Sunday, June 30, 2013

and she transforms

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Photo Shoot Prep

About two months ago I got this super brave idea that I wanted to do a photo shoot that was a portrayal of my "everyday look." We see all these amazing pictures of women with hard, flat, muscled bodies and they look absolutely incredible--and they are absolutely a piece of art. They take time, consistency, and dedication to achieve the look they present to the camera and stage and I love that look. Love it.
The one thing that I have come to realize though, is that my body--my genetics do not allow me to be that hard and incredibly chiseled looking -- like I was in my show pictures or my photo shoot from last year--every day of the year. If I dedicated a good 15 weeks to be in show prep mode I would be freaking chiseled as hell and I would look damn good. My strength would be a bit down and I might be a "Tad" grumpy from the rigorous intense diet and training that comes with it.
So I wanted to show what I personally look like in the off-season of show prep. I am a mom, wife, I work, and I do normal mommy wife duties. I also make my training a priority--I train in the gym on average 5 days a week, sometimes getting up before 4 am to fit in my sweat sessions. I eat extremely clean year round. I don't follow a strict meal plan(although I have done that plenty in my time!!) at this point in my journey but I am very mindful to get adequate protein, carbs and fats in to my diet to keep my body balanced and functional. I train to be an athlete. I do a bit of cardio (not typically ever over half an hour 4 days a week--although the past two weeks I did do 30 minutes 5 days a week). I love to lift heavy and hard and be sloppy sweaty when I am done.

I have issues with my body just like everyone else does. I am insecure as all heck about my stomach--the area right below my belly button and right above my "Chotch" its wrinkly and saggy from those two little monkeys I carried in my belly for 15 months time. I want a tummy tuck super bad, and I'll be honest--this time next year I hope to have one.
In my journey to be my best self I have learned to read my body more clearly than ever before. Finding out that it responds physically and I mentally, best to a higher fat diet (think nuts, oils etc) and lower carbs where I time them around my training. This is quite honestly the best my stomach has looked outside of prep, ever and I am extremely happy with the progress. I am even more happy with the mental health that is in all these pictures behind the 4 abs at the top and behind that amazing tricep poking out the back of my arm. I am truly at a happy place with my body and appreciate it for what it does and can continue to do for me as I treat it right.

My husband is my best guy. We love to workout together and eat healthy yummy food. Food is a part of our lives and we try to keep it healthy, but interesting to instill a love for health in our young children.

In order to 'prep' for this shoot I ate as much healthy clean real food as possible. I drank a protein shake a day and when I was in a pinch I ate a protein bar! I had a treat meal once a week or so and the last month I alternated my food doing lower carb days followed by a higher carb day and it was a really good experiment for my body. I enjoyed eating this way and I never once felt overwhelmed or freaked out about not having anything, because if I wanted something, like those two truffles at a wedding last weekend, I ate them-- without guilt or worry or stress and you know what? Those truffles look good on my body! Lol. I decided to run last week for the first time a distance(rather than the sprints I always do and love), just to see if I could do it. I kicked that runs butt-- 3 miles in 30 minutes--which isn't fast for some, but I was very pleased that I could run for 30 minutes without stopping. I bench pressed 95 lbs for 2 reps, I increased my leg press for 12 reps and I can still do my 7 pullups. For those of you who have prepped, you know that as you get further and further in--your energy plummets and you no longer are able to train for personal bests--so I was proud of these. I road bikes with my kids and raced my dog a few times, whenever they wanted to. 

My boss Shawna spray tanned me Friday and so now I am a beautiful bronzed muscle babe getting ready for my shoot in a few hours. I want to remind everyone, that as you see these pictures these are MY body. They are going to look much different that what your body would look like at my same 15% body fat because all of us hold on to that fat we do have, in different places. I just want you to realize that this is an attainable body. I don't spend 3 hours in the gym, but rather an 1-1 and 1/2 hours 5 days a week. I eat clean, but I don't deprive myself and I don't skip out on family dinners or parties because I can't eat what everyone else is eating. I do my best 90% of the time, and 9 times out of 10--when I am faced with an option to eat something unclean, if I want it, because I LOVE it (cookies or Mexican food) I eat it, but if I don't love it (fried foods, brownies) I skip them--because food doesn't rule my world. I do. and I am a dang good ruler.

These are my outfits I picked for my shoot. I shopped an entire day at the Nike outlet store, Dicks, Sports Authority and the mall finding NOTHING I loved. I was willing to spend whatever (you know that crap is spendy!!!) because it is for this special photoshoot and I wanted to look and feel good--and I ended up with my old nike shorts, my old Old Navy pants and a few new tank tops from good ol Wal-Mart. The tank tops actually make me laugh, because in all honesty, they are what I wear most days to the gym. My $6.00 tank tops in 4 different colors lol.

