Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I'm avoiding this blog site
I feel bleh. I am sick of watching what I eat, actually, I am sick of thinking about what I should eat, then eating what I shouldn't, then feeling extreme guilt for it.
It kinda seems like I do this circle every so often. Gung ho, things are falling into place, workouts are going well, good food choices are coming easy. Then I get off track and instead of jumping back on the train the next day I continue to be a "bad" girl for a few days. Then I remember I have a blog, that people read, and a weigh in, that people see and I feel the guilt for being so "bad" and then I feel.. well still bleh.
So, I hope your week is going better than mine. Maybe you have some inspiration for me?!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Friday is Here
Good work this week. Several of you had great losses! You are inspiring me! I put up the percentages because that is, afterall, how we determine the winner. It is interesting to see the percentages I think, because with them, it is still anyone's game!
One pound pincher said today, that while she does want to win the competition, it isn't only about the competition. It is about getting to a place in her life where she loves what she feels and looks like. She wants to be "that" girl. YOU GO GIRL is all I have to say! We can all be that girl, or that guy. We get to be whoever the heck we want to be, as long as we are willing to put in the time, energy, and straight up hard work to get there.
There are several of you (BOMB DIGGIDY POUND PINCHERS) out there who are continuously thanking me for doing this blog. I JUST LOVE YOU! But really, stop thanking me!! I should be thanking you! You are giving me a reason to do this blog, and you are helping to build my self confidence everyday. Not only that, I am really like a proud mom when her kid scores the winning free through each week when I see your progress. Tears have even come to my eyes when I have seen you at church looking soooo hottt after you lost ten pounds, or when I get your text that says WOOO HOOO finally lost __, this is the most I have ever lost! I really truly am so happy for all of you and am so proud of the hard work you are puting in to becoming your BEST self!
Another thing making my heart so happy right now? The fact that people are progressing in their workouts as well. I got a comment after one post, "ok I will go work out!" So, while I would hate hate hate it if I thought you were doing that out of me making you feel guilty (that would NEVER be my intention!) I am glad you went and worked out. And, another person has gone from walking for 30 minutes a day, to adding in RUNNING 2 miles! I mean really?!?! I couldn't be more excited to see OUR TOTAL PROGRESS! It isn't just about the number on the scale, it is about our fitness level too!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Sorry, Babe
He works in construction and his job is sometimes HARD work. He gets physical, and dirty a lot of the days out of the week. Yes, he is my hot sexy man and I am proud of him. He gets up at 430 am three days out of the week to go to the gym before work, so that I can go in the evenings and he can spend time with our little ones. Really, if I had to get up at 43o in the morning to fit my exercise in I feel fairly confident I would say FORGET IT!
He eats food to nourish and rebuild his body. He doesn't eat mindlessly, and almost always will choose the healthiest option. Good thing he picked to marry me, because he keeps me in check when I want to go a little crazy and have 5 pieces of birthday cake. I remember thinking when we first started dating that there would be no way he would want to marry me because he is in such good shape and so health consious, and I... am a LOT more of a work in progress. Well I tricked him into marrying me and so here we are. His healthiness has rubbed off on me a bit and my all time greatness has rubbed off on him. haha just kidding bout that.
However, Hubbers is a bit of a cheater too, I think. He takes a supplement drink shake thing before he works out. I am not sure what it is, but he gets it from the nutrition store and all I know about it is that it is supposed to give him energy to work out harder. When he gets home he drinks protein, and something else that is supposed to make his muscles recover faster, and feeds his muscles so they get stronger. I was telling him about my posts this week, and I tippy toed to the fact that I think he is a bit of a cheater with the whole pre-workout boost, because so many of the rest of us go to the gym and push ourselves to OUR limits without a booster.
Well, of course he had somethin to say bout my insinuation. It went something like this "Do you lift heavy weights like I do, do you work a 11 hour day after you work out in physical work, do you lift to get bigger muscles?"
"No I do not. I lift weights hoping I might get skinny." haha. I guess we all have different purposes when we exercise. Depending on what your purpose is, you will have to decide for yourself what your body needs to keep up. So there you have it, a different look at the supplemental side of things. And now that I think about it, maybe, maybe if I had to get up at 430 am to workout, I would invest in some preworkout boost as well. MAYBE!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Give A Fish, or Teach to Fish?!
This is where I run into the problem with this HCG cleanse/diet, and the diet pills. I feel like for some people maybe the jump start would be worth it, given that they have the necessary information to maintain their loss. What I think is more likely to happen with these get skinny quick methods however is that people lose the weight and maybe keep it off for a little while, but as soon as they go back to their old habits the weight slowly, or quickly comes back on.
I think that with every new experience, with each new tid bit of knowledge we gain we put a feather in our hat. Maybe we use those feathers frequently, or maybe we wont use them for months or years. But they are still there, accessible when we feel we need them.
The problem with limiting yourself to a minute amount of calories, or spending four hours a day at the gym, is that it is nearly impossible to maintain. We all go through periods of time where we might be more "serious" about weight loss, during which that period is easier for us to lose weight and keep it off. But then we cycle back, maybe something gets stressful, maybe we have a child, or lose a family member, or whatever it might be... and then we find that old habits die hard. Does that mean that I am immune to this same cycle because I have worked my ace off in the gym and eaten healthy food to lose my 20 pounds? No it doesn't. But it means that maybe I will be a little less likely to get off the bandwagon, and stay off of it because my brain is going to remember the amount of work, time and dedication I put in to get where I am today.
