri
Deeply Rooted with Teri
Simply Grounded
Forever Real & Raw
Unapologetically Real
The Truth and Nothing but it...

Oh. Ps. My studio is called Forever Fit.

Any advice or opinions? I'd love to hear it! Any topics you want to me to talk about first? As always, I am always listening... Find me on facebook or Instagram!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

week 2

 Below is with makeup and can I just tell you I LOVE my new senegence anti aging foundation. I used younique forever and I really liked it but this coverage is so much better for me. I love it!
So week two I don't really notice anything. I have taken 10 40 mg skin isn't super dry yet and no flaking. I feel a little more tired than I think I did, I shut everything down and went to bed at 930 last night and it felt so food to go to sleep early.

The bottoms of my feet hurt a bit. Like all around the edges...but that could be coincidental I suppose. I am definitely more thirsty...drinking more water...

That's all I got. Praying for clear skin and no dry lips so I can keep wearing my fun LipSense I sell! Its my favorite!!!

Oh, using all cer-ave products at doctors orders, but did add in hyaularonic acid I bought at the facial place. I put 3 drops on my skin and lips before my moisturizer to keep hydration in, I think they said. It feels really good on my skin!\

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Accutane Again

So, I am 31 and still (again), always have acne. I am so frustrated! I have tried every product, facials, spironolactone, some other medicine and nothing works. It gets better for a second, then gets bad again. So I am seeing lara Allen at Ada West Dermatology in Meridian and we have decided to start Accutane again (I did 6 months of it in 2008, and 6 months in 2010ish?) I started yesterday, and am taking 40 grams per day.

Here goes nothing. I wanted to try and document pictures and progress for anyone else who might be in this same miserable scenario...Here goes nothing.

Side note, never said it before but doctor and pharmacist both mentioned taking the medicine with a high fat meal. (healthy fat)

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Adrenal Freaking Fatigue

SHIT. I am tired.

I haven't kept you all updated, because I am exhausted, because in fact--I have adrenal fatigue.

What is adrenal fatigue?

I don't know. I don't know the sciency stuff...but I know it is a gland on top of my thyroid that helps me deal with stress and mine is tired. Not BURNED out, but it is very tired. They test to decide if you have this, by having you spit in a little tube four times a day for 1 day...I sent out the test to a lab company (all done through the local compounding pharmacy) and they reply and tell you yes, you have a reason to feel so exhausted your adrenals are fatigued or no, you are fine. Perk up and go get em.

Well the spit tests your cortisol level and my spit in the morning is the best it's gonna get, but still quite below optimal and then throughout the day my cortisol level dramatically drops and is almost nothing.

So I have had these results, along with my extremely low progesterone levels (they said I am peri-menopausal with a level of .2 and the acceptable range is 4-20). I have been on progesterone therapy for 1 month and have started some minimal adrenal therapy healing work through vitamins, supplements, and backing off on my training.

Did I mention I weight 160 lbs? Which is almost where I started when I started this very blog 7 years ago? Did I mention that that makes me want to cry my eyes out and punch every stupid stupid thing in the face? My comfy weight is 145. Did I mention that I AGAIN have acne like stupid crazy and that ALSO makes me angry?

Long story short. My protocol for my dieting and training is one of the best there is out there. I know that. I have looked into other protocols and I have tried this that and the other thing, and even after speaking with a regular doctor, an endocrinologist, a hormone specialist, another hormone specialist, a naturopath, and a regenerative medicine doctor--they all agree with my protocol but there must be a reason my body isn't responding and hasn't for 18 months. There must be a one can find anything substantial until now, maybe this is what the problem is.

My adrenals are taxed and that is what helps me deal with stress, my body wont let go of this stupid mother %#@^#8% weight that it has decided to hold on to, until my body goes back into "Code 4" everything is safe mode.

So, alas, I start my new vitamin protocol this week. Melinda at Eagle Health and Wellness might be my favorite person in the entire world if I can get my body on board and to respond to my lighter exercise regimen and my substantial increase in vitamins.

Have you had adrenal fatigue? Do you feel like you might have hormone issues? What have you learned? I'd love your input!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

2 years later

Wow. I can't believe it has been two years since my last post. I have been feeling the itch to blog again and although I started two newer blogs since this one, I have had the urge to get back to the basics and go back to my roots. Which all started in 2009 here on poundpinching.

So much has changed! I will give you the brief run down of the important events I guess.

I left the gym I had been working at and started renting space from a local physical therapy office while they weren't working. I knew I needed out of the environment I was in, and the options were to go back home and stay home with my kids (which would have been ok!), or find the right clients for me--to join me at the therapy office.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I had been at the office space for a couple of months and it was going well. I could only work Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays and all my times available--filled up quickly. I started putting people on a waiting list even. I couldn't believe that I was busier than ever before. I kept cashing checks, and saving the money in an envelope...the night I brought the envelope out to my hubs and told him I thought we might need to do something different. lol

So we found space and we opened a personal training studio and I just had Forever Fit's birthday, of two years, the first of August. And don't worry, I also opened a checking account and invested in quick books so I no longer stash envelopes of cash anywhere, ha!