It's go time. I am going to go get showered and get ready for my pictures and I will keep yall posted on how it goes!
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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Turning My Cheek

I want to preface this post with a couple of things, first of all being that I feel a great sense of pride that of all the 400 posts that have been published on this blog or my facebook account over the past 3.5 years, this is the first with a negative vibe. I am an extremely optimistic person and I dwell on the positive. I feel like after such a long journey of contention with this place of business, it is my duty to tell my truth--my side to the story. I want people to know WHY a year and a half ago, I stopped teaching my bootcamp class twice a week without a word of what happened, and I want everyone else--my loyal followers to know what has been said and to clear my name. This is the only post that will be dedicated to this subject matter as I am moving on. I do not deal well emotionally, spritually, or even physcially with contention. This is an open blog, free for anyone to see and I urge you to leave comments if you feel like you can do respectfully and tastefully. I will leave any and all up that are kept respectful no matter what they say--as long as they are true.Sometimes the only person in this world that will stand up for you--IS YOU.* Thank you, my friends and family for helping to continue pushing me to be my best self, and a better coach and cheer leader for you. xoxxx

Sooo it has been a crazy past week for this girl. Not going to lie!! I wrote this post New Adventures last March, and because I felt like at the time I should be professional and not discuss details, I never told the story of exactly what happened and why. I hate drama. I hate contention. I am a stay at home mother of two/health advocate and I literally work outside of my home 15 hours a week at the maximum.

Well, I still feel like I should be responsible and professional but I also feel like I did myself a large diservice by not explaining my side to the story--and not proving that what had been said about me was not only untrue, but unjustified and unfair. My heart is heavy. I feel like I have been singled out and bullied and discriminated against. I feel like I am the fat girl in 7th grade who everyone is talking about. This really sucks.

Last March I had just wrapped up yet another of my weight loss competitions on THIS blog. I have ran multiple competitions and it so happened that in March, I was targeted by a couple of personal trainers at the Idaho Athleltic Club in Caldwell. Apparently they had decided to not only read and discuss my personal weight loss blog, but to go to the manager, Travis and tell him that I was stealing from the club. I was working at the club. I was teaching bootcamp twice a week and spending countless time before and after class speaking with people from my class about how to improve their weight loss journeys. Never, never NEVER once did I try to personal train (I was only a boot camp instructor I had NEVER personal trained a client, didn't even know HOW!)a person, nor did I ever recommend them go elsewhere or anything of that nature. A lot of people in the class were not even aware that I had a weight loss blog. Travis called me into his office, with my supervisor Sabra and told me that because I was stealing out of his pocket by making $15 per person in my weight loss competition (remember, this is the first competition I had run where I started making ANY profit on it--AND there were maybe 7 people doing the competition, none who were members of the class at this point (there were some that were doing my previous challenges, where I had made NO profit). These were family, friends, and people that I go to church with that were weighing in weekly. Sabra had asked when Travis said I'd be fired, if we could wait and talk to the owners and he said "yes sure, but I know what Cheryl will say--she will be done. She stole" I told Sabra and Him I was not going to work somewhere I wasn't wanted. All I wanted to do was help people achieve their health and fitness goals--I did not sign up for this contention and it certainly was not worth the 10$ hour I was making--so around $80 per month from IAC. I had previously asked Travis in the months prior if he were interested in hiring me as a personal trainer--he said that he wasn't and I needed to be certified before he would even think of it. When I told Travis during this meeting that I was just trying to help people and I had promoted IAC on facebook as well as my blog in many many posts, -I asked Travis if he had read those? Yes he did, he told me and He'd love to have a trainer doing what I am doing (running a blog and being an advocate for health for so many) but because I made 15$ per person that month I took money out of his pocket.

I was hurt and angry and I so so wanted to explain myself. However I chose to keep quiet. Countless people texted, emailed and came up to me personally and asked exactly why just my next Tuesday I wasn't there to teach, and I simply smiled and said I had chosen to explore new avenues in the health and fitness industry. I never spoke ill of the establishment, even having my membership paid in full by my part time place of employment where they deduct my membership dues from my paycheck biweekly. It was at this point I paid for daycare for one month unlimited that was around 35$. I love the daycare. Mary and the girls who work in there are nothing short of amazing. They love my kids and all the others. They take care of them and make them feel like it is real daycare-- My children have learned and flourished and I feel safe having them there. So I continued to work out there. When I went to pay for my second month daycare, the front desk people told me I had paid for unlimited for a year when I paid last months daycare . I assured them I had only paid one month and that I needed to pay. They wouldn't take my money. I called my dad, I called my husband, I called Sabra (who was devastated I wasn't working for her anymore) none of them had paid. I went straight to Travis, asked what I needed to do and that I hadn't paid. He went through the system and copied off the receipt that said I had paid in full for daycare for 1 year. What the crap? I do not understand. That was that. So after month of using the daycare under unlimited, with the receipt they gave me, a year later, Travis had been fired, a new great nice friendly manager hired (Shaun who has since moved to managing the Nampa club), now there is some new guy named Lee. All of a sudden they are telling me my daycare was not paid for and he is checking in with Mary like I am a thief. She stood up for me and said that my husband and I had tried to take care of this multiple times, I even had the printed receipt from Travis that he gave me. I tried to tell them.