I feel like the HCG diet (while I know for the 6 weeks or however long your cycle is, is very grueling) or diet pills are kind of a cheaters way out. Don't get me wrong. I know several people who have done/are doing both. One in particular is Jared's cousin, who lost 30 pounds in the HCG craze. She looks AMAZING and has kept her weight off for several months. I hope she will be able to maintain that, and I have the guess that she will because she knows that in order to do that she has to bust her butt and can't eat everything she wants all the time. But for the majority of people, I think you are wasting your money. I think you will feel so much more inspired and so much more of a sense of accomplishment if you DO IT YOURSELF! With out the aids of a pill, that may or may not be safe, with out the use of an injection that may or may not be safe. Is it really worth risking your health later down the line to be skinny now?! Remember when ephedra (don't know how to spell it) was legal, and even safe to buy at Walmart? Well, not so good anymore... it has been linked to all sorts of health problems for people later. I know someone in particular who is still involved in a legal case with it because they think her heart is messed up from it.
I think that everything in moderation is a great rule to live by. We can all maintain moderate exercise for the rest of our lives, and we can all maintain moderate eating for an eternity. I think the best way, is the natural way! And I also think we deserve to brag a little, that we are doing it the natural way. Ya that's right!!! I think I am a little cooler (ok, A LOT) because I have busted my butt to lose this weight!!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Soap Box
This is going to be a series of rants.
I had to go to the gym late tonight. I didn't even start lifting weights until 8:15. I was up first thing this morning, and was busy all day right up until I got into the Idaho Athletic Club at about 8 o clock. I am just a normal mom, I don't work outside of my home. I have a lot of things I must accomplish each day on top of loving up my husband and two children. While I take that work very seriously, I also take the time that I must set aside for myself very seriously as well. I prioritize things that aren't related to my family or my workouts very strictly. Things come up, parties, or social events that sometimes go by the way side because they don't line up with these things that my family and I have deemed more important. That being said, the time that I take for myself to exercise is as important of an activity to me as brushing my teeth, or showering, or reading to my daughter or feeding my son, or cooking dinner for my husband. This means that it takes time, planning, with some flexibility on all of our parts to accomplish these things.
I was talking to a friend today. She is a wife and a mother of 3 young children, she works full time from early morning to early afternoon each week. She had a baby the same time I did and she looks FANTASTIC! I sort of short changed her and told her she was lucky. She, however, like me is working her little butt off to get back in shape. She said she runs on her treadmill everyday 2 or 3 miles, and has been adding things gradually to her workouts like burpies, pushups, situps and other things. LISTEN TO ME VERY CAREFULLY, if she can find time to workout for an hour everyday, I venture to say EVERYONE can find the time to workout everyday. She is still waking up with her baby in the night, her mornings start I think at 4:30 most days. She has made fitness a priority in her life and because of that, (maybe she has a thin build as well), she is getting back into shape and is well on her way to herself again.
My point is. Exercise is work. Eating right is work. Sometimes it is annoying work that we don't want to do, but when we choose to do it anyway, we choose to live a healthier life. I think that by doing things the natural, sometimes the harder way, of exercising and eating right we earn bragging rights!!! We are kicking our own butts, we are pushing ourselves to our own limits, we are losing weight, losing inches, clearing our minds, and making our body's healthy and we are doing it without a diet pill, with out a HCG shot, without someone preparing our meals. We are pushing ourselves! And we deserve to be proud of that.
It would be easy to wake up tomorow and sit on the couch and watch tv all day. It would be easy to grab whatever food I see, and throw it in my mouth. It would be easy to never think a thing about what I eat or what exercise I am going to do again. But I know my life wouldn't feel easier.
I would feel heavy, (literally and figuratively) I would feel tired, I would feel insecure about the way I looked, and I would not be proud of the example I was setting for my children.
Eating healthy foods, and getting in daily exercise is not a Pound Pinching thing, not a Biggest Loser thing, not a Weight Watcher thing, it is a lifestyle, it is an attitude. For me it is the confidence in who I am, it is knowing that I deserve to be taken care of, that I deserve to live a healthy lifestyle I can be proud of.
Eat This, Not That
Here are some examples of food we think is healthy, but not really so... they offer a different choice that is better for you.
Eat this, Not that!
Beyer's All Natural Butter Pecan ice cream, NOT Haagen Dazs Butter Pecan ice cream. (half the calories, half the fat) Haagan Dazs makes the most consistently high-fat, high calorie ice creams in America
Oscar Mayer Americas Favorite Bacon, NOT Oscar Mayer Turkey Bacon. (Turkey bacon has more sodium and takes 13 ingredients to make it, and a LOT of processing)
Triscuits, NOT Wheat Thins reduced fat. (Wheat thins have refined flour and four times as much sugar as they do fiber)
Annie's Naturals Organic Buttermilk Dressing, NOT Hidden Valley Ranch. (They say Ranch is one of the most dangerous things to have in your kitchen. The organic has half the calories, and is lighter than most vinaigrette's)
Horizon Organic Mozzarella String Cheese, NOT Kraft LiveActive Cheddar Cheese Sticks (Mozzarella is one of the most consistently low calorie, high protein cheeses in the dairy case. LiveActive has 50 percent more calories, and twice the fat of the mozzarella)
Friday, March 19, 2010
Just So Ya Know...