I am now the only trainer in my little gym ham. I would love to find someone to work with me. My ideal person is someone who is passionate about health and fitness, but relentless in their persuit of self love. I'd love for the person to be a hard worker who deals well with others, and makes them feel like they are the most important person in the room. I'd like to find someone that cares about their clients, and cares about what I want as a business owner. And until I find that person, I am on my own and I have gotten pretty comfy that way.

As far as my personal journey goes. I am still working out hard, eating healthy, and eating those treats too. I always struggle with body image issues, and feeling like I am enough. I worry often, that people don't respect me or rather, that they would respect me more--if I were leaner. But I am coming to grips with that and working on the hog wash that that is. I did some counciling for my marriage (which was a huge blessing and has helped us become stronger and stronger!) and attempted to discuss my body image issues, but it just hasn't felt right to discuss it with someone. I hope I might find the right person, so that is a chapter I could begin.

I have started going to a new church. In that journey and search I have found that my obsession with working out and eating well, or not eating well is exhausting. I want to find things I am passionate about that mean something. I have felt the Lord knock me in the head and say "you are more than body weight, food scales, and a meal plan." I know that! I truly do! But I need to be relentless in my search for what else I am passionate about. I love to help others feel good about themselves, love to help them enjoy eating well, love to help them find joy in their strength....but I want to help more! I want to help maybe a different demographic even. I don't know what that is, exactly. But it's something and my heart and eyes are open for opportunities to serve and find passion in something that the Lord can use my hands in, that maybe have less to do with jeans size and more to do with....well I don't know, something else.

Our kiddos are growing like crazy. Third and first grade. Home work up the ying yang, and I am not great at keeping the secret that I hate it and think it's stupid. They're both playing soccer, Gracie is a rock star singer and takes voice lessons and I'd like to see Bubs get involved in singing or guitar or something, because he is quite talented too. Eventually.

I am constantly juggling the feelings of over-whelming joy and abundance of blessing and the feeling of exhaustion and that I can't stretch even a bit further. Money, time, energy, healthiness etc.

This life is such a journey isn't it?!

There you are. This is my beautiful crazy mess, and I hope to be able to make it fit so I can be back here, to chat again soon. In the mean time... stay healthy friends. Worry about your mind and your heart first though....because without your mind and your heart health, I assure you, no weight loss goal will EVER be enough to fill you up. #yougotthis

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Fit Chick Mom Fitness

New post over on the

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Blogging Change

poundpinching just doens't fit my groove anymore. I am gonna go ahead and move over to for my future blogging. I hope to blog more starting now!
If you haven't yet, add me on facebook Teri Hoeksema :)
Stay fit friends!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Moms Just Wanna Be Fit

I had every intention of starting prep to do a bikini show this week. I was excited and ready to go. I felt like I was ready to get back to it. I have been tired of not having a "goal" or a "plan."
I am a fit mom. Consistency is my middle name. I have been doing this thing--eating clean and exercising for a long time and I LOVE having a plan.
I took these pictures to start prep and I got the most overwhelming fearful feeling, that I would hate these pictures afterwards. This is the first time in my entire life I saw pictures of me in a bikini and thought-- "I want to wear this! I look good!" Thats an amazing feeling!
 The point of doing a show, is to lean out for the stage--then one goes into the off season, bulks back up to add more muscle and then the cycle repeats. Well, anyone who tells you those off seasons "gains" are an easy transition period is lying. I had a really rough time with it before and although I now KNOW how the operation works and feel like I could do it much better than I did before-- I feel like my calling is aimed at moms. Mom's who are working inside their home and outside their home. Moms that have an hour or so a day to dedicate to themselves in the gym and besides that it is "homemaking work", "outside the home-work" or literally "homework with the kids."
We need some way to have a goal, without having to run 13.1 miles or stand on stage in a tiny bikini. The competition scene is amazing, exhilarating, but also very time consuming. I want to have a plan that continues to allow me the flexibility to eat dinner with my family, eat clean 90% of the time but still allows for that baby shower that's coming up, and for that lunch when my daddy calls to take his favorite daughter and grandbabies out for the noon hour. I want those things to feel happy and content in life. Some people think that's stupid--and that's ok. I like it. I love my life and love my family and I continuously have the goal to make health and fitness a "part of my life" and not "my whole life."

So I decided...I need to write a plan for us moms! I am so excited! It's going to be a 12 week program designed to give us a "goal." Whenever other trainers ask me, personally-- "Teri, what are your goals?"

I don't have any. I want to eat dinner with my family. I want to exercise 5 days a week. And I want to continue to love my body more, while seeing it get hotter!! Thats the truth. Some people have more concrete goals: my only two concrete goals are: I want to complete 10 dead hang pull ups, and I want to be able to do 3 sets of 25 good push ups on my toes. Those are my goals. That's it. I don't care how much I can squat, I just want a nice butt. I don't care how much I can bicep curl or shoulder press, I just want my arms to look nice and tight in my cap sleeve shirts when I am not working out.

So how do I accomplish those goals? I fuel my body. I exercise. I keep track of things. I did my starting measurements today. I did a first day video today :) I don't know if this will turn into an e-book, or if it will turn into a print this off Teri's blog kinda thing. Time will tell. I am just so anxious to have a plan!! So excited to eat food, without being in a calorie deficit. My goal right now is just under 2000 calories a day. Lifting heavy crap up and down, some HIIT training....and mommy hood, mixed with some trainer hood.

