Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Product Review--Tide Febreze Sport

Have you heard the saying
"If you look good when you are done, you didn't do it right!" That is in reference to your workout you dirty minded fuuuureaks!!!
So, I basically am the spokesperson for that saying, however I am the ANTI-spokesperson for this one
"Girls glisten, boys sweat"
Because I don't glisten, I don't perspire, I freaking sweat like a beast. Like, out of 6 workouts in a week, 5 of those my shirt is dripping wet with sweat. And out of 10 appointments with clients per week, 10 of those I have sweaty arm pits on my shirts.
I know, I am that girl. I used to be embarrassed by it, but as I have aged it makes me feel a little bad a$$ish that I work that hard, ya know? I mean, I am a mom of two and I can still kick most people's butts in the gym.
I have a bit of a problem and I have been noticing it for a few months. I can't replace workout clothes nearly as often as I'd like-- because let's face it, they are ridiculously expensive. I do have enough to wear something different for each workout of the week and maybe could make it two weeks on tops. BUT of course I have my favorite few that it seems like I wear more often that others.
Not long ago I was noticing my clothes had a distinct sweaty/musty odor to them... after they had come out of the wash, and before I had started my gym jam session. I tried an extra long wash cycle but that didn't seem to help. I have always used Costco brand liquid detergent and it does a great job of cleaning and holding the color of all my other clothes, but it just isn't cutting it on all these sweaty, nasty, stinky gym clothes.
I bit the bullet and spent $10.97 for 100 oz at the evil empire as my dad calls Wal Mart, or Crap Mart as my friend and I have commonly referred to it in the past, of this Tide laundry detergent that is meant specifically (or marketed to I should say) for workout clothing. I bought it yesterday morning and have done two loads of workout clothes and my husbands work clothes in them and the final verdict is.........

TWO THUMBS WAY WAY UP!!! My clothes smell fantastic! I even wore one of the clean shirts today to the gym and it even smelled like that yummy cleanliness through the first half of my sweat session, ya know-- before I got it soaking wet on the stair climber for 30 minutes.

So, although that is about double the price of my usual laundry detergent-- I have deemed that it is now an essential part of my laundry routine. I spend a good portion of time doing laundry and to have it smell, well, less than clean after the time I spend to wash it just isn't working for me. I will reserve the detergent specifically for workout loads, maybe whites and the hubbys heavy duty work clothes and it should last a good amount of time... and let's be honest, it's worth the extra money not to be the stinky chick at the gym.

*stay tune for a product review on Zevia, the soda sweetened with stevia soon....
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