Also wanted to say good job, almost everyone lost a little this week. Don't get down on yourself if the weight isn't falling off as quickly as you want. It takes time for the scale to realize that you mean business and you are losing weight... FOR SURE!! If you had a tiny loss this week, be glad you maintained your loss and took off a bit more. Maintaining weight loss is more than half of the battle with people losing weight. It is hard work to be consistant so make sure you are applauding yourself where it is deserved.
Wanted to remind everyone of our rules for this 9 week competition. I have been a little lax with a few things, but no more. I am going to remind you of a few things and that they are set in stone rules, that we all knew when we signed up for this competition.
~All weights must be turned into me by NOON each FRIDAY, I will no longer accept your weights after noon.
~Only one missed weigh in for the ENTIRE nine week competition, if I receive your weight after noon on a Friday, that is your one missed weigh in.
~This is a natural weight loss competition. Therefore, it would be cheating if you were doing anything other than natural weight loss strategies like exercising and eating healthy. There is absolutly NO diet pills, laxatives, cleanses, or anything else that isn't simply exercise and healthy food. PLEASE PLEASE be honest with yourself and with the rest of the competitors. It is not fair to win a competition where you are doing something to enhance your loss, against competitors who are not using enhancements. Kinda the reason why steroids are illegal for professional athletes and they get their trophy's taken away if found out they were using. I know it is tempting, I know there are a million diet pills/ ways to lose weight fast out there. But that goes against everything I have posted about on this blog. I am promoting healthy lifestyles, not spending money on products to lose weight, or get skinny quick methods.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
This is where the battle unfolds. I have never been thinner than 135 in my entire life. When I did weight watchers after my daughter the thinest I got was 14o. I know that I could get to 135 if I watch every stinking thing I eat and continue to work out like crazy. Is it worth it?! I don't know, I know I would love the way I look at 135. 140 I feel like I look ok, but I can maintain it easier... getting to have a cupcake if I want it, or a handful of m&m's if they are in front of me. But, Roaring Springs is coming up and 135 seems better in a swim suit.
So, I talked to myself all day yesterday, called a different friend, thought about what I really want from myself.
I decided I want to be 140 by May 1st. I want to lose 5 more pounds and see how I feel when I get there. I know that I will always, always, think I have ten pounds to lose. No matter how much I weigh I always wish I were a little smaller. Human nature, slef criticism... I don't know what it is, but it is a fact of life for me. I am switching up my workouts, I am going to add in more strength training with weights, and take away kickboxing, increasing my runs to help me prepare for my half marathon this summer. I hope that being mindful of my food choices, switching up my workouts and having a goal, I will be sucessful and able to get to 140 and maintain it through May, when I then can make a decision to stay in maintenace, or go down another few pounds.
By the way, set my date for the half marathon. July 10th Fit for Life Boise. I wish it were sooner, but the only race sooner than that is like 85 dollars to run. Fit for Life is only 35.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Guest Blogger~ Rachel!
Rachel has some good information on the WII fit, something I have never used! I am excited for her that she has been doing so well and I am always happy to hear of at home exercise stuff!
Does anyone else use the wii fit?!?!
I was given the Wii Fit Plus as a gift from my family right after it came out and I have to admit, although I was very excited about receiving it, I was not very good about using it until this year. When I joined up with pound pinching it was as though a light bulb turned on. Now not only was I accountable for the loss of weight, I also made a goal that I would open up Wii Fit every morning no matter what and get on the scale so that I would see how my lifestyle affected my weight. It is the only form of a scale that I have in my house. I think I got the Wii Fit two years ago and the lowest weight I've ever had logged in it is about 183, which for the first time in a long time I am dangerously close to. Logging in each morning to weigh myself really seems to work for me. It gives me a chance to face whatever I ate last night, nights are the worst for me because I tend to eat unhealthy at night still, and I also have to face whether or not I had worked out the previous day. Which usually I didn't, at least during January and February. I was still weighing in everyday except for one, but I just couldn't bring myself to be consistent in working out. The Wii Fit was great, but you can only do a 30 minutes of free step so many times before you get tired of it. For those without Wii Fit they have a step on and off the board exercise you can do either by following the directions of the board, similar to Dance Dance Revolution, or to step on and step off to a rhythm while you are watching a TV show for 10, 20, or 30 minutes. Obviously I chose watching TV shows and working out, which according to the article that Teri just posted is actually not as helpful as it sounds. However, every little bit counts right?Well, I'm not so sure. This past week my mom had to have surgery and so I went down to where she lives to help care for the kids so she could go and have her surgery and not stress about what was happening at home. Everything went just fine thankfully, but while I was there my mom showed my their Wii Fit Plus before her surgery and I was truly impressed. There were more exercises, more fun games, and there were also more features. Once again, another light bulb clicked on. So while the kids were at school and my mom was resting I spent about 2 and 1/2 hours working out everyday on it while I was there. As you work out it tracks the calories that you are burning and you can choose to work towards a goal calorie burn, for