Tell you like having a plan? Do you like monthly plans? Or longer? How often do you work out each week?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How Does Training Work with the Fit Chick Mom?!

I've had a lot of people recently asking about training with me and so I wanted to take the time to explain exactly what that entails.

First of all, I have two different options to choose from. For you in the valley, I train clients out of Big Jon Fitness in Nampa. I have been personal training there coming up on two years now! I can train one on one, or I also have several spouses that come together.  If you are interested in training with me at Big Jon's, email me today or schedule a consult with Big Jon at, and let him know you want to train with Teri!
The typical client comes in one or two times a week. We have an hour long session each time they come to see me. With their training, which is only paid month to month--we do not have long term contracts or anything--they get a workout plan assigned and customized for them, to do on their own time. They also receive a customized meal plan and the adjustments that come with that as your body changes. Typically my clients' meal plans change every 2-3 weeks. My clients weigh in at home, and send me a text every Friday--between that and their pictures and measurements that are taken monthly, that is how I determine how their meal plan needs adjusted. I text with most of my clients several times a week. The one thing you will lean, quickly, with working with me--is that I am just as invested in YOU reaching your goals, as you are. I love being a part of the transformation journey.

The second option, for those of you across the country is my online training. I run everything the exact same as I do in the gym training, unfortunately--I just don't get to meet with you. I email and text back and forth with clients throughout the week, they check in with me with their weight, measurements, pictures etc. It is a pleasure to be trusted from across the country, when personal training is a well stocked industry. There are trainers every where and it means the world to me that people put their trust in me to help guide them through their journey. I charge 150$ for 2 months of training. After the initial 2 months, clients are then able to commit monthly for $75 but I make people commit to the initial 2 months so they give us both enough time to really get addicted to watching their body change, their health improve, and their confidence soar.

The biggest thing I can recommend to you when looking for a trainer is to look for someone who has been there, done that. For someone who CARES whether you succeed or not, and who is willing to design a program for you. Cookie cutter plans can and do work--but if said plan, doesn't work for YOU-- it isn't the right plan...and you will only find success on it for so long. If you can't keep it up, is it really the right program for you? Find someone who is as dedicated to your goals, as you are going to be. That's a perfect match. If I can help you, or someone you know--email me today, or sign up for a free consultation at Big Jon Fitness and let Jon know you are ready to get in the best shape of your life! Can't wait to work with you.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Holiday Cheer--How the Fit Chick Mom does Holidays NOW!

Hey friends,
I have been the worst blogger and honestly, its because there isn't a lot new to say that I haven't covered in the past four years on this blog. But it dawned on me--that it doesn't really matter. I can't remember all my old posts and neither can you! Plus, a lot of new people come my way and as an advocate for health, fitness, and happiness I should be doing better by bringing you more blog posts. I miss posting too so I am going to do my best to hop back on my wagon. Plus, I have a book forming in my mind. It's been there for a year or so now but I am really seeing the possibilities more brightly--and as a great friend once told me, if you are going to write--you have to start writing. So operation write that book is starting, like, next week.

So there's that tid bit.

I am recovering very well from surgery. Extremely pleased with my results, and feel so blessed to be young enough to really enjoy the results for a long time. I have a post, a deep, insightful post that goes into the why I did this--and goes into what  I recommend for others to do, my answer may surprise you to be honest. I look forward to sharing this very personal, very important( to me) journey with you and what I have discovered in the 2.5 weeks since surgery.

It is the holiday season! I love October, November and December! Love Love Love them. I love fall and the changing colors, the weather cooling off, wearing sweat shirts and peeling them off half way through the day. I love the first snow fall, the beauty and serenity of it. I love the magic of Christmas. I love to remember our Savior and the sacrifice that he made for each and everyone of us. I love a nativity scene. I love sweet Christmas music. I love celebrating with my kiddos and with our loved ones. Buying presents, receiving presents, Christmas cards, and Christmas wishes. It all makes my heart very happy.

It isn't a secret that there was a time in my life I DREADED these months for other reasons though--the FOOD reasons. I used to let it stress the crap out of me, if I am being honest. I would constantly think about how I could "make it through" without gaining weight. What I needed to do extra in the gym to balance things out. I always always always would feel fat no matter what I ate. I can't remember those young years with my kids so clearly, if I am being honest. It breaks my heart I was so wrapped up in body image issues and food issues that I couldn't even relax enough to be in the moment with my family.

Do you realize how ridiculous this is? How ridiculous it is that I couldn't even enjoy a treat my sweet friend brought me, because it might make me fat. Couldn't enjoy making treats with my babies (cuz they were then), because I couldn't control myself without eating so much I was sick? Well, if you don't realize how ridiculous and sad--very sad--it is, stick with me friends. I can show you another way.

Life is meant to be enjoyed and sometimes, for me the enjoyments come and are more rich with a treat. I want to let you in on a little secret--you CAN eat just one. And just one, or two will not make you gain weight. Ok?! Breathe. I promise I am not lying.