So, at this point I am just beyond frustrated  Working out is as much a part of my life as brushing my teeth and reading scriptures. I just want to work out in peace. My husband went in, talked with Lee, and got the daycare monthly fee to start coming out of our account monthly. This was fixed. However, each time I went in, Kathy the front desk person would complain of how she has to sign Jared in every time I bring my kids because he is the main person on the account. So after several days of this, she tells me to scan Jared's card it will be easier to sign the kids in. So I do that--not thinking or realizing that the my husbands employer reimburses us for part of our membership if Jared works out 8 times in a month. The next thing I know Kathy is telling me that she has to do something different because I am signing Jared in and its messing with the Caldwell system. "OK WTF!?!?!?" Is this lady friggin bipolar? Jared was called in to speak with his office people and exactly what it looked like was we were trying to yet again, steal.

I am sorry. But I am the most honest person out there. Ask anyone, I am too honest. I ask permission on the smallest of things because I have worked my a$$ off all my life to keep my reputation worthy of the respect that it holds. This is just about to send me over the edge and of course my husband was extremely upset because this could have gotten him fired on the spot. Interesting enough, Kathy knew from the very beginning this would happen, she knew that his work reimbursed this, she knew full well as the secretary exactly what the scenario was and I believe she did this to try and cause yet more problems for me. The next time I went in I to check in with the front desk and get my daycare receipt, I told Lee what was going on and how irritating it is to have to always deal with something. He said it would be easy to change me to the main person so this wouldn't be such an ordeal. That was fixed according to him, but again the next time Kathy checked me in, low and behold she didn't see that Lee had fixed anything.

So now full circle comes around. I have been friendly and kind to everyone in the IAC, one of the trainers--John has even asked me twice over the past 6 months to apply for a training position there because I would be such a great fit. Sabra text me two months ago and asked if I'd be interested in subbing there now that Travis was gone, she was going to see if she could get special permission that even though I work for at a different gym part time-- if it would be ok for me to just sub there. I called my boss, right away and he said he didn't care if I wanted to do it-- but after praying about it I called Sabra and told her that I didn't feel like it would be right. I do promote my business on facebook and on this blog, I post uplifting, motivational stuff and I also post progress pictures of my amazing clients journeys. I specifically said that I would feel like I needed to stop doing that if I subbed for her so I thanked her for the offer but it wouldn't work.

Fast forward again. Two months ago the county began the well known Canyon County Fitness challenge--which I volunteered to work as a private trainer out of my gym that I work at-- my hours of work to work the booth and multiple bootcamps with absolutely no reimbursement. I ran these bootcamps and did it just to give people a feel for what a weight training session would look like. IAC also had a booth there. I spoke there friendly with John, who was working the booth. We talked and joked no big deal. I think Jon is a good trainer. And when I was approached later in IAC by one of their clients from the weight loss challenge and I QUOTE "Pat told me to do like an hour or so of cardio a day, and to avoid weight training until I lose more weight, do you agree cuz that doesn't sound right to me." I responded and I QUOTE "I think Pat is a great trainer, but I disagree with that. I told her she could look at my blog and look for free tips or even come check out my facility if she wanted, but if I were her, I'd request to switch trainers and that John is a great one there and he could help her reach her goals."

End of story. I have 8 clients. Currently ONE of my active clients works out at Idaho Athletic Club, not a single other client does. However, I did pick up a guest pass for one of my clients who is interested in joining the club, as well as my cousin and her family signed up for IAC on Tuesday of this past week. Months ago two of my clients had told me Pat was asking them to stop training with me and get a real trainer, like him. This irritated me, but I said nothing. I unfriended him on facebook and instead of talking and joking with him like I always have done, I chose to smile and say hi but no more, because HE was trying to steal my clients. I did not express any anger or irritation towards Pat with those clients, I just said "hmm,. that's interesting." I want my relationships with clients to be professional, and trash talking another trainer or anyone for that matter is not my idea of professionalism, however--this was an example of me turning the other cheek because I wanted to pounce on him and every negative thing I have ever seen him do at the IAC training clients).