instance a chocolate bar is 455 calories. I never realized before the calorie counter how little you can burn off in a 30 minute workout. Very eye opening. It also shows different foods and how many calories they are worth. There are also Wii Fit Routines and a make your own routine option if you don't want to have to do the old way like before and go into and out of exercise after exercise, it just strings them all together for you. The last two things about it that I just found out about yesterday is that it can be a log for your waist measurement and also can log the numbers from a pedometer. I tell you I need to get one so I know exactly how many calories I'm burning in a day by the steps I take. The changes they've made have been moving towards making it weight loss central.After I got home I continued to workout because I had a new goal. When I reached 186 pounds I would be able to go and purchase my very own Wii Fit Plus. To my surprise I reached that goal the morning after I got back from my mom's! It felt really good. It seems to me that this whole weight loss program has been a huge work in progress. From getting a Wii and a Wii Fit, to getting the appropriate vitamin supplement to take for my body, to learning to eat right and now to working out and getting excited about it! All together it is making me a weight loosing machine right now! Now after all of this I'm not saying that this is the last piece of workout equipment I will buy, but it will keep me entertained until I reach 170 and buy another type of workout system to keep my body guessing so the pounds will keep coming off.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
4 Reasons You arent Losing Weight
If the scale isn't budging, you might want to consider these possibilities
If you're sticking to your weight-loss plan and the pounds aren't coming off, chances are you're sneaking extra calories and POINTS® values into your day.
But sometimes the reason behind the unaccounted for calories is subtle. If that sounds like you, see if one of the following is to blame.
1. You need more sleep.
People who sleep less than 7 hours a night are more likely to gain weight than those who sleep more, according to a recent study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. Sleep deprivation causes a cascade of physiological effects, including changes in the hormones that regulate hunger.
Read the article below
A study showed that married couples who joined an exercise program together were 94 percent less likely to drop out after a year compared to people who joined separately.
"For those who have difficulty falling to sleep or staying asleep, regular exercise will help you fall asleep and improve your sleep quality," says the study's author Sanjay Patel, MD, assistant professor of medicine at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio. So will the common-sense measures of avoiding alcohol, nicotine and caffeine close to bedtime, and keeping a regular schedule for getting to bed.
2. You're watching too much TV.
"Time spent watching television has been linked to increased weight gain and obesity," Patel says. In fact, a 2006 study published in the journal Preventing Chronic Diseases found that more than two hours of television watching per day was associated with a high body mass index (BMI) in men and women, which translates to being overweight or obese.
3. Your significant other isn't a healthy eater.
For better or for worse, your partner's eating habits greatly affect yours. University of Minnesota research showed that married couples share similar body mass indexes. The same environment and shared meals are the culprits, researchers found. The key is to convince your partner to become an asset to your weight-loss goals, and vice versa. One area to share and encourage one another in is exercise. A study at Indiana University showed that married couples who joined an exercise program together were 94 percent less likely to drop out after a year than people who joined separately.
4. You don't eat breakfast.
Eating breakfast will make you less likely to overeat throughout the day. Research from the National Weight Control Registry, which tracks Americans who have successfully lost weight in the long term, showed that nearly all of the 3,000 people, who had lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for more than a year ate breakfast every morning.
Says Ann Yelmokas McDermott, PhD, LN, a nutrition scientist at the USDA Nutrition Research Center at Tufts University, "When you skip a meal you start setting yourself up for starvation mode. Then you start just wanting to grab anything and you lose that ability to register when you've had enough."
About the Writer
Lisa Jones is a senior editor at Hallmark Magazine, and writes frequently for Men's Health, Best Life, Women's Health and Yoga Life.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
146.1 this morning. I did good yesterday too. Ate good nutritious meals, I did splurge and have a small frozen yogurt from Maverick. Cookies and Cream and really yummy. Then Hubbers and I watched a move, OLD DOGS, funny by the way. I wanted to eat the whole movie through but refrained until after, I kept craving chocolate so I stuffed myself full of celery and penut butter and hit the bed.
Woke up, fed the monkey boy and that stupid scale said 146.1. HOW ANNOYING!!
Ate good all day, until I went and did a little cleaning at my dads, accidently ran into a bag of m & m's. I totally think he was trying to sabotage my weight loss by hiding those in the cupboard from me. lol. OK, I just couldn't control myself. I ate a few handfulls. They were so good at the time, and looking back now they still tasted good. If I could have only had one handful I wouldn't even be feeling the need to confess that I ate them. But, because I had several handfuls I must lay it out there and prepare myself that tomorow morning might not be so good on the stupid scale again. I did rest from working out today. It was kind of nice to not have to think about when I was going to get something in, but I still missed it. The exercise has become a part of my daily routine now. It is no longer something I have to make myself do, it is something I want to do.
How was your weekend? Did you stay steady with your weight, or are you back tracking to try and lose the extra pounds you put on from splurging?