I am in a fit, healthy body and mind over the past year and I can tell you what works.
It's so fun. I can eat a cookie if I want it. I can have a piece of what the neighbor brings and tell them I love it, for real--because I know I love it. I can say it without lying (I can't tell you the number of things I have thrown away and not eaten. ridiculous--that being said, I don't eat things I don't love. Pumpkin pie--no thank you. Chocolate chip cookie, YEA BOY! I'll have two.

Here is what I do that works!
I eat a healthy breakfast of oatmeal and eggs every day. Everyday. I add blueberries and nuts a lot of times--but if and when I know I have something special planned for the day, I just eat the plain stuff. I save my exciting extras for later when I know I will want that roll, or that cookie, or whatever it is.

I eat every 3 hoursish. On days where I know I will be splurging I try to cut out a carb from a meal (Example:I have a salad instead of chicken and a yam for lunch).

I eat only what I like. But I try a lot of things, without guilt. I rarely overeat anymore in the past year to be honest. I typically eat so clean and healthy that things that aren't--don't appeal to me as much. I promise they grow on you. Your taste buds change and you start to notice just how differently (badly) you feel on junky food--and how good and energized you feel on healthy food.

I don't freak out about anything, food related. Omgosh if I read one more post of someone and their guilt over cookie dough, candy, or anything else I might just whig out. Seriously!! There are real problems in the world!! Real things going on and freaking out over eating too many reeses pieces really tells a lot about you. It says you have some issues you need to work through (I am not judging, I HAVE BEEN THERE. And I am proof you can come through on the other side and be happy in your own skin. That you can eat 2 reeces without having to eat 50 because you wont plan to eat them again for a long time.)

I do try and time most of my carb intake around my workouts (can't wait to get back to the gym...booyah!!!) I find that my body is a little bit carbohydrate stubborn (Which is ok as long as you learn how to work with it!) so as I time them around my training I see good gains in the gym and I feel like they do my body good. I have been known to eat a piece of cake that is leftover from the night before because I don't like to have carbs at night...(well, I don't like to have anything other than complex carbs at night) right after a workout and LOVE on that cake like you wouldn't believe. Followed my a fast absorbing protein shake and then on with my day. Those simple carbs help your body absorb the protein better so HEAR THIS: If you want a treat, and are so caught up in the rules and stress of food--eat your treat right after a workout. Best time of the day to have it, promise.

I drink a gallon of water every single day. I chug that son of a gun if I notice it is 6 pm and I am not done with my water. For some reason, weekends are harder for me to remember. Weekdays, not a problem.

I don't set up rigid rules. I don't have foods I can not eat. I don't think about food constantly. I don't workout extra to make up for something naughty.

I just go through the motions of life, enjoying most days to the fullest--but still having momentary relapses. The biggest thing is that I keep going. Living a fit, healthy, and happy life doesn't get chucked out the window because I ate a little somethin somethin extra, it is part of life that makes it all happy and enjoyable. We can be fit and still have a treat from time to time and I think a lot of people need to hear that. You aren't unhealthy because you enjoy food or enjoy a holiday party or enjoy your kids birthday party. You are just living in moderation. Life can end so quickly and really, when it's put into that perspective I hope people can take an honest look inside and realize how much their is to being the fit, healthy, happy person you want to be.

Tell me: Do you have rigid rules that help you through the holidays? Or do you try moderation in all things?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Just wanted to check in.
One week post surgery and I'm alive and well! Even put some makeup on today to pretend I haven't looked like death the past week....cuz I have. :)
This has been a hard week not gonna lie. Very thankful surgery is over and healing is beginning. ...
Thanks for thinking of me everyone xoxo

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Home sweet home

I Made it.home.from ogden about 5 pm last night. Surgery went very well And Dr said he knows I will  be extremely happy with my results.
I got a the incision and it looks nice and low! Which Pleases me greatly.
I'm resting well, staying on top of my pain meds and honestly feel 75% better than I anticipated.
Will update more when i can focus more!
 My girdle and drains
 Left side nice low incision
 The most amazing nurse evee!!!
 My girlfriends ready to out of my recovery center :)
 Ready to.rock and roll and get home!!
My puppy babysitting me while kids.are at school.and.hubby rums erramds.

Friday, October 4, 2013

tummy tuck 1 month 15 days before

At the gym today I really wanted to take some pictures and post them. I think I will on my fitness blog too. I really want people to SEE and UNDERSTAND why I HAVE to do this for myself.
These pictures make my heart so sad. I hate hating my stomach. I HATE that I try to teach women everyday to love themselves and realize how worthy of love and respect they are, when I can't do it. I can't get on board with it. I just have such hate and discontent for my stomach and there is absolutely nothing I can do to change it, except have surgery.
 I hate my stomach and I want it gone. Today.
I can't wait. I am sick of the sadness every time I look in the mirror. I am sick of freaking out if my shirt creeps up. I am sick of wearing pants and looking like I have a muffin top because I DON'T. I am sick of this crap. 
November can't come soon enough. I can't wait. Seems insane when I say it, type it, but I literally feel like I will look back in 365 days and say it was the best thing I have ever done. I am not scared for surgery. I am not scared of recovery. I can't freaking wait.
( For my records I really want to remember these pictures and how they make me feel)

Monday, August 19, 2013

3 months

just letting yall know, I am exactly 3 months from surgery!!!