Yesterday on my way into train my three afternoon clients I returned a missed call from Kathy at IAC, I thought I must have forgotten something in the locker room. There had been no contention, no happening no nothing that made me think otherwise. She informed me, very matter of factly that my membership was being revoked--my husband and kids were still welcome there but I was not. When I asked why she told me that several clients had told them I was trying to recruit them. I of course was shocked because I have NEVER done this. I have never approached a single person and asked them to train with me, mentioned I was a trainer NOTHING. I am professional and caring and super concience about what people think of me and my integrity. I told her that my husband and I would be in to talk to the manager or corporate or whatever because this had not happened and it wasn't true. She told me she didn't know if corporate knew yet, but it was happening. And she didn't say "I was successful at recruiting clients, but that I was trying and several members had told them that."

I called my husband frantic. Not only have I been fired a year and a half ago. Which, did I mention I have literally never been in trouble before. I am humiliated. What kind of a 28 year old wife and mother gets fired and or kicked out of a gym?! This is insane. I have been bullied. They decided they didn't like me and they did anything they could think of to make my life hell. My whole life! This is ridiculous  My husband called Kathy and asked to speak to Lee the manager, she said he wasn't there and didn't know about the situation so to call Skye at the corporate office.

Come again? The front desk secretary revokes memberships now? Interesting, that seems like something a manager would take care of doesn't it?

After Jared spoke to Skye, Skye knew nothing of the matter. He agreed that it sounded like these people were discriminating me, why did they even look at my blog? Why do they care what I am doing? Skye specifically said Kathy had no authority to do this and he assured Jared he would get to the bottom of this and if he hadn't heard back by 2 pm today (Wednesday), to call him. When Jared did that Skye told him that Shaun had in fact revoked my membership and Jared should leave him a voicemail and he'd get back to him.

A friend from IAC texts me and says and I QUOTE "Hey, so I heard what happened at the gym and I want you to know that I am ticked and I can't believe they did this to you. I will really miss seeing you......I know you are an awesome person." I messaged back that I still had no clue what happened and I was really sad she said "Kathy told someone, who told her that  PAT (freaking LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) overheard me trying to recruit a member to come train with me at your work." I am curious as to any evidence of this, especially since like I said, I have avoided Pat like the plague since he started talking trash about me to my clients, and I also have never spoken to a soul about coming to train with me. Any and all clients that I have trained or am currently training are people that I have met through facebook/or have had consultations with my boss and he has then given me the client to train in his facility.

I have since spoken with Pat and he has reassured me that this is untrue and he never told Kathy any of that. This is the guy who asked my friend last week if everything was ok with me because I don't talk to him anymore. The guy who said to me last week in joking "don't kid yourself Teri, John (who had asked me to go through a free workout with him) wont work legs with you (meaning do my leg workout) because he never works legs lol. This is the guy who smiles gives high fives and says hi to me every day.  I can't believe this has happened. I can't believe this long line of drama. I know to some people they say wipe your hands of it and move on. I would love to. But my reputation is on the line as a member of society, as a trainer, as a mother and as a wife. My life revolves around the gym and I LOVE the daycare, my kids are young and I need a daycare for them for me to be able to be the best trainer I can be--training myself has got to be my utmost priority, and it is. I have one other choice of a facility with a daycare in my town, and it happens to be a place where my husband and I feel is an unsafe environment for our family to be at leisure at.

I am devastated  I can't believe that I have worked so hard, going from an overweight unhappy mom to now a super fit advocate of healthy body and mind. I have given countless hours of my time and energy to people because I LOVE it. I love watching people find their sweet spot and start killing their goals one by one. It is a natural high for me and the implications and things that have been said about me are so hurtful, regardless of the fact that they are lies with no truth to stand on.

Jared had his final conversation with Shaun on the phone Monday, where Shaun wished him well, apologized for the incident with Jared's work and said we would receive a full refund of what was remaining on our contract, which I deposited as soon as we received it and will pay in full for our new membership at our new gym.

Again, this is the truth as it has been done and said to me. I have no control over whether in fact Kathy lied and made up that Pat had told her this. I really want to believe that he wouldn't have done this to me--but here I am, without a gym membership and with my name being trashed in the valley that I have worked hard to make a name for myself in. Bad things happen to good people, and I can't control anything but my own actions and reactions--but that doesn't mean this doesn't suck so so bad going through it.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Summer Bootcamp

Is anyone interested in doing a summer bootcamp with me? It'll be $% a person again and held at a local park....let me know if you want to give-er-ago!!!