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Girls Night
Picture it. 9 girls. Pedicures, a movie, girl talk and what else you might ask?!?! Yep, lots of treats. Well let me specify, not a lot. But there were several delightful things that I wanted to partake of. Before I left for this little rendevous, the husband had a friend over, who brought pizza and breadsticks.
Temptatitions everywhere people!!!
Since hubby got home early I was able to go to the gym for an hour of good cardio, came home and had just enough time to shower before heading to the party. Pizza and friend arrives, I dodge pizza but stole a breadstick on my way out, good thing I was leaving or I don't know if I would have been so sucessful. DELIGHTFUL breadstick by the way. I ate a Special K meal replacement bar on the way to the party, and when I got there I was greeted with popcorn, m&ms, chips ahoy, doritos, cadbury eggs, and some other little choclate treat... oh, and lots of lovely ladies too.
I was pretty proud of myself, I hoovered that popcorn bowl and my two big things of water I brought. I didn't hoover the popcorn because I was necessarily hungry, but I wanted to keep eating because everything was appealing and I knew I could afford the calories the popcorn offered. (Not to mention I was double dipping into some BAD popcorn that comes in a bag prepopped, this chedder kind. Way good, but lotsa calories.) I didn't even know I wasn't eating normal popcorn so I took in more calories than I thought, but still was really proud of the accomplishment of NOT ONE SINGLE CHOCOLATE!
That's big people. Big time for me. I am a sweet-tooth-aholic who really should atend some sort of meetings for the problem. Pretty sure I could get rich inventing something like that. DON'T STEAL MY IDEA!!
Long story is over, what did the scale say this morning you wonder?!
And that my friends was worth skipping out on candy. To wake up this morning and know that I do not have an extra pound or 2 to lose again. Hoping I can keep up the good luck through the toughest days of the week for me, Saturday and Sunday.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Typically I get to Friday. I see that I lost a pound or so. I am excited, but yet I still splurge a little all weekend. I don't splurge at every meal or every snack, but I do enough that by Monday I have gained back the pound I saw I had lost Friday, maybe even a couple more. Then I bust my butt to re-lose the weight I already lost. I know that this is why it is good to weigh once a week, because our weights will fluctuate every day, consistantly by 5 pounds at times. But, I am fed up with this little game I play each week. IT IS SO IRRITATING TO HAVE TO LOSE THE WEIGHT MORE THAN ONE TIME. I WANT THE STUPID POUNDS GONE FOR GOOD AND THIS LITTLE CYCLE IS IRRITATING THE CRAP OUT OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My goal this weekend is to step on that scale Monday morning and not have a gain. I really really want the weight watcher number to tell me I weigh not one ounce more than 145.1 Monday morning after I feed the baby. I have worked out 12 days straight now, I will do a pliometric p90x tomorow, and I am resting from exercise on Sunday. That means my eating has to be in extra good control to fulfill my goal of 145.1 Monday morning.
I hope that if I can be off to atleast an even start on Monday morning, I will be able to have atleast a one pound loss come Friday March 19th. Wish me luck! I will let you know what Monday looks like.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Beat Coach Pete 5k
Thanks for the link!
Lace up your shoes and put your game face on! The Beat Coach Pete Scholarship Run is a great way to do your part to help Boise State students. The race will start on campus and run along the beautiful Boise City Greenbelt.
The featured racer is Coach Pete of the Boise State football team. It's your chance to see if you can indeed "Beat Pete." And if you Beat Pete, you'll receive a special "I Beat Pete!" t-shirt, along with a year's worth of bragging rights! All finishers will receive a great t-shirt for their efforts, plus experience a fun-filled finish-line bash sponsored by Campus Recreation and our premier sponsors.
When: Saturday, April 10
Time: Race starts at 9:30am
Location: Start at the Student Recreation Center and finish in Bronco Stadium
Race course: Fun Run along the Greenbelt though Ann Morrison and Julia Davis Parks for a distance of about 3 miles
Cost: Early registration: $10-Boise State students, $20-other registrants
April 9 & 10 registration: $15-Boise State students, $30-other registrants
Contact: (208) 426-1131 for more information
Guest Blogger- Kendra!
I would greatly appreciate any tips or feedback!!
Mindful Eating: Get Out of Autopilot
By Michelle May, M.D.
Have you ever finished a candy bar and wished you had just one more bite? Are you surprised when your hand hits the bottom of the popcorn bucket at the movies? Do you ever feel completely stuffed and miserable after you eat?
These are all symptoms of unconscious or mindless eating.
Many people eat while they watch TV, drive, work-even while talking on the telephone. And many people eat too fast, so busy filling the next forkful that they don't notice the bite in their mouth. Since your brain can only really focus on one thing at a time, you'll miss the subtle signs of fullness so you won't stop until you feel uncomfortable or until you run out of food. Most importantly, you won't enjoy your food as much so you have to eat more to feel satisfied.
Mindful Eating is Eating with Intention and Attention
Eating is a natural, healthy, and pleasurable activity when it's done to satisfy hunger. The bottom line is that weight management is not just about what you eat. How you eat matters just as much.
Choosing to eat "mindfully," in other words, giving food and eating your full attention, will allow you to have optimal satisfaction and enjoyment without eating to excess.