Starting to tighten up my nutrition a little bit to prepare my body for my break. I'd like to cut 7 lbs before surgery. I guess some people might be interested in how I plan to accomplish this so I thought I'd share.

As you remember I bought the Nia Shanks muscle sculpting program. I am into week 3 and having a lot of fun. My workouts are hard and heavy and sweaty and fun. I look forward to them! So I am going to continue on with that. I have noticed some unusual upper back pain but I think that I have the reason figured out-- pull ups as my warm up each workout with out warming up for them first! Ha! That's sorta funny. My husband worked out some knots for me so I am back in business and warming up first. I really still want to get those 16 overhand pullups in before surgery but they just don't seem to be getting easier. Time will tell. Hard work is effective and I wont stop trying!

My diet has been cleaned up. Eliminating those blt's that become so easy to take without though. (Bites licks and tastes!). I started a meal plan and I will go as long as I can while still dropping weight without adding cardio in--except my fun hikes or bike rides with the kids.

Hubby is on a plan too, and surprisingly enough has actually been FOLLOWING what I wrote. WOW that is so exciting. So we are keeping eachother accountable and are anxious to see our cuts come into effect.

That's basically it. That's my game plan.

Friday, August 9, 2013


Today was my 3rd rest day. I feel so odd only working out 4 days in a week, but to be honest I am a lot more energized and my workouts DO feel much more productive. I had pushups to do yesterday and was able to do them without wrist pain, which was exciting. And I did them adding 15 lbs to my back for 5 sets of 6. That felt really good. It feels good to be strong! I love love love it. I don't notice feeling thicker, or thinner but I do feel stronger and that makes me feel like I look better for some reason--so that is fun, I enjoy feeling like I could kick the crap out of a zombie if I needed to :).
I don't check my weight again until Sunday. I am neither excited or unexcited to check it. I feel like at 145 lbs I just weigh more than I ever thought I would, yet I feel small enough while feeling big enough...muscle wise? I don't know if that makes sense. Anyway. That's my story.

I took my babies to the water park tonight after we napped from being up so early this morning for my work. It was super fun! Saw a goodie, oldie friend and it is so nice to sit and chat with people as if no time has passed, I feel truly blessed.

I kept looking around at Roaring Springs, like I always do. Of course I would notice peoples physiques and of course from time to time I feel self conscious of my own. But today there, and at work I just kept looking around wondering what my stomach will look like in 6 months. 3 months it aint going to be pretty. Itll be a swollen bloody yucky mess. But in 6 months I imagine it is going to look amazing. I just can't wait to see my stomach in a t shirt. Like when I actually BUY a t-shirt that fits my body so it wont be loose on my stomach. CAN not wait. So excited!!!

I can't believe how patient I am being. I paid my 200$ to reserve my surgery date in November. I booked my hotel room. I can't stop thinking about it and being excited. I just want it to be, like tomorrow--not in 3 months. But anything worth having is worth waiting for. School will be started and my kiddos will be adjusted, husband will be done hunting for the year, and all our birthdays will be over-- and it will just be a great time to relax and take time off from my workouts for the holidays--so I can be busy with JUST work, my family and enjoying every minute of this time while my kiddos are still small.

I also read an article today about kids feeling rushed all the time and how as adults we need to slow the heck down and let them discover, learn, and enjoy without telling them  "to hurry up, or...." (so that's not how they wrote it, they wrote it very inspirationally and made me want to be a better mom and I have been since I read it!) So, I am trying to SLOW my shiz down and allow my kids to too, which in turn--makes us all happier.

And, I am trying to decide exactly what I will tell my kids when I go for my surgery. They know I am going for a girls weekend soon. They have heard me say tummy tuck a million times, and they both think it is freaking hilarious to rub my belly super fast and see it jiggle!!!!!! (THAT SO ANNOYS ME THEY ARE LUCKY I DON'T BELIVE IN BEATING CHILDREN FOR REAL!) so that'll be fun when they can't do it anymore. I just don't know if I will say--I am cutting off this skin and I am so excited. Or if I say, mommy has an owie. Or if I just go on girls weekend and explain why they can't jump on me for a couple of months. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


I have been having an issue lately. I keep second guessing my plan. Once I decided to do my photoshoot, I made a plan--I stuck to the plan and I had purpose in my training.

Then that was over. And everyone is starting to train for shows in our gym, and I just feel a little lost. Going through the motions, lifting pretty heavy, running fast, hill walking whatever. No plan, just aimlessly wandering. So, I have researched some new fitness avenues, I am my most happy when I have a plan to follow and quite frankly, I am so busy at work that the thought of thinking for myself and my clients is just more than I can do right now. I need someone to boss me around, someone besides Jon because he always bosses me around and I sometimes want to punch him in the throat (heheh just kidding!!! Don't tell him that girls!!! lol)

I looked into crossfit, even got Big Jon's blessing. It's expensive and I have mixed feelings about it. I looked into kickboxing. OEMGOSH I want to go so so bad. It's expensive. I looked into training for a a 10k...and then I got tired just thinking about it.