Mindful eating makes it possible for you to experience the difference between physical satisfaction and fullness. Mindful eating also allows you to feel more satisfied with smaller quantities of food. Learning to savor your food simply makes eating more pleasurable. Knowing what satisfies you and getting the most pleasure from your eating experiences are key factors for a lifetime of weight control.
Simple Steps for Mindful Eating
Try the following strategies for Mindful Eating to help you identify your body's signals and truly enjoy your food:
• Start by recognizing whether you're hungry before you begin eating. If you aren't hungry, you won't be as interested so it will be harder to stay focused. Besides, if a craving doesn't come from hunger, eating will never satisfy it.
• Don't wait until you're famished. One of the keys to conscious eating is to keep your body adequately fed to avoid becoming overly hungry which increases the chance that you'll overeat.
• Next, decide how full you want to be when you're finished eating. When you eat with the intention of feeling better when you're done eating, you're less likely to keep eating until the food is gone.
• Choose food that will satisfy both your body and your mind. Our society is so obsessed with eating right that we sometimes eat things we don't even like. However, satisfaction comes not just from fullness but from enjoying the taste of your food--without guilt. Feeling guilty about eating certain foods actually causes more overeating, not less.
• Set the table in a pleasant manner. Creating a pleasant ambience adds to the enjoyment of eating and to your level of satisfaction. Besides, you deserve it.
• Eat without distractions. If you eat while you're distracted by watching television, driving, or talking on the telephone, you won't be giving your food or your body's signals your full attention. As a result, you may feel full but not satisfied.
• Eat when you're sitting down. Choose one or two particular areas at home and at work that are only used for eating and eat only there. For example, do not eat while standing over the sink, peering into the refrigerator or sitting in bed.
• Appreciate the occasion. Appreciate the atmosphere, the company, or simply the fact that you're giving yourself the opportunity to sit down and enjoy your meal.
• Take a few breaths and center yourself before you begin eating. This will help you slow down and give eating your full attention.
• Appreciate the aroma and the appearance of your food. Notice the colors, textures, and smells of the food and imagine what it will taste like.
• Decide which food looks the most appetizing and start eating that food first. If you save the best until last, you may want to eat it even if you are full.
• Savor the aromas and tastes of your food as you eat it. Put your fork down between bites and be conscious of all the different sensations you are experiencing.
• If you notice that you're not enjoying what you chose, choose something else if possible. Eating food you don't enjoy will leave you feeling dissatisfied.
• Pause in the middle of eating for at least two full minutes. Estimate how much more food it will take to fill you to comfortable satiety.
• Push your plate forward or get up from the table as soon as you feel satisfied. The desire to keep eating will pass quickly. Keep in mind that you'll eat again when you're hungry.
• Notice how you feel when you're finished eating. If you overate, don't punish yourself. Instead, be aware of the physical and/or emotional discomfort that often accompanies being overly full and create a plan to decrease the likelihood that you'll overeat next time.
Once you've experienced the increased pleasure from mindful eating, you may be motivated to become more mindful during other activities too. Living "in the moment" and becoming more aware can increase your enjoyment and effectiveness in everything you do.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I chugged 32oz of water, grabbed my ipod and headed to the gym. Called Carrie to get a little pep talk, she told me to run my guts out so I wouldn't want to put any more garbage in my body.
Ran two miles in 18 minutes, pretty proud of that number. I don't think I have ever ran that fast. Wiped down the machine and scooted my cheerio butt to kick boxing class, where I did half the class with 3 pound dumb bells, the other half with out.
Came home. Scrambeled an egg and egg white. Added little cheese and salsa. Ate a can of green beans, an apple and an orange. (I never ever eat like that, I only did to try and redeem myself from the yucky choices I made earlier today).
Watched Cougar Town, laughed a lot. Funny funny show. Read my email, laughed out loud again!! I have the best of friends to chear me up and put smiles on my face.
Fed the baby, going to hit the shower now and go to bed, and pray for a better day tomorow!
SO SO SO DUMB! What is my problem!?
As I sit here, I keep thinking the typing, admitting I am being a loser is going to perk me up and make me make a better choice. I still feel a little blah.
I think I will go take a nap, maybe I will feel better in a half hour.
Hope your week is going better than mine.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Cell Phone Pictures



Before and After Pics
Monday, March 8, 2010
Food For Thought
bowl of honey bunches of oats, skim milk- 3 pts
bowl of old fashioned oats, tsp brown sugar and less than 1/4 c craisens- 5 pts
egg, egg white, cheese with salsa scrambled-5 pts
Sara Lee whole wheat toast- 1 pt
tbsp peanut butter- 1 pt
light yogurt, flavored 1 cup- 2 pts
smart ones frozen meals- have points on them
tuna sandwich loaded with veggies- 5 pts
progress soup- has points on can
salad with chicken- veggies are 0pts, have to account pts for meat topping, cheese, and dressing
grilled cheese- 4 pts (2 slices bread, reduced fat kraft singles, little butter)
100 cal packs- most are 2 pts
1/2 c sugar free jello- 0 pts
5 cups 94% fat free popcorn- 1 pt
hard boiled egg- white only- 0 pts
small orange or peach- 0
2 graham cracker squares- 1 pt
med orange, apple or pear- 1 pt
bowl of chocolate cheerios- 3 pts
weight watchers has their own line of snacks, and candies they have the points marked on them. I try and do 100 cal packs instead because they have less fat than the candy
dinners are harder because I eat what I feed my family. I try to load up on veggies (opts) limit whatever carb I have, and eat a portion of protein.
diet soda- 0pts
crystal light- o pts
glass skim milk- 1 pt I think
A few eating out point values
quarter pounder w cheese- 12 pts
mcchicken- 8
chicken nuggets- 1 pt each (this is pretty good I think, I fill up on 6)
Asian salad with grilled chicken 6 pts
egg mcmuffin- 7
sausage burrito- 7
small french fry- 5
large french fries- 13
Turkey sub white roll, cheese, lettuce, tomato and onion- 9 pts
ultimate club- 17 pts
beef and cheddar wrap- 17
sugar cookie- 8
choclate chunk cookie- 5
turkey- 5
roast beef- 5
american cheese- 1
vinegar- 0 mayo- 3
bread wheat- 4
italian- 4
Taco Bell
chicken quesadilla- 13
bean burrito- 7
soft beef taco- supreme- 6
fresco style crunchy taco- 3
fresco grilled steak soft taco- 3
Cold Stone Creamery
Cake batter like it- 10 pts
cake batter- love it- 17
mint like it- 10
sinless rasp. sorbet- like it- 4
mix ins
brownie 1 pc- 4
oreo cookies 2- 3 pts
gummi bears- 2
peanut butter cups (1 pc)- 5 pts
Have any thing else you are wondering about? Let me know, I have a ton of books!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Weight Watching
Weight watchers works. All the commercials you see that say people who do weight watchers lose more... I think they are true. The program is set up in two different plans. I know they have new and improved stuff but I am recapping what I learned in 2008 when I followed it. I believe there is a core plan, and a flex plan. I followed the flex plan which basically allows you to eat anything you want, as long as you keep track of your daily points and stay with in that number. You are also given 35 free points to either use through out your week for extra cravings, to use all at once like if you go out to eat and you want something really good, or you can save them and reap bigger weight loss rewards for the week.
You weigh in every week at a meeting. Meetings are 30 minutes I think and everyone who works for weight watchers has been through the program and successful with it. The leaders are required to weigh in monthly if they are in maintenance. They are living proof of the success of the program. Meetings were helpful for me because I was held accountable at them. I went every week and weighed in, in the same clothes at the same time. Some people are nervous that everyone will know how much they weigh like on biggest loser, but that is not the case. Everyone stands in line and waits their turn, the only person who sees your weight really is you and whoever is checking you in. Although, at Weight Watchers they really encourage you to look at your weight exactly like I have encouraged you... as just a number. The number does not define how fit, healthy, important, smart or beautiful you are.
Meeting topics are on many different things from strategies for the upcoming super bowl was one of mine, eating out tips, exercise, grocery shopping ideas, and loving yourself. Simple things, but when many people come together you always leave with a bigger database of knowledge. (Which is why I am always begging for people to share comments on here!!) I always got new ideas whether it was a new breakfast idea or a new exercise goal, or just reinforcement that everyone is doing the same thing I was: working hard to get fit. It isn't easy and it is a struggle to make good choices every day.
So, that is basically my testimony of Weight Watchers haha. I really like it, I should totally be getting paid to push their program huh?! Well, for those of you like me, who are living in real life and don't have the extra money to put to weight watchers... keep coming to pound pinching. We can help each other, and teach each other what we are doing to make lifestyle changes to be the best, most fit people we can. I think weight watchers in aprox 10 dollars a week, and you pay that until you lose all the weight up to your goal. Typically you start with 10 % being your goal weight. When I first started I was almost 160 pounds, I paid 10 bucks a week until I got to 144, and then for six weeks of maintenance after. Once you reach your goal and stay their for maintenance, you are a lifetime member and can go for free for life, as long as you weigh in every month. In fact, I could go back to any weight watcher meeting now, because I am at my goal weight and would not have to pay. Don't worry I wont leave my pound pincher's hanging though. :o) Isn't that so cute how I think you really care?! (it sounds kinda expensive, but if I had the money, or if you have the money, I DO think it is worth it... what is more important than taking care of your body? Not too many things!)
SO FOR YOUR DAILY POINTS: This is how you figure how many points you get each day, plus the 35 you get for each week. Hope this isn't against any rules to post this, I am crediting that this is WEIGHT WATCHERS program, not mine!
1. Are you F- 2pts
Are you M- 8 pts
A nursing mom- 12 pts
(that's crazy I only give myself 4 extra points for nursing, according to my ob-gyn that is all that is necessary)
2. How old are you
17-26- 4 pts
27-37- 3 pts
38-47- 2 pts
48-58- 1pt
58 plus- 0
(when I get old I am totally not doing this program.. i bet they are hungry!)