I found Nia Shanks online a long time ago and have been following her stuff. I really like her philosophy of training like an athlete, simple nutrition guidelines and body acceptance. Her vibe is good! So I emailed her and got a personal response back right away with a recommendation of an ebook she thought I would like.

She asked my goals and to be honest I can't exactly say what my goals are other than I want to stay at my level of leanness. I am always interested in a bit leaner, if it is something I can achieve while living in moderation and not being overly obsessive, which equals crazy town for me. Call it vanity, keeping up with the Jones's or whatever, I am extremely proud that I have gone from 30% to 12ish% for my show and now maintain year around between 15-17%. That is my number. That is my comfy zone and I am so proud of it. Some goals, might take me to a higher percentage for an amount of time--for instance adding significant muscle to my frame, I'd need to eat above maintenance calorically, which inevitably would cause some fat gain as well as muscle gain. No bueno. I'd rather keep these guns forever than trade em for newer ones at the expense of adding even a couple pounds of fat.

I really want to get to those 16 pull ups for the year, and quite honestly, as I type this I just realized I am still only at 8 consecutive--and beings that I will be taking November and December off of the gym, I only have 3 months to accomplish this goal. (oh freak, I hope it wont take me too long to get back to those pull ups after surgery.)

So this ebook I purchased is a 15 week muscle sculpting program. The first month I am doing two lower body work outs and two upper body workouts. This is giving me THREE days off each week. OMGosh I haven't taken this time off from the gym since I started in 2010. But, the plan works. the process can work for me if I stick with it, just like anything else. So I have committed for the 15 weeks and I am going full force. On two of the three off days I will do some active type recovery though, like today a brisk hour long hike at the lake and on Thursday a friend and I will do a bit (20 minutes tops!) of running together. Next week, I may just take the dog for a walk around the block. Nothing is set in stone and my goal is to not do anything to strenuous as I want my nutrition going to my "Sculpting" and not being used to fuel some crazy cardio sessions.

My first workout was fun! I did barbell shoulder presses, (75 pounds) sets of 6 pull ups (although I only did two sets unassisted), dumb bell chest press (30# each), bicep curls (20#) tricep extension (15# they are so hard for me!), lateral raises (25# I am the boss there mama!!!) I think that was it. I cooled down for 5 minutes on the treadmill and was out of the gym in exactly 55 minutes.

I am anxious about this because although working out has always been my happy spot, I am excited to have a plan, that I don't have to think about. I just go in, sweat it out doing what I am told and then I get to have a little more time to think about client programming, my hubby, children, school for them that is starting soon, and less stress while juggling all the things that we as moms juggle.

My nutrition will remain the same, because like Nia--I keep things simple. I like 5 or 6 meals a day--so I will continue with that keeping it clean and fresh as much as I can, while still making room for those small indulgences that make life fun and enjoyable with friends and family.... ex...Mexican lunch with my family today where I had chips and salsa and then a steak taco salad. Not on my plan by any means, but I enjoyed it and then went on with my life :)

Anyway, I am always interested in what other people in fitness are doing so I thought I'd share what I am up to. I expect some pretty serious strength gains over the next 15 weeks as I prepare my body to undergo a very extensive, YET SO SO exciting surgery!

TELL ME!! Do you like to have a plan, or do you like to just go into the gym and pick something to do for the day?

Monday, August 5, 2013

Tummy Tuck Prep-A-Ration

OEMGOSH. I am freaking out excited right now!!!!!!!!!!!! Those of you who have been following me for a while know what a bat shiznit crazy woman I am over that lower stomach of mine and the skin that sagggggs for days from carrying my beautiful little monkeys.

I am being really brave again, (like how I always remind you of that?!) and sharing my personal struggle here with you, knowing that there are other people out there just like me who struggle in this way as well.

We have talked before about how hard I work. How healthy I try to be, both nutritionally, fitness wise, mentally and spiritually. I have ran a half marathon, done a figure show, mastered 8 pull ups in a row, bust out push ups like no body's business and I have a really nice figure. The thing is, no matter how hard I work--how lean I get, I still have that stomach pooch at my lower stomach that causes me some serious anxiety. While I know some people look at these pictures and think I am cray cray--this is a real struggle that has been hard for me to accept in life.

I have been consulting with several different offices in Utah and in Idaho for a surgeon to do this surgery for me. After some research, some consulting over the phone and online, some recommendations, and going with my gut feeling--I have decided to book my appointment for surgery. The space is secure. It is mine! I am so excited to have this procedure.

When I first sent my pictures in, they were like..."uh, you are going to have to send different pictures," (because they couldn't tell the skin issue from what I sent), so I retook these as directed and they understood better :).

I have talked at length in my blog series on body image issues and insecurities and I practice and preach accepting your body for what it is. I look at these pictures of me, and surprisingly all I see is that I just want that skin off. I think my body looks good. It is fit, I am grateful for it--but I want that skin gone so that I can stop pulling/tugging/imagining it gone every single time I walk by a mirror.

A lot of thought and prayer has gone into this decision. This is something that I really want and I am truly grateful that my husband is supportive of me wanting to look and feel my best and is ok with me spending this money and having this surgery.

As I did research online I could find HARDLY any stories (like blog stories) of people like me. Who are fit--16% ish body fat and want their skin gone. I don't want liposuction, I don't want to weigh less. I want nothing different than what I have right here in this moment than that saggy skin gone. A lot of people go into surgery assuming they will look and feel completely different afterwards. I am prepared to look just like me-- with a tight stomach that doesn't sit on top of every single pair of shorts or pants I own.

I do not advocate people to have surgery. I advocate people to be their most fit, healthiest self. I want people to love themselves for who they are and what they are capable of doing and to not take advantage of their blessings. I am honoring that. I want you all to know that I think for some, like myself, surgery is necessary to make themselves look and feel better. I work my butt off everyday and strive to be healthy and fit, but the fact that I can't physically take care of this skin by doing my reasonable amount of crunches, by eating clean, by doing a normal amount of cardio-- PISSES ME OFF! Oh it makes me so mad I could scream from the roof tops that this is bull shiz.

And I am having surgery to cut it off and I CAN NOT WAIT.

I will continue to keep you updated, as surgery is not for 3 months. I plan to eat clean and in moderation like I always do. I have cut my training back to 4 days a week oppose to 5, in fact I started a new strength training guide that I will blog about soon too. I just plan on getting strong as shiznit until Novemeber to help my body be ready for the surgery and the recovery that comes with it. I will be out of the gym at least 6 weeks post surgery-could be longer and for the first time in my life, I am not scared or nervous. Just excited. Just happy. Just can't wait to wear my surgery cap and gown and get this thang goin!!!
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Monday, July 8, 2013

Photo Shoot!!!

Oh my gosh I am so excited/nervous to write this blog!! I see these pictures and I get excited all over again, it really is so fun to feel like a famous model--and it's easy to feel that way when your photographer is one of the top dudes for I should be pinching myself because I even know him!!
My purpose for this photo shoot was actually sorta on a whim. About two months ago I was really feeling good about myself. I was focusing on eating clean and training hard-- just like always, but someone made a comment about us girls who compete not looking like out competition photos. I speak for myself only in this blog. Not for a single soul else, I have only prepped for two shows and competed in one. I am in no way shape or form and expert in this area I am only recording my personal thoughts. But they are right, I do not look like my competition photos everyday, because I am not depleted. I eat sea salt, and i drink water--two things I didn't do leading up to my show. I was as bare bones lean and dry as I could get myself and not many people can maintain that look year round. It isn't healthy for most people to maintain that look for long periods of time, myself as prime example.
When I competed in the NGA Boise figure show in April of 2012, I looked so amazing. I placed last of all 5 of us girls on stage. That sucked, I wrote a blog about it--but regardless of my placing, I brought my best physique to that stage. I had never been more lean, shredded and ghetto momma fabulous than I was as I prepped for that show. I had a photo shoot then, (See the side pictures--I was 125 lbs in those picrtures at about 12% body fat I'd guesstimate).

 After the show, I did what a lot of people did. I ate too much crap, I felt a little uneasy in my own skin, and I felt lost for a couple of months. And then I got buuuusy with work. Busy at the gym training clients and teaching people how to make fitness and health work for their lifestyle. And somewhere during that time I realized, what a bad A$$ us fit chicks are. It's hard out there for fit chicks (I read a blog someone else wrote, can't remember who and that was the tittle, I loved it--always wanted to say that in my one of my own blogs ever since). We are looked at, admired, looked down upon and held to a higher expectation. We hold ourselves to a higher set of rules too I think, or I personally do. But what I realized over this period of time is that MY body is not genetically capable of walking around at 125 lbs shredded and that lean unless I am dieted down for show. I wish it were. I love that look. I coveted that look for a long time, and I still do sometimes wonder why I can't have that when I work so hard....but then I remember what I DO have, and how much I love what I do DO, and I am able to let go of the unrealistic expectations that I set for myself.
 I was going to do a photo shoot the next week. I was ready. I told Levi, I wanted to do a "Everyday shoot," what my healthy, strong body looks like 265 days out of the year. It didn't work out to do it for a month, so I had to wait and I did watch what I ate a bit.
This is me at 15% body fat and 143 lbs, and I have maintained between 15-17% for the past two years. Where do I carry the majority of that fat? Right in my stomach so of course I didn't do many shirtless photo shots. I covered up my worst areas and tried to accentuate my best areas. What I have learned over the past year is that we all have our "hard" spots, and we all have our "easy/good spots," so instead of wishing away my saggy stomach skin, I try to love it--and I push the crap out of my triceps and legs because they are my natural strong areas. (I think athletic body fat range is 16-18% for a female and 18-22% is healthy for a female)
 I loosely carb cycledish for this photo shoot. Nothing hardcore. I ate oatmeal and eggs for breakfast everyday (my favorite meal) and still had fruit. I just did 3 lower carb days with a higher carb day. I still took a treat meal every week, and if something was there that I wanted--like those freaking amazing truffles at Anneka's wedding-- (The weekend before this shoot!!! lol) I ate them, and I liked it. I did nothing extreme to get ready for these pictures. I did only drink 1 gallon of water the day before where I usually would drink a little more, I didn't.  I did get a spray tan, which always makes me feel like I look leaner for some reason than I actually am.