3. What do you weigh? Enter the first 2 digits of your weight. Example, I weigh 144 so I use the first 2 digits - 14 pts
4. How tall are you?
under 5'1- o pts
5'1-5'10- 1 pt
5'10 plus- 2 pts
5. On most days of the week how do you spend your day?
sitting down (receptionist, bus driver, office worker)- 0 pts
occasional sitting but mostly standing? (sales person, housewife, cook teacher) 2 pts
walking most of the time (Waiter, mailman) 4 pts
doing physical work most of the time (nurse, gardener, construction worker) 6 pts
Add your points and that is your daily allowance. I get 27 points. Most days I follow this plan.
More to come with food ideas and their points, and I will find out how you can purchase their books that have most foods listed with their point values.
Friday, March 5, 2010
In vs. Out
As you know, I have been doing some running lately, all of that running has been on a treadmill. My absolute, all time farthest run EVER is 4 miles. I went to the gym yesterday, still sore from volleyball and went 3 miles, but felt certain I was about to kill over dead so I had to stop. I decided today, after our funeral (which was such a beautiful celebration of life and all that is good in it) that I deserved a little me time. I took off on foot outside!! Well, outside running is a bit different for me than treadmill running.
Everyone I have ever talked to about running is either an A.)INDOOR runner or B.) OUTDOOR runner. I think I must be an indoor, though I really want to be an outdoor one. I clocked my run after I got home and it was only 1.9 miles. It was a hard run, I was sweaty and out of breath as normal... just hadn't gone as far as I thought I could.
I guess you just have to acclimate your body to anything new. It will take me some time, but I am confident that I can become any darn sort of runner I want to be. And today, I decide I want to be an indoor and an outdoor runner. So here is to the start of something new for my body.
I hope that you all know that as well. What is hard today, will not be hard in two weeks. We must teach our bodies new things, and as our brains tell them what to do... our bodies will respond and strengthen and condition themselves to fullfill those tasks that we have set them out to do. Don't limit yourself from something because you don't think your body can do it. Maybe today it can not. But take it slow and teach your body the basics and it will catch up... before you know it what was hard today will be a piece of... (no I will not say a piece of what) easy in a couple of weeks.
Good Luck to our bodies! Be easy and talk softly to them! Remember that even if they don't look exactly they way you want them to, they still fulfill some very important roles for us each and everyday... and for that we must be thankful!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
We are all hanging in there, but I will be a bit busy on Friday. Still send all your weights in by noon Friday. I will get everything up and running as soon as I can.
Excited to start our new round of pound pinching! I can't waite to see how all of our progress goes. I know we will do just as good, probably better than round 1! And I am excited to hear that we have 5 people signed up and ready to start... I know that more of you have said you are going to do it so-- let's lose our weight together!!
Haven't Felt that In a While...
We definitly did not forget. We were a little rusty, but for not touching a ball with the exception of maybe two 4th of July bbqs since high school, six years ago, I thought we did impressively well. It felt sooo good to spike a ball again, and serving, yep.. .just as good as I remembered.
We spent the whole drive over saying how we weren't coming again, we were so nervous... we were going to suck. And I think we spent the whole time coming home wishing we weren't just subs for the team. It felt really good to get together with other girls and do something active.
Ya, well the whole swearing you wont dive for balls... Kind of ridiculous when you spent half your junior and high school years diving for balls during regular and club seasons. My knees are a little bruised today, my forearm (only one) is bruised. My hands are sore, and the tops of my legs are a bit tender. Really? I have been working out like a mad woman for two months, and after an hour of volleyball I am feeling tender?
I guess I haven't used those muscles in a little while. P.s We lost all three games, but by the third game we had the scores a little closer. And we had a GREAT time!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Letting My Body Rest
"I am disappointed. I hope you have stopped eating. The message you have sent is: Be incredibly strict and then let it all go. I hope you don't gain it all back."
Thanks Christine for your concern for me and all the hard work I put into losing my 12 pounds. I can see where you might be worried that I have "gone crazy!"
I pushed my body extremely hard over the last two months. I put in seriously hard workouts, and monitored my food fairly well. I have never been a person who has watched every single thing I put in my mouth, probably never will be. In every diet I have ever researched there are alottments made to eat food that you like, that might not be the healthiest. With weight watchers you are alotted an extra 35 points to use to eat those foods, with Body for Life you pick one day to rest from exercise and eat anything you want. With Dr Phil, you also take that break.
I needed a break this weekend from all of it. I worked out 26 of the 28 days of February. I am so proud of the accomplishment of my weight loss, winning the competition was icing on the cake. I think maybe, because I am like many of you, my own worst critic... I was a bit dramatic when I posted I hadn't stopped eating since Friday. My weekend of food choices were still much better than I have made in the past, but not as good as I had made during some of my weeks. I only lost 1 pound the final week of the competition, I think that justifiably shows that my weight loss is everything but just to win and let it all go.
Round 2 starts Friday!! I hope you are all excited, I know I am. I have decided to participate in round 2 and see where my weight loss takes me, hopefully down to 140. Intermixed with that weight loss goal, my training goal for my half marathon is still there and I hope that with this round of pound pinching I will find as much sucess as I did with round 1. It sure helps to be accountable to the WORLD WIDE WEB!!
Email me, or leave me a comment if you are planning on starting on Friday. I have heard a little trash talk between the competitors. As of the last comment, some one said, and I quote "bring it!" LOVE TRASH TALK!!! Let's do it, let's hear it!! May the best pound pincher win!!