 These are a few of my favorite every day shots. I specifically did exercises that show off my better areas and avoided things that show off my worse areas (Sooo,,, notice there are none sitting down? Yah, not good for saggy stomachs lol). I wanted to show people what an everyday girl in fitness looks like. I want you to see what I do! I do a lot, but I also try very hard not to make my whole life revolve around the gym and my food because I want to raise healthy well balanced children who see me live the life I want for them.
I exercise 5 days a week. I can't tell you the last time I missed a workout, before I went on vacation 6 weeks ago. I missed 3 workouts and I physically had to force myself to not do them. I really really like to workout. Where other people maybe have a favorite tv show, or pinterest, or girls night--I have the gym. It's my thang. I work hard while I am there but it is my zone. I train for about 90 minutes three days a week and two days a week I train for an hour. I get my workout in whether it is convenient or not. I have to pay babysitters sometimes now that I got excommunicated from Idaho atheletic haha), I get up at 4:30 am someday's, I go at 800 pm someday's. My workouts don't happen because I have extra time, they happen because I make the time, every day. I eat clean 95% of the time. I rarely eat processed food, but when I do-- I enjoy it and I try very hard not to feel guilt over it. I eat mainly plain food. I am not a super good cook so a lot of my food is somewhat boring and that works for me. I will tell you now, that some people--who are genetically different than me would be extremely shredded year round following my regimen, it is NOT in the cards for me. I often wonder what I would look like if I went back to just eating whatever fancied me at the moment and didn't train hard like I do--I really think I would be about 165 lbs very easily, where I maintain between 140-145 and have for the past several years. I eat 5-6 meals a day, drink a diet soda everyday and I also drink over a gallon of water each day.

I of course picked these pictures, because I feel like I look good in all of them. I like them, and I feel confident in them. However there were about 90 others that I felt less confident when I saw. They are an unflattering angle on my face, (double chin...yo?!!). Some have an odd expression. Some are of my bare stomach that is MINE. It is soft and it has stretch marks on it. Some of them just aren't a really good fitness shot and so I didn't love them. But it's important for people to realize that every picture you see on tv, in the ads, or in magazine articles are that models PERFECT shot. And after the publishers find the models PERFECT shot, they air brush it. They take off stretch marks, they add some shadows here tighten the hamstrings, they are capable of making it look HOWEVER they want. I purposely on my shoot last year at 125 lbs didn't have Levi correct my stretch marks even though I am self conscious of them because they are THERE. There is nothing I hate more than when people say they love their body and you should too--and then have their stretch marks photoshopped out of their stupid pics. (NO LIE! I read that in an Oxygen magazine cover story about the model saying how normal she was cuz she even has stretch marks from her kids all over her stomach...weird??? You couldn't see them in the pictures!! FALSE advertising dangit!!! wow, rant over there)! I purposely am not having him photoshop anything out of these pictures either. He will fix lighting, I guess (Even though I don't really think they need it, I liked all his work--I just wanted his model to have a 6 pack in some of the pictures hahaha).

We all have things we want to change about ourselves. We all have days where we feel like a million bucks and other days where we want to hide under a rock because we don't feel good about how we look or who we are. That's part of being human. I am trying so hard everyday, to accept my flaws and celebrate my perfections. And at the end of the day- that is my mission as the fit chick mom--to help you realize that you can be your best self, and that is PERFECT in every way. I want us to compare to ourselves only, to stop living in regret. To learn to love to be healthy and fit, and to enjoy life while being a part of real life, not locked away in diet land.

Here is me being super brave. I am just going to upload pictures from the shoot. None have been airbrushed, but I am going to pick several at random and show you how different they are from the ones I love, above, to the ones below--that aren't my favorite. No screening will be done, just random clicks and then I will talk a little about each, or I wont. Depends on how I feel when I see what uploads I guess. (And don't forget to scroll down to the next two posts, where there are pictures before and after make up and hair too...)

Remember. WE GOT THIS. Gotta keep going. Keep doing. Keep being our best self and helping those around us be their best self too.

 Ok I don't know how those two popped up cuz they don't really bug me at all but the next one. Oh wow. I can't stop looking at my stomach. It is not the way one would picture a super fit girls stomach to look.

 CELLULITE. Everyone has got to stop freaking out over cellulite. There are a lot of us in the fitness world who have embraced it. It is normal for men and women to have some of it. Some of it will never go away. I have it right there on the hamstrings--and my legs are one of my best features--yet they have some cellulite. Other people, a lot of people with amazing stomachs that I sometimes try not to covet, have even more cellulite on their legs. You don't see it in the magazines do you? Yah, that's cuz its photoshopped.
 Forgot to hold my stomach in tight here on my lunge.
 LOL trying to breathe. I was getting tired from two lunges at a time!! Levi probably wondered if I even workout but in my defense it was like 90 degrees in there and I was sweating profusely before we even started taking pictures.

 Not the best expression for a push up picture? I don't know. I am obviously not an experienced model. Levi really was amazing though and helped cue me so much. I can't believe all the behind the scenes work that goes into these photoshoots. He really is amazing!

 My least favorite here for sure. My four upper abs are almost visible here and that lower stomach just really bugs me. Ah well. Those babies were worth it! And I feel like my face is really round. Which is why I try to tilt my head to the side in